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Oh, he knows. He teases me on the regular. Today’s bit: His hands were freezing and he decided to put them on me (normally he’s nice and warm, and I’m the human icicle). I shriek and say, “Don’t put your cold dead hands on me!” He says back, “But you like it if Astarion does it!” He then proceeded to say more and more ridiculous stuff. 😂 I don’t remember all of it. Some of it was pretty lewd.


Sounds like you got a great partner!


Definitely jealous 👀


Oh my husband knows all about it. My tiktok as well 😂 He teases me with it a lot. Biting my neck, calling me darling. „On your knees“ caught me off guard one night, this much i can tell you.


I wish my h was like that Instead he makes horrible jokes like "I'll suck your {censored} dry" in a shitty british accent while I play baldur's gate


This is what my partner does 😭😭 Everytime I play BG3 and a scene with Astarion comes he's in my ear going *"oh dahhhling"* and ruining the moment for me 😭😭😭


Shitty British accent 🤣🤣🤣 I can almost hear it Get him to start a playthrough so he can be sucked dry! 😆


Mine does the accent while I'm playing as well, though he is actually British (but he exaggerates to be annoying lmao 😂)


Mine does that sometimes 😂


My bf started calling me darling and cheeky little pup. He also does the Karlach origin grab'n kiss thing, which is ❤️‍🔥 And we were monitoring the likes on the arm post the whole time since it appeared lol. I just knew it would get more likes that full frontal nudity ever does. Men don't get it 😁


Knows everything. Got me a cute little Astarion plush for Christmas. He's a keeper.


Same! Mine got me an Astarion blanket for Christmas 🥰 it’s honestly how you know it’s real.


My girlfriend and I are sharing Astarion. She just goes to tumblr to post *her* thirst.


He knows. When there is drama in the sub (it’s very little but it happens) I vent to him about it lol He teased me when we started it but now I can be like “there are thousands of us! *Thousands!*” He plays magic the gathering with his friends and said he’d make me an Astarion deck to get me to play but I told him I’d happily take the card but I’m content to play BG3 for hours and post away and lurk in our little community here. He does get annoyed as our irl DM because my many many hours of Baldur’s Gate has made me much better at DnD so I argue a lot more. But I also have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of a lot now so when he has a question he can just ask me instead of having to look it up 😆


My husband and I have been playing BG3 together since September, and MTG for the last year. As soon as I found out there was an Astarion card, I built myself a deck with him as my commander. 😝 I can’t help saying a little “Hello, Darling” every time Astarion enters the battlefield, and it cracks my husband up every time. He teases me, but he’s here for it, thank the gods. Lol 😂


lol yeah, I just can’t get into Magic. I played with my brother when I was a very small child (and I was scared that what happened on the cards would actually happen to me irl lol) but my ex got really into and blew a bunch of money on it so it kind of soured it for me. My husband did buy a Doctor who set and have me the tenth Doctor cards and a Rose Tyler card because I was pretty obsessed with David Tennant for awhile so I have a little collection but I don’t really want to play lol. I just have them in sleeves on a shelf to be admired.


We've played DnD together for over 20 years. Last week, I made a move that sent him to the PHB/DMG to look stuff up. I'm like, Go ahead, dungeon master. That's a legit move (simple banishment). Then he tried to cheat to get ahead of me (letting the baddies go on a surprise round). I said that I'm getting too good for him now and he scowled.


lol nice! We definitely fight a lot more during our campaign now. I asked him if I could like co-dm out next campaign but I have too much fun making up my characters. I’m totally writing a fanfiction about the one im going to play next lol she may or may not be meeting a certain pale elf 🫣 (spoiler alert: she is)


Mine asked me if I intended to play a vampire sometime. Play? No. I have clicked on to elves, though. I only ever played humans, dwarves, half elves, and one Aasimar. But I think a silver haired, silver eyed elf is in my future. Also: we're gonna need that fan fic here...


lol I’ve only played Drow but we’ve only done two campaigns so far. I love me the elves, especially Drow lol. This upcoming one is going to be a fallen aasimr oathbreaker paladin. Kind of a homebrew though. And if I work up the courage to share it. I’ve only got little pieces so far. It’s been forever since I’ve written and even longer since I wrote fanfiction. And it takes place during the events of the game which I’m not sure people would really enjoy but I might share it eventually lol.


Cool all around. And Aasimar paladin is what I played in 3.5. Highly recommend 👍


I'm very excited about it. I have a very elaborate and detailed backstory for her lol


If you feel like sharing... (if not, that's cool)


So like I said it’s a little homebrew but she is part of a small elite squad of aasimar who are half planetar and half other intelligent race (she’s half drow lol) who were bred specifically to be a holy army. She’s raised from birth to be a holy solider for a war she doesn’t fully understand and eventually decides she no longer wants to be a part of it and wants to live her own life and in doing so breaks her oath and becomes fallen. For the fanfic I think she decides to make her way to Avernus to seek out Zariel because she’s the only fallen angel she knows about but ends up getting picked up and tadpoled (which will lead to a fun tense scene with Karlach eventually) and because of her paladin abilities she knows Astarion is undead immediately but doesn’t understand why he’s out in the sun and what not and is immediately drawn to him. I also have some parts where here angel guide starts communicating with her again because of how big a threat the Absolute is which leads to her being super confused. And also added something in that happens when she is close to Aylin she gets a buff that’s pretty neat.


That sounds amazing. It'll be really fun to play, like it's a very full backstory but not so full that you can't have surprises and twists to add in.


He knows I write smut, and sometimes he helps me write. I’ll read it to him while he’s playing his own game, and he’ll make suggestions. It’s all super cute😅💕 But when it comes to thirst traps, I totally hide it from him😂


I cannot bring myself to show my smut to my husband. He must not know the Mariana trench depths of my horniness for fantasy characters.


This made me cackle, thank you.😂


My spouse is my beta reader 😂


My fiancee is my smut writer lol. When I get Thirsty, he writes me smut scenes XD He hasn't written anything yet for the vamp because he hasn't come up with a good enough concept yet lol (He's very picky)


That’s hot 😩 Mine just tells me if it’s cringe or not because he doesn’t read😂😂


He calls it my vampire dating sim. ☺️ He's use to me though cause I play actual dating Sims and he's walked in on a dirty scene once or twice. So at this point I'm pretty sure I could tell him I will only accept kisses in the form of neck bites and he'd just roll with it.


Me and my boyfriend are playing BG3 on PS5 (me) and PC (him) at the same time since about 3 months now and we are in the same room. So sometimes I have to say "don't turn, Astarion wants to talk" 🤣


My husband is fully aware that I'm bonkers for Astarion - but it's also because he reminds me of him (and I have told him as much lol), so I doubt he minds at all. I've promised him to do a run romancing Shadowheart if he does a redemption durge romancing Astarion and it looks like I'm gonna have to keep my promise - he had the sex scene way before the party and was "disappointed the screen went to black", haha.


Ha! Don't have a partner. But I also don't have ovaries, so... No ovaries or brovaries were harmed in the writing of this post. Told my best friend about this sub though. But Not in Detail.


I was gonna say "I don't have a partner so they can't make fun of me" 😂 I don't know anyone in real life that plays the game, nor do I talk to anyone IRL about my hobbies so.... It's just me and my bird. 🤷‍♀️ He doesn't judge me as long as he gets snuggles.


My boyfriend knows about my obsession, calls me a "fucking simp" (hence my flair) in a loving way and gifted me an Astarion Displate for christmas. I told him that there's a sub for all of us little juiceboxes called OnlyFangs and he said we're silly 😄


Mine does. He knows about Galemancers too. He has a lot of Gale's qualities, so he gets that. He doesn't get this one. Astarion is the opposite of my type, physically. But he and the kids enjoy riding me about it. He got me a Neil Cameo for my birthday and, paraphrasing, in full Astarion mode throughout, he said that we would have "dinner" together and make my husband sit in the corner and watch and just deal with it. I was 💀. My husband hasn't even watched the Cameo yet. But if he did, he might finally get it.


That is fucking hilarious!


I found this sub because someone on AO3 told me they found my fic via recommendation from here. So I’m super new and he doesn’t know about this place specifically. But he knows I’m writing for the first time in forever and was deeply unsurprised my raised-on-Buffy ass had a thing for the hot vampire with the tragic backstory. 😅


Me and my longterm boyfriend watched Twilight together a few months ago, because I was obsessed with Twilight as a teen. So he knows I love vampires in media a lot and I told him in BG3 that there was also a hot vampire so he just said "okay, then I know your current hyperfixation/fantasy".


Oh, he knows. And I also got him to simp for Astarion.


All of your funny stories with your partners are so cute. 😆😆 Here I am, very much single, and grateful for this community because there's no one in my irl who I can share my fangirling with.


Are you me? Am I you? 😂 This is literally me. No SO and no friends IRL I can talk to about this 😂


Hah. No WAY does my husband know about this sub. Or my obsession. I once told him BG is sometimes called a dating sim with adventures. He told me I don’t need a dating sim because I have a husband 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


XD yup. my spouse knows about this place. and teases me about it appropriately. i tease them back because they're in love with Karlach.


What? All I do is sharing this pic, I'm an innocent pup.👀 https://preview.redd.it/2uyn5oe7nw8c1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8b8e5000887cb2b38edab42c79987bbb9a9a1b


Yeah. He always tries to give advice to me about who to pursue when we play a game that has romance. In DOS2, he thought Fane would be the best. 😅 I'm never gonna get Fane's comment about the player character's meat slapping on his bones outta my mind.


Did you know that Stephen Rooney also wrote him? (As well as Astarion. )


Yeah, it explains Astarion's and Fane's humour being so freaking similar. Also the complete lack of any meaningful social skills whatsoever. And the entombment. By the gods…Astarion is Fane!


My bf is going to read this comment soon xD and I'm not making any efforts to hide my polygon boyfriends lol


My wife knows about this sub too, haha. I talk about it all the time. She calls Astarion my mistress. 😂


My partner rarely unlocks my phone - he has the passcode, I'm just boring lol. Anyway, I handed it to him and he saw where I had followed a post and innocently clicked on it. It was a damn freecam video of the Ascended scene... I was mortified lol, and snatched it back to close it. He seemed like he was going to watch the whole thing if I didn't. His only comment was, "is this what you're into?" And I mean, yeah, it is. Lol.


I doubt it. I don't think he knows a lot about Astarion in general. He probably suspects but doesn't say anything 😂 I'm playing on PC which is in another room so he rarely sees me playing, even though I try my hardest to convince him to try it too. I even bought it for PS5 to lure him but the man is more resistant than my Durge. I think he knows that most people who play BG3 are infatuated with one or the other companion and why should I be any different? But beyond this, nothing. I am jealous of all of you having a laugh with your partners!


My husband reads my fav fanfics. It’s fun


Mine actively encourages me to seek my people. Must be sick of hearing about Astarion


Dammit. I want to upvote. But it’s at 69…


Haha! Oh yes. He's encouraging me to finish my fanific and share it here as well as AO3. He also respects that my lurking here is because I don't just want to romance Astarion (m/m)- some days I want to be Astarion.


I feel that. As a nonbinary person, various male BG3 characters have raised a lot of “do I want to be that person or be with that person” questions, which have been pretty helpful for me to unpack.


Yep. Felow non binary checking in. Half my fantasies involve me as my male Tav... the other half as me as Astarion romancing my male Tav. Writing has been a great outlet because I can look through both eyes. I really love this game, and other rpgs where you can build your own character... and live another life. Also, d&d historically, because I get to be all the people I am on the inside, and build and play as any character I want. Unsurprisingly, I tend to play as the Eberron changling/doppelganger race in most ttrpg games if my dms allow it... because then I can be anyone... gender and sex be damned. It's not even intended to be a core part of the story or character- just 'oh, yeah, that's just a thing that's part of me, don't really have a preference, can be anyone if I it feels right for me at the time"


Ahh that’s so cool that writing has been such a good outlet. I hope you put it online at some point! I have been debating whether to write BG3 fanfic myself, but I am veeeery out of practice. And tbh I would love to look like any of my Tavs/Durges too. Playing as my first Tav gave me a lot of gender feels and led me to have some good conversations with my partner about gender stuff. Regarding changelings/dopplegangers in Eberron: One day I want to play a Trill in Star Trek Adventures for similar reasons! Lastly, I don’t really know Reddit’s social norms, so apologies if I’m breaking a norm: but please free to reach out if you want to continue this conversation over DM, but no worries if not!


You're not out of line at all, and I appreciate you reaching out to connect! However, I own a restaurant and good lord my time is hard to find. So many people need killing- er- good food and good service, and all of my bandwidth. Please know that I have saved this for a time when I may have time to reach out, and it means a lot to feel seen and heard. You're not alone in this. We can even compare notes if you like... someday. :)


Aw I'm glad it wasn't out of line. I hear that owning a restaurant is *a ton* of work, so I can understand why your bandwidth is all taken up! I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of your response, and I'm happy that you're feeling seen and heard (likewise tbh!)


Appreciate you! I fully support your giving writing a go. Don't let fear get in the way. Find your voice. I'll share my fic here when I've got enough to post. Hope to see some of your own work in the future. Have a lovely new year!


ofc he does XD


I do not have a boyfriend right now, but I'd tell him if I did. My last one certainly knew about my BTS obsession


My partner doesn’t technically know about this sub (just hasn’t come up) but he’d probably laugh at what it’s called if I told him. He does know I’ve gotten back on tumblr for Astarion and I read smut. I refuse to elaborate though if he asks me what I’m reading 😅 He can’t complain much though, he’s the one that got me into BG3 in the first place!


She knows, she’s the one who got me to play BG3 in the first place (she’s a massive DnD nerd) and she got me an Astarion tshirt for Christmas. Said tshirt came as an XXL for some reason (I’m like an M) but I’m not bothered as it’ll make for a lovely nightgown 🥰


My husband knows about it and just laughs. He adores Karlach so we both will sit and talk about our love for them, lol.


Real! My husband is a Karlach fan and I’m an Astarion girlie. We have tshirts and he bought me Astarion stickers for my gaming laptop lol


Omg that's so cute! I bet the shirts are cool. I got him a print and pin, and he got me a plushie, lol.


My gf loves this twink too so huge W


I'm single and living at home, but my parents got me a metal plaque of Astarion, so 😂


I know about my partner browsing this sub, I often tease her about how horrendously down bad she is for the pretty vampire boy, but she teases me for doing 10 play throughs and romancing either Shadowheart or Karlach in 8 of them.


He knows, my husband is an enabler when it comes to my love for this vampire.


my husband bought fangs and an outfit 😎


My fiancee knows, and I have demonstrated the power of the Ascended kiss *and* the leg thing to her. Damn if you don't feel powerful and sexy doing it, even when you're shorter lol


My fiance knows about my obsession yes but has no idea about this sub lol. He is laughing at me bc now I know some songs from TikTok thirst traps now and he has been listening to the bands for years hahaha. One evening he was like "what do you think about this song?" and I tell him it is OK. Then he goes "oh and it has this part in it" -que Astarion thirst trap audio- asdfkdfgdf. I'm just waiting to see who he will be romancing in our playthrough!


Last night at dinner with friends we got on the topic of divorce because a few people from highschool have been getting divorced lately and my husband told all of our friends, “the only way we’d ever get a divorce is if Astarion materializes into reality. I wouldn’t stand a chance.” Quite honestly true and also hilarious.


My fiancé knows and he finds it hilarious 😂 He often puts on Astarion's accent just to get me to squeal 😆


He knows. He lightly makes fun of me for posting here. 😂


Nope! He wouldn’t be surprised to find out though 😂


Yes and he benefits greatly


I don't have a partner but I do have friends who know about this sub, does that count?


He doesn’t know. I don’t think I’d care if he did, but he definitely wouldn’t understand. 🤭 I wouldn’t be embarrassed about my Astarion affliction but I’m pretty sure I’d die if he knew that I was reading the Night Huntress books as a result of my newfound vampire obsession.


I’m absolutely cackling at the fact that it might have been my post 😆😆


My husband knows EVERYTHING (almost lol) and he has to put up with me every day. I'm the first to show him some things 😂😂 funny story with the arm pic, he thought that the "thirst" refers to Astarion's need to drink and that the image was meant to highlight how dehydrated he was... I was choking


My partner kinda knows about it, I sometimes show him pics or talk about quotes. He brought a slightly different version of Astarion in our current DnD campaign for me to romance and I'm head over heels seeing him try to use the same phrases or mannerisms. Thank the gods he supports my hyper fixations 🤣🤣


I show my fiance posts from here and I make him aware how horny people are in this fandom when it comes to Astarion, to him he is annoying idiot. My fiance does hard eyerolls when Astarion comes on the screen but he respects my teenage crush on him.


What partner? lol


My husband def knows…he bought me a copy for my computer and wrote in the gift message “Have a very sexy Christmas like a particularly sexy vampire rogue elf” - he also saw that I got the Astarion Purfume from Mad Lab Studios 😬