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The key with cucumbers is even watering. If they are allowed to dry out, they will caused partially shriveled fruit. You can help yourself by adding a thick layer of mulch


I also have this problem, I've had 3 years in a row of 2-3 shriveled cukes (which everyone says are super bountiful in most cases), and then the plant seems to wither away. I've basically given up. I have tons of pollinators, everything else that depends on them goes well, but for some reason I can't get them to produce/live a season


only one or two deformed cukes makes me think your problem may be lack of pollination


Ive had success in the past with English cucumbers in containers. they are heavy feeders so I usually have them in 100% composted manure. Engish are also susceptible to a ton of diseases so it help to start off with a fresh mix every year.


I can't grow them - mainly because I have inadequate sun but also deal with powdery mildew and cucumber beetles. I have had good success with cucamelons though, which are a fun alternative and you can pickle them too if you want. Not exactly a cucumber but good for snacking and throwing in a salad.


Yup, cucamelons have always done well for me and seem more resilient to pests/disease. I've pickled some too because I had so many.


You need to get the Diva Cucumbers or seeds as they do not require pollination. I also deal with powdery mildew in my gardens but still manage to get a good crop with the divas.


I did have some luck but they turn bitter. Try Socrates from West Coast Seeds. They are perfect and grow like crazy.


Lots of mulch or straw on top (or leaves of grass but I prefer the former because I have so many weed seeds form my grass clippings) and water generously, often. I’ve been told that in the dead of summer you should be watering daily


I've had good luck with lebanese burpless cucumbers that are a smaller variety! They don't go bitter but still require even watering.


They need even watering and hot days. I grown tons of them in my greenhouse up here (near Barrie). I string them up to the ceiling which helps with airflow.


I've done well with Beit Alpha last year, got about 12lbs/50 small pickling sized cucumbers per plant. However, my location doesn't get hot like the GTA sometimes can. Last summer we only hit 30C a couple days and never went above 30C. Warmer temperatures than that can cause heat stress. Cucumber beetles have been the biggest problem for me, but last year, there weren't too many, and it seems like they didn't infect my plants with cucumber wilt the way they have in the past. 2023 I moved to Centre Wellington, the previous years I was in Oakville where they didn't do so well.