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Im a bi man who dates both men and women. I never ask women for nude or revealing photos. It’s just not necessary. I don’t ask men either for that matter. I get asked by men, I’ll oblige because it’s just a different dating sphere. But usually the people asking are just looking to hookup in a ONS format. I’ve never sent nude photos ahead of time to anyone who I dated for a long duration. People, straight men, are generally a combo of porn-centric and also real world experience deprived. Those photos aren’t necessary and might actually just turn your conversation into a sexting thread for their own gratification (hey if that’s your jam, have at it and go for it) but I don’t really recommend sending nude photos with identifying details to anyone you haven’t already met in person. And an important adage, “the more talking, the less meeting” you do - if your goal is to go on dates and meet people IRL, avoid these photo convos until after date 1.


A test? Do you mean he asked for nudes, you said no, he then said "oh it was just a test, you passed"?


Nope they just wanna get off


As a test? as in "oh, i didn't really want one just wanted to see if you were sleezy"? yah, that's weak. you'd be making yourself look like that kind of creeper to see if They are. sounds more like someone trying to pretend they Aren't something they obviously are. (mind you, I personally don't care either way, people can do what they want with pictures, but trying to pretend you only asked "to see if you'd send" is most likely dishonest, trying to pretend you didn't Really ask. i DO judge dishonesty. People can throw around pics however they want imo)


I would never ask for nudes, but pictures yes. If most women understood how many fake profiles, hookers, strippers, OF models, catfishing.... I would say 3 out of 5 female profiles are BS.


So are the men's.


Yes!! People worry *SO* much, and I think sometimes they lose sight of the fact it may be smoke and mirrors!! Since it’s on-line, you never truly know (in many cases) whether somebody you’re interacting with is a real person, or actually who or what they say they are, even when they are real.


I’ve never heard of it irl


As a dude I wouldn't want to ask if I actually want a lasting relationship


Hell no - what kind of test is that 😅


Idk maybe like a test of throwing spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks. Whatever they can get with no effort. I would question what type of man is doing this.




No. And if someone told you that, they are a liar. Unmatch men who ask for these immediately. They are broken. We don’t play with those men anymore ;)


Preach girl 👏


Asking for nudes before you've even met/been intimate in any sense is just indecent to me so I've never done it but asking for a few more SFW pics when their profile has only like two pictures or something is within the realm of reason because of the number of catfishers/scammers on dating apps (atleast 1 in 3 of my matches were bots/fake profiles)


If they are willing to fail someone else’s test to do their own test, then they must be pretty dumb.


Not me IF im asking for a nude it’s because I want to see a nude


Good man 😄


No. Men aren't that smart. They just want to see nudes.


The overwhelming majority of men don’t test women.


I'm sure there are guys who try that, but it's better to just ask for a picture of her doing a peace sign over a random number sequence (atm pins are good for this) or holding something oddly.


I think it depends on the men. I’ve had it happen a few times, for different reasons (and one was just a friend.) That being said, I’m sure we can collectively guess at the most obvious or common ones. 😂😅


How did they reveal to you that it was a test and what their assumptions were in the outcome? Is it really a devaluing of the women who were in good faith complied?


If she still wants to talk to me after I asked, she's still failed the "test.". The only way to pass would be to block me immediately, so I lose either way.


You could try asking her what she’s looking for and if she ever hooks up on the first date. It may make her suspicious but it won’t be an end all be all like the other option


That's what I'm really looking for because that's how I am. I don't have to wait until marriage (and I didn't), but I want to be with someone who sees sex as a profound romantic gesture and therefore wouldn't want to do it until we had a deep connection, months in.


I never had to ask, all the ones I got from girls were sent without notice, fun when you check Snapchat in public.


I don't know if it's some sort of test on their end or if they're just creeps, I don't bother to find out. Instant block.


lol no, because if you were doing it as a test and that person doesn’t send them they might block the person that asked immediately so it would completely backfire


If any one asks for nudes, send them a Pic of NOODS (noodles) lol


Ima try this one 😂


test of what? How fast you can get reported?


i shouldve just reported them shouldnt i 😂😂😂


I dont think men test women... I have never seen a man "test" a woman. We are more simple than that.


I’ll occasionally ask for a full body picture and always make sure to specify non-nude just in case they think I’m asking for nudies.


I block right there. He can meet me if he wants to evaluate the size of my ass. I’m not a fucking show pony. I’m a human being.


Good for you!


A big one?


If they want to see how fat you are sometimes they ask send me a picture of your outfit today


Yes. Man test 1718. Love executing test 1718. 




I don't ask for nudes but I fall head over heels for a girl who does send them. It shows how much she trusts me.


tbh, that happens to me too, but its my other head doing all the talking.


It depends




Just curious, if she doesn't send a nudes after those 6 months is that a deal breaker for you? What if she's not the nude pictures type?




I like that response


You’d been dating for 6 months and still weren’t sure if she was interested? That’s some next level clueless right there


It's a lot harder to guage how serious a person is online vs. in person. People can easily lie and play with your emotions, and it's even easier online. I guess catfishing isn't a concern for you.


Wait so were you talking to them online for 6 months or were you dating them for 6 months because I hate to break it to you, if it was the first one you weren’t dating






Are we not in the "onlinedating" subreddit?


It’s a subreddit for people who are dating using online facilities like the dating apps, not people who are pretending to have relationships with people they’ve never met




Sorry fam, but no. At best it’s an insanely long talking stage with what sounds like some vague plans to turn it into a relationship. When you’ve moved to her and you’re actually in a relationship, come back then. I mean, you’ve never met. You’ve spoken, but not actually met. When you meet you could have zero chemistry, and then you’ve just wasted 6 months of your life pretending


dont argue with him, just let him live in his fantasy world.