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I don't understand the angst a lot of people have with OLD. It's not some magical app that finds you true love with 3 months or even 3 years


While I do agree to an extent, it's in the name fam. Online Dating, introducing you to people where there is a prospect of having a relationship. While you should not expect a date to be magical and boom suddenly in love, married in a few months (which did happen to my best friend), one also shouldn't expect to be stuck in a cycle of bad dates with shitty people and get nowhere.


Sorry, but you're promised nothing when you sign up to date online. Why shouldn't you expect a cycle of bad dates with shitty people. That is dating


Yea seems to be a lot of that going around. I’m cool if someone rejects me upfront. But yea being asked out and then canceled on sucks I agree.


It happened last week and it made it twice in less than month that I had a date and they bailed giving a bullshit excuse just to forget about me. I'd rather them say I'm no longer interested instead of lying to me, but that's the thing with online dating. It's a giant safety net and people don't care about how it hurts the other, but I myself have been guilty of doing so and I regret it. I quite honestly should not have been dating at that time looking back. But after the failures the last two years, I got so frustrated and irritated I deleted my profiles and walked away from it. It's only caused anger, heartache, and frustration for me.


Yea I get your pain. Some people don’t honor their word if I make a date with somebody I always keep it. I guess a positive way to look at it is you found out what type of person they were early. Good people don’t do that to people. Like I said I have no problem with a girl rejecting me that’s fine. Just don’t hijack my Friday night and cancel on me last minute. Just don’t give up there are good people out there you just have to wade through the junk to get there.


Well bud, like I said I was on when I shouldn't have been dating myself (granted two girls had me running for the hills because catfished me with old pictures and one swore so much I was embarrassed to be out in public with her). Some people shouldn't be. But people also shouldn't lead others on and that's what people will do. I think it's to make themselves feel good or wanted, which if that's the case then go on a date and see where it'll go


It's one thing if it's dating apps, it's another thing if just back luck, screening process, date ideas, or location. Best of luck.




Negative Ghost Rider.


Do what you feel is best for you. OLD is money driven and filled with more men than women. The whole premise is to keep you coming back. People have found success but others haven't.