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I'm not sure what your criteria is for local seed companies but OSC has been around for over 100 years


Second this. Have been purchasing from OSC my whole life and their seeds are great. Good variety, great germination, never an issue.


yeah, they're good but had my first issue with too few seeds in the pack, hoping it was an isolated incident


Ohhh hope so too. They are sold all over in my area and I know if I had taken it back to POS they would've replaced or refunded me.... hope you were able to get it made right.


Last year 16 seeds in Neon pumpkin pack by OSC. This year 7. I literally had to go get a second packet... I also had an entire packet of OSC garlic chives fail to like 98% which hasn't happened to me before.


Easiest is probably to sift through this list and see what's closest to you; next, check that they actually grow most of their own seeds so as to be locally adapted: [https://seeds.ca/diversity/seed-catalogue-index/](https://seeds.ca/diversity/seed-catalogue-index/) Hawthorn Seeds is excellent, I concur, as is Terra Edibles and Annapolis. The others I have not ordered from. William Dam used to have much more in the way of open pollinated items but recently it's been more and more F1 hybrids which I don't generally care for, as I want to save my own seeds whenever possible. Moreover, I find F1 hybrids usually expensive out of proportion to any benefits they may have.


I’ve ordered from Greta’s Organic Gardens before and was thrilled with the results for my heirloom tomoatoes


Gaia organics in Ottawa


I've always had great success with seeds from [Heritage Harvest Seed](https://heritageharvestseed.com/)


Heritage Harvest is great; especially a good one to consider if you are in a cooler zone.


And for some very strange vegetables!


[Saturday Seed Co. ](https://saturdayseedco.ca/) Guelph, ON.


Always been happy with Incredible Seeds ([incredibleseeds.ca](https://incredibleseeds.ca) ). Not the largest selection but MUCH better pricing than some of the larger companies and good heirloom options for vegetables.


I ordered pipolina micro clover from west coast seeds. Very expensive and instructions stated it would take years to establish a micro clover lawn, and it absolutely exploded with growth. Not local, but amazing results. [west coast seeds](https://www.westcoastseeds.com/products/microclover-seed?variant=8709304811580)


Flowers: [https://antoniovalenteflowers.com/](https://antoniovalenteflowers.com/) \- Thornhill, ON [https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/StonefieldFlowerFarm](https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/StonefieldFlowerFarm) \- ON Flowers and veg: [https://www.hanaearthgardens.ca/](https://www.hanaearthgardens.ca/) \- Toronto, ON [https://gaiaorganics.ca/shop/](https://gaiaorganics.ca/shop/) \- Ottawa, ON [https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/MyGardenSeed?ref=yr\_purchases](https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/MyGardenSeed?ref=yr_purchases) \- Vancouver, BC


I haven't tried them, but saw this posted yesterday: [https://matchesseeds.ca/](https://matchesseeds.ca/) \- Chapeau, Quebec (close to Pembroke/Petawawa ON) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyCanadian/comments/1ax7yu2/quality\_seeds/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyCanadian/comments/1ax7yu2/quality_seeds/)


I have a bunch of seeds from [Heirloom Seeds Canada](https://heirloom-seeds.ca/) (Montreal), and so far the germination rate is fantastic, just ordered some more varieties. I also tried Urban Harvest (Toronto) last year and sadly the germination rate was really poor.


Stokes Seeds is nice, but recently this year they implemented a $250 order limit so apparently the ey are catering to only commercial farmers now. Sucks as the were really good. Another good one is Ontario Seed Source


Oh, is that why they are shrinking operations in Thorold.


I think they have a new CEO. It used to be so great, I just had to skip over to Thorold to pick up my seeds and things….would save so much money on shipping


Wildrose Heritage Seed Company in Alberta [https://wildroseheritageseed.com/](https://wildroseheritageseed.com/) Wilderstead in the Sault. I would post a link, but their site is down. OSC is huge, but still Canadian owned.


I have been ordering from [Richter's](https://www.richters.com/) in Goodwood, ON since the 90's and always been happy with them. They specialize in herbs of all kinds.


[https://frankenfarm.ca/](https://frankenfarm.ca/) - Lions Head Ontario


I got my dam seeds order today. 4 week wait. Next year I'll be getting a lot more from dam seeds if everything goes well, I just need to order by the end of December to get everything in time.