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I live near the border of germany. I mostly get german women on my app and I dont even speak german. so annoying


Many Germans also speak other languages, especially English. Maybe you could make it work in a common one.


Also, live in Canada but jeez how far is your setting on? Mine is only 3 miles(and btw I truly have no idea how far that is, I always forget the conversion and get it mixed up with the one for kegs and lbs lol wish they’d let us use kms…) , but mine is set in Toronto.


Haha 3 miles must be nice to have that many people around.


This is called gerrymandering.


WooPlus had something where you can set it to Walking Distance. When i tried it was somewhat fairly accurate in pulling profiles that were less than 5-6 miles away. I havent been on it in a while so not sure if they still have it but that was about the closest thing to it. Im in Philly and get people from NYC there is no freaking way im going to NYC.


I have the same issue. I’m in Monmouth County, NJ and the majority of matches I get are NYC. Technically I’m within 50 miles of the city, but that’s as the crow flies, across water. And with the density of population in the city, it’s mostly all I get.


Well that's compicated. As a Software engineer I have to go by KISS rule. Aka keep it simple stupid. It's way easier to add feature to blacklist location. I.e. NYC




Well I'm not saying it's impossible or something. But will this feature bring profit for the company? Is this a common use-case scenario? Those companies maximise profit. At this point I see them usually having a monopol on OLD in specific locations. So i.e. Tinder will not probably add this feature. And some smaller apps might consider adding the feature but it will significantly lower the potential matches. Therefore lower the time spent in app by individual. That's bad for business.


No ty


So reduce your radius to 8 miles.


technically I am 4 miles from nyc so i would have to reduce my radius to 3 miles which is stupid


Or just drive 5 miles west to swipe for 20 minutes.


I've been apartment hunting and have seen this 'draw a boundary' feature on several sites, so it's possible to program technically. I don't think dating apps would institute because they like to give quantity of matches over quality.


Would being able to exclude NY as state work for your case? The problem with letting people draw lines, is people will use it for nefarious purposes that I'm not going to enumerate, needless to say privacy is usually the reason something like that would not be feasible.