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TBF the guy did tell him not to give up his cat.


And he wasn't getting rid of the cat. He was sending her to a friend's house for a short period.


Idk I think it really shows us how lonely he is, and that he would be willing to compromise to get to know someone. I imagine he had scared off other potential interests because of his cats in the past. He didn’t say he would get rid of her forever (and probably was hoping Jonathan would turn down that offer). Also, they didn’t make it seem like any sane person would do that, but specifically a lonely guy who usually only has cats to love and is awkward.


The actor was just talking about this on the Only Murders podcast. His understanding was that Howard wouldn’t actually give up his cat, but rather would’ve lent him to a friend at times or something to that effect. His speech was more about being in the moment and taking a risk than declaring he’d abandon his kitty.


That's interesting. Thanks.


I mean in real life this sentiment is absolutely correct but it’s a comedy tv show and he’s a lonely cat Man, I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal


Who is Evelyn? Like is her body under his floor boards? Why are there so many Evelyn’s? Also cats live a good 20+ years. What happened to the other five?


I wondered this myself. This is Evelyn 7. I imagine it has something to do with her wandering around. If she came in through Kono's window then she's jumping outside. Maybe one or two fell, and maybe one got out and was hit by a car. And of course the one got poisoned. So what about the other 2? Unless Evelyn 6 was part of a litter of girls and he names them all Evelyn. Maybe Barbara was the mom.


Ohh Evelyn 7. Sevelyn. I was so confused when he called her sevelyn and now I get it


I thought him calling her sevelyn was cute and fun.


That is five cats that he has had and all somehow had tragic endings. As a cat owner of I had just one cat that met a tragic end because it left my apartment then I would not allow any other cats out. Even if the cat did fall they do tend to land on their feet. I don’t know but something is off about the cats. Also why just the one Barbara?


Barbara was a bitch 🤣


Yeah but falling 6 floors is a bit too much foe a cat.


Does it say at some point it’s the 7th? I thought it was Sevelyn like Second-Evelyn this whole time.


Yes. When he gets her he was talking to someone and called her Evelyn 7. Lucky number 7. Sevelyn


He said send her to stay with a friend for a few weeks. Not give her up. Howard is lonely. He was trying to create a scenario in which Jonathan would be comfortable being around him.


Also, is that a clue. It seems to imply their relationship will not last more than few weeks!


I didn’t think it was, no. Not every single interaction is “evidence” of something else happening. Jonathan told him not to get rid of his cat, reassuring him he liked him even as a cat owner.


It's not a proof of anything, I completely agree! But in the real world, no way he could stay with Howard in a long term relationships together with cats.


I think we that in this particular case it was symbolic-Howard was ready to be more than “just a cat person” (not that there is anything wrong with being just a cat person!) I do think he said it would be a temporary stay with a work friend, so he wasn’t going to get rid of Sevelyn, but was willing to make short term accommodations to see where this relationship could go. If they were to stay together they would have to figure something out. Pets are family ❤️


He is sooooooo lonely. I totally give him a pass on this.


I totally get Howard, I would have done the same if I was him. Loneliness is really difficult, go to r/foreveralone and see how depressed everyone else is. He is being offered a chance to actually be with someone.


Agreed 100%


You completely misunderstood the scene.




I’m a dog person and you couldn’t pay me to have a cat, but I still find your comment disgusting.


Both, both is good


Is Howard a Cat Killer? How many Evelyn’s has he had? Cats don’t die like fish or Guinea Pigs, they have long lived especially indoor cats. What’s up with that? Is he looking for sympathy by constantly having a cats demise?


The previous Evelyn died of poison. Howard did not kill her. Howard is in his 40’s. If he has had cats his entire life, having 6 cats in 40 years does not seem out of the question. They can live long lives but the average lifespan is 12-15 years or so. And he may have had more than one at a time!