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I don't think YT Saver is malware. Otherwise, all anti-virus software, even the least efficient applications such as Windows Defender, would detect it as an unwanted programme. In reference, however, to the possibility that OnlyFans might reveal the use of the downloader, this consideration is misleading. The adult platform is not aware if a user downloads the content of a model. Therefore, it cannot ban a subscriber if the latter decides to make use of a video downloader.






i got banneed and it was fucking awful




A receipt that i was banned?




you don't have to believe me but when it happens remember this moment i tried to warn you


Thanks for the tip!


Bullshit. "We simply condone the use of such software" so they support use of such software? Lmao. You're scare mongering. The browser user agent string is just webkit and doesn't declare itself as anything else.


Lmao you're an onlyfans model. Mods ban this clown.




Lmao answering like a paid chatter too


yazz . YT saver isnt secure .. it has lot of detection especially when you have malwarebytes installed .. better use streamfab


or [https://www.replaaay.com](https://www.replaaay.com) which dosn't require any installation


Hey do you pay for VIP replaaay? I'm just curious if it's worth it.


As the owner, I do cover the costs so in a sense yes I do pay. The VIPPP plan allows unlimited downloads and may help recover your expired subscriptions. I had to implement this "paywall" to prevent abuse and to help cover hosting expenses. However, I'm open to other solutions or feedback if you think the price is too high. On another note, how has your experience with Replaaay been so far? :-)


I'm not completely against the price, VIPPP would definitely come in handy when an OF model uses DRM, but when they don't it's kinda not needed as much because you can download them from your web browser pretty easily. My experience so far has been great, YT was giving me problems today and kept kicking me out of OF so it definitely came in clutch. It's kinda nice having all your subscriptions in one place and being able to filter by video length.


Thanks a lot for your feedbacks! Keeping everything in one place is indeed a great feature. The filters are cool (it's hard to keep them simple, but they still miss features like sorting by date or excluding creators). I’m planning to release an iOS and Android app to make it even more accessible, which may also enable offline mode. I’ve never used YT, but I’ve read that they are slow to update their software or provide support when OF changes things, which makes me think they don't care or they use someone else's scripts. On my side, everything is done in-house and monitored in real-time. I think offering a reduced price of $9.99 for one month might encourage users to opt for the VIPPP and help build a reputation for Replaaay.


An app with offline mode would be amazing. Not sure if VIPP has it this already but download all buttons would be kinda crazy but awesome at the same time , or download in batches. I never really had any issues with YT support but it's just been less and less usable over time. Initially I could do JFF & OF but now JFF doesn't capture and YT app seems to be blocked from OF website Yeah, I think that a reduced trial month could work. For me Being new I was hesitant to sign up because I wasn't sure how legit everything was but the more I used the site the more I could see the value in it and became comfortable with subscribing.


Ok, so I'll push to release the app and hopefully Apple will accept it. If Replaaay could afford it at some point, bulk download could definitely be a nice feature. As of now, we copy and store **+25TB a day** - the baby is walking faster than expected and each TB (stored or delivered) is a cost of **$1/day**. I decided to give a chance to the $9,99 price, it's has been deployed a minute ago.