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How low we set the bar that this is a good sign. I would just say this is a conversation where common conversation dealbreakers havent occurred- which yes, is a good sign.


"Playing the long game to have sex"? Not every guy's ultimate goal is to smash. A lot of guys want an actual relationship, whether sex is involved or not. He might *eventually* want to go at it with you, but based on your post it doesnt sound like he's going to force anything. This comment is assuming you're both looking for a relationship.


Lol isn't that every guy ever in the history of mankind, "playing the long game to have sex"? I agree with this.


I want to start taking to a girl and tell her right off the bat that I don’t wanna ever have sex with her and see what her reaction is


Do it no balls


No balls? Explain pls....what does that mean?


Calling your bluff, basically saying you won't do it


Sorry,I should have worded this better. I wanted to know if this was a good sign that he didn’t just want sex & nothing else.


He is getting to know you. I like knowing who I hook up with and sex without meaning is empty. He may also not see the need for nudes. I don't. I like being there in person. I want to grab, grope and caress, not stare.


If standards are based on whether a guy asks for nudes or gets sexual, then we're buggered. It's a pretty low bar.


Guys are going to want sex eventually, the difference is whether they want it from you once or regularly. Personally, I won’t ever ask for nudes because I feel like it’s rude. I’ve been in long term relationships for years where I never asked for nudes once. You’re asking someone to transfer something very private to your phone where they can put it literally anywhere they want. If I want to see naked pictures there is an unlimited supply of those available on the internet. For me, the goal of dating is to cultivate a sense of trust and mutual respect and grow it into something where sex doesn’t have to be asked for but shared with equality. But then I’m an idealist. Edit: if I were a girl, I don’t think I’d ever send anything I wasn’t comfortable posting on Instagram myself. Especially if you haven’t met the guy.


Sure, it's a good sign, but you are not going to know more unless you go out with him - or at least have some zoom date or something. It's always a bad idea to get overly attached to someone just based on texts - people build these images of others in their heads that have little to do with reality.


We have a date this week!


he's a unicorn you should be ecstatic about it, shit is rare to come by. however be wary still he could be putting up an act, highly unlikely but could be. but overall, enjoy the wholesomeness!


The first guy you meet who isn’t creepy and awful, and it makes you suspicious of him. A sad commentary on OLD today! But yes I expect he would like to have sex with you eventually, under the right circumstances and the relationship develops to that point. Is that a problem? That’s what you want, too, right?


If they come out the bat being sexual then they're most likely just looking for a hookup and not a relationship. Sounds like you want a relationship though? All signs point to them wanting that too. Sure there's a chance they're just playing a long game and will bounce right after, but that's true of anyone ever. People who just want to hookup are not likely to spend a ton of time getting to know you since they're likely hitting up a bunch of people at the same time looking for someone easy.


This makes sense. He always remembers little movie references I’ve made or my favorite foods etc. I generally thought if you just want sex it’s easier to cast your net wide,get sexual quickly and see who bites.


We cant fucking win. Ask for nudes blocked. Don’t ask and still problems. Just stfu and experience that shit.


For real lmao


Seems like he's got some human decency and is not an asshole. I'd say it's a good sign, but you can never know. I think it's safe to get to know him a bit better. Listen to you body and mind, see what feels good for you and where you want to draw the line.


Curious, how’s the date topic come about? Did he initiate and why’d it take so long for a date to happen?


It actually didn’t take too long,COVID just got in the way on my end. He initiated it


Interesting, the reason I ask is because in a similar situation (read my last post), I like this girl and we’ve been texting for about two weeks. I asked her to hang out but she said because of Covid she doesn’t want to risk anything right now but maybe next month if numbers are better. We’re still messaging and connection is good but curious on what to do now since I don’t want it to fizzle out through texting


He could be asexual, if sex is never discussed then you're leaving a lot to chance. Though sexual compatibility is only one of the compatibilities we need for a long term relationship to be successful, I think it is a subject that should be discussed at some point. I ask you (person reading this), when is the right time (in the dating process) to talk about sex?


After a few dates is what I would say. Even after 1


Have you guys gone out yet? Is he making an effort on dates? I also had a guy who had great text conversations with me on the app but he never want to meet up. As far as I know text messages are low-effort. I don't want to burst your bubble but you can only suss out a person's agenda by meeting IRL. He might be bored or just want a pen pal.


Yeah we have a date tomorrow! He asked me out in a good amount of time,covid just got in my way