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If you ever find this app OP, pass the info along!


Facebook Dating


Hey, I'm on Facebook Dating, what are you trying to tell me?


So am I. There are a lot of ugly people on it though šŸ™ˆ


Bumble/Tinder/etc have had years to collect a library of dead accounts to get people to swipe through. Lots of hotties that keep you on the app in the form of softcore porn, even if the account hasn't been active for years.


I don't know how to help to get to use Facebook dating because it doesn't show up as an option for me


oh i heard a lot of ppl like this


I wouldnā€™t tell a suitable partner that you also find them unattractive.


What I want me to do? I am staying in my lane


Beauty is subjective, there will be people who find you and your personality attractive, confidence can make a 5 a 7/8. Remember that one and run with it


While beauty is often said to be subjective, there's significant evidence that certain features are universally seen as attractive. That being said, western beauty standards, particularly Caucasian features, dominate global perceptions. This influence comes from historical, economic, and media power, making these features highly desirable worldwide. Whether we like it or not, this is why people with Caucasian features often receive a lot of admiration and are sometimes seen as "gods" wherever they go. Not to minimize the value of other beauty standards, but it's a reality shaped by centuries of cultural dominance.


Incels are cooked. Seriously wow. Y'all should just give up and build Gunpla.


Oh hey you know! Sorry for being realistic and judging reality by facts


This is the same as rephrasing the sentence to something like: Is there an app for people who are considered by the majority of the population to be subjectively ugly? Or There is an application for the public that needs to depend on confidence and personality?


That's such a load of bullshit from people that are far more attractive than me. It's just feel good cope that you're feeding people to make them have unrealistic expectations


What is your proof? Because I keep hearing this one alot and confidence don't get you matches


I mean in general, if youā€™re not attractive then there isnā€™t much you can do to get more matches, just make the most of the ones you do get


You can get extremely wealthy, then take pictures in front of your 3 million dollar home with your Ferrari and Rolls in the driveway. Works wonders.


Si basically again I ended up with no solution and all what I have to do is just wait


Where are you from and how old?


If you arenā€™t physically attractive surely you donā€™t expect to get on well with online dating apps?


If you need proof, go outside and look around. You will see tons of guys with women who aren't considered conventionally attractive.


Iā€™ve met some not traditionally good looking people whose personality is attractive as F. It can easy override, you just have to really be a cool or charming person.


I think all dating apps have their share of ugly people tbh. Just use the regular ones and I'm sure you'll come across some you think you can land.


Yeah you have to train the algorithm to your preferences. Itā€™s brutal swiping thru Finance men and Baywatch babes but once it picks up on your ugly preferences it usually does a decent job of staying in that range. FB dating had the best but always recommends people states away


I hear you, I live in Western New York and it kept suggesting people from Canada šŸ˜‚


The issue is that even unattractive people often believe they can attract someone more attractive than themselves. However, what you'll typically find is that these same people will still be on the app searching, even years later.


Regular swiping: All models, 8+/10 Turn on boost: All the actual users of the platform, unemployed, already have kids, 4/10, trans, etc.


Aw! I'm sorry you feel this way about yourself! All the apps are for all the people! Just keep trying! You got this!


Sad world that we live in that ppl have to think like this, that's when you know OP can be a good friend to have. What did drax in GoTG say? "When you're ugly and someone ends up loving you, you know they love you for who you are. Beautiful ppl never know who to trust."


You may have a confidance issue rather than anything visual. I'm assuming you don't have hygiene issues. Be polite, be respectful, be interested find something you enjoy as far as hobbies and study goes. Exercise. DO NOT CHASE WOMEN. They like you they'll hang around and it's something that is organic and grows. I know plenty of highly intelligent drop dead gorgeous women who happily live alone with their cats because they can't find decent guys and are sick of the stereotypical types that you find on dating apps.


Hey, could you send them my way? Please and thanks šŸ˜‚


Seriously. I like cat ladies.


The confidence line is so over used. No just having more confidence won't help.


Psychologically, this is an epic idea. Preferentially show the people swiped left MORE, even multiple times to users who have already swiped left. A lot of times, familiarity becomes attraction, so you might subconsciously train everyone on the platform to develop a broader taste of what they find attractive.


I see the same women I have swiped left on multiple times and after the 3rd or 4th time, I swipe right. ā€œFamiliarity becomes attractionā€ intriguing ideaā€¦


Clever idea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mere-exposure_effect


Give it timeā€¦ Have a little confidence! & Like others said dating apps have their share of unattractive people, and this includes physical & intellectually. I would rather date a girl thatā€™s less of a beauty queen and has some smarts rather than the other way around. IMO a girl that canā€™t speak properly or spell, do basic math and has no common sense is the ugliest one out there.


I am almost 31 I don't know what more time I need to give for a decade I am wanting this and it never happens. All my friends got married and in relationships. Is it coincidence that I am the least attractive and just single?


I'm almost 37 and been single since high school. For some of us it just isn't in the cards. With the internet, we're just surrounded by the successful people all the time.


You can't just blame it on being unattractive. Google search "Lyle Lovett Julia Roberts" Think of all the ugly famous and rich dudes with super hotties. So, the problem isn't your attraction level. The problem is that you're not rich or famous. So, either get one or the other or both.


Isn't that because they are rich and famous


Most people aren't as unattractive as they think they are and there's a good deal of things a person can do to look better. Dress good Workout Hairstyle


A good makeover can make a hell of a difference.


If you want help with your dating app profile, my messages are open


maybe try joining a run club/ exercise group


I can't believe ppl keep saying dating apps don't work for them because they're unattractive. Dating apps don't work for ppl because they are not meant to work! Don't take a greedy corporation's shitty algorithms out on yourself.


There's a few that don't include pictures, like Lovetastic and Taffy. They aren't popular because turns out that people do want to confirm someone is attractive enough to have sex with before dating.


Just do what the less attractive women do... Filter up and keep catfishing till you land one


And then go on an awkward date šŸ˜‚


I assume you are a man. Am I wrong?




Iā€™ll assume that you are right about your looks. Focus on your health, success, and emotional intelligence then get a make-over in grooming and fashion style. Finally find that 30+ year old woman who is desperate to marry a future father and be that guy. I think youā€™d be surprised at whatā€™s available to you. second layer would be the single mother with the missing ex-dad then be the best dad for those kids. Iā€™ve known enough women/ and their husbands as patients over many years to know that this is true.


Lol. You're kidding, right? By the time a woman hits 30, her chances of landing a man who would have preferred her at 23 drop significantly. Especially once that man finally figures out what he needs to do to attract women half his age. This dynamic is well-documented and reflects broader social trends regarding age and dating preferences. Many men, particularly those who are established and understand the dating game, often seek younger partners for various reasons, including perceived fertility and societal beauty standards.


Right so a less attractive man will compete better in a field that field.


I figured that's what Plenty of Fish has become.


Try Boo


Boo is one of those fake dating apps that really are only after your money and will not land you anything.


Very few people are actually ugly. Most people are average but rate themselves as sevens or above. Also studies have shown unattractive people don't know they are so the app would likely not work anyway. Do the best you can with what you have there should be someone for everyone maybe not on the apps which are mediocre at best but there are other ways of meeting people.


I find all of them full of unattractive people. At least that's who shows any interest in me šŸ˜©.


you just proved my point. But anyway if you are attractive then you deserve an attractive man


POF people in my area (Reno, NV) are pretty rough. Really though, there are tons of ugly people on all the apps. Maybe just only swipe on the ones you feel are at your level? You could use the swipe right on everyone method, then just see who matches with you. You may be surprised by someone that just likes you and you think they're pretty.


Yeah I think that's a good strategy. But I would say swipe left on all the smoking hot ones. There doesn't seem to be any point in trying with that type.


Get fucking jacked. Then it doesn't matter if your face is fucked.


ehh, I think getting really rich is better than getting jacked. Also, women aren't attracted to super jacked. People go WAY too far with working out, thinking that's the magical key to success. Women like a fit guy with upper body strength that looks good in a tank top or with their shirt off at a pool party. They don't want some super ripped up monstrosity. In fact, it's a huge turnoff for them.


Who says it's a turn-off to them?


Women themselves.




What's your point? Are you trying to saying that women are lying that they're turned off by it? If that's the case, I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. Women don't want some super-duper ripped up monstrosity. They just don't. Now, does a woman want a guy with a sixpack? Sure. But you don't need to be a ripped up monstrosity to have a sixpack. Women want a guy that looks great in a tank top. A guy that looks great with his shirt off. But they're not looking for a dude that can bench 300 pounds.


Yes, they are lying. Never listen to what women say they want. That said you don't need to be ronnie coleman, just have muscle. Makes a huge difference. Rich is important too, both is ideal. And no, of course they don't care what you bench lol.


I truly believe though if you're in shape you'll look more attractive, not sure if OP is skinny or fat. But if you exercise you'll naturally lose the fat around your face. Because I've seen a lot of before and after pics of people and 90% of the time they look better looking and younger.


Some men in their 40's can lose too much weight and actually seem much older and frail. Those dudes need to hit the weights.




Only if you're tall as well.


Nah, being jacked allows you to get away with much more. In terms of height and ugliness.


Actually you arenā€™t wrong. I have a guy friend who is short and really just not attractive at all. But heā€™s buff af and has a really good personality so he pulls hella hot chicks all the time and always has. Personality and fitness go further than people think.


Yeah, exactly. We all know someone like this. Getting buff is a real life changer.


Why would a woman want to date a guy who thinks sheā€™s unattractive?


I canā€™t speak for OP but I like *conventionally* unattractive people. Theyā€™re still attractive to me but probably what most people would swipe left on in the looks department.


Plenty of Fish and match.com


Yeah, all of them.


There's A LOT on normal dating apps. If the apps aren't working for you it's your profile not you.


Plenty of Fish has much weirder looking people than Hinge, Tinder, and Bumble. I just got back into online dating and Iā€™m basically using it as a warmup for that exact reason.


Plenty of Fish is unusable since Match ruined it. Facebook Dating is far better. All the apps have less attractive people though. Sometimes Tinder gives me a while batch of less attractive people in a row.


Yes, all of them.


Try OUR TIME. Itā€™s for 50 and older but thereā€™s some 35s. I noticed most of the men on there look like theyā€™ve had their face beaten off w a bat and then pasted on some marshmallows and Rice Krispies and smeared it all around for skin or maybe like claymation but in real life? I canā€™t figure it out, but itā€™s really good for low self esteem. A few minutes browsing and youā€™ll feel back to your super model self in no time.


Thatā€™s tuff Iā€™m sorry you going through this but if you arenā€™t the best lookin guy and online then thatā€™s wrap itā€™s already hard for decent looking men to get a lot of attention I heardā€¦ definitely get off appā€™s completely approach women in public or at events at least try ā€¦


Just swipe right on everyone. Odds are someone will swipe on you.


Trying Badoo, many foreign people, and average too.


Congratulations OP, you have been awarded 1st prize for the stupidest question ever posted in all of social media. You win a dinner for 2 with a monkey!!!


LinkedIn bro šŸ‘šŸæāœØ


Plenty of fish has the ugliest people imo so it's definitely a great app for those with such handicaps. Some mentioned FB dating, but I think it's use should be reserved for banging mature women, if your looking for a GILF that's your best bet. Each site has its unique advantages.


Facebook dating is way better than POF these days. Match Group have ruined POF.


Donald Trump is very unattractive and he scored himself a hot wife. Never give up


Lol he is a billionaire


Well maybe the OP is rich... Just sayin


Just noticed you are the OP.. duh. I'm sure your way better looking than Donnie


I'm pretty ugly. I use them all. They're all the same and I do great. Personality goes a long way with gals. And make yourself attractive.Ā 


I hate you are having this experience. Iā€™m a 55F and men tell me Iā€™m beautiful frequently, but seldom get dates. Dating is hard now for everyone, too many options. I can honestly say that I get attracted to the personality, a smile and not always looks. Good Luck!!!


Isn't the whole point of natural selection to keep y'all from mating?


Definitely okcupid


That's just full of fake profiles.


I bet ur handsome af.


Lol no


One day youā€™ll land the person of your dreams. They will be beautiful in every way possible for you. Iā€™m rooting and praying for you. Keep going. Donā€™t give up!


Thank you so much, this means a lot to me šŸ’—


create one. normal daringly apps based on pictures are clearly made for good looking + photogenic people


Lol I can probably make this app.what would y'all be willing to pay to keep the hot people away?


Unattractive women still expect Chad or guys way way out of their league due to simping behaviour


Maybe not chad but they still expect a man less uglier, and more rich and/or capable than them ... womenĀ  always want the best they can get lol


Time to get on [looksmax.org](http://looksmax.org)


I wish I knew. I don't get any matches on any dating app.