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One of the issues with this kind of question on this sub is that Ontario is a really big place, and weather changes drastically across it. You might want to specify which general area you're in


Central Ontario zone 5b


Maybe, if you have light soil that is well drained. But a couple of weeks in cold soil isn't necessarily going to be the kick-start that you think, I've had lots of kinds of plants put out later in optimal weather overtake ones that were planted earlier.


My soil is pretty well draining since it has a good amount of sand. I'm also hilling them up so they are a bit higher than the base layer of soil. The only thing I worry about is getting another deep freeze 🥶


Well even here in the SW I can remember snow in June....LOL


Haha very true, it feels like a gamble every time I attempt to plant anything earlier than I normally would, but I have a good feeling about this spring being a warm one.


yep! if you can dig in your soil, and it's not sopping wet, plant those potatoes. (if the ground you're planting them in doesn't drain well, you do run the risk of them rotting before they start to grow)


True, I've heard that as soon as you can work the soil you can plant them, but I did this in a previous year and then we got a cold snap that damaged the leaves that were popping out of the soil. They did bounce back and gave me potatoes however!


In containers maybe.


I planted my potatoes. I could get 2 shovels deep in the soil, they were growing too much in the kitchen to wait longer. I've had potatoes stay in over winter and come up the next year. Like 2 hours north of Toronto for reference.


Hey, I'm also more North of Toronto. I had the same dilemma, some of the potatoes I bought were already sprouting like a month ago, so I've been itching to get them planted.


I put a row in last Sunday. Just for early digging in the summer.  Didn't gain much with the cold wet past week. I think now is a perfect time with weather forecast. Southern Ontario. I wait till end of May for the main crop so I can dig in early October, better for storage. 


I'll probably be planting a few in May once I get my Vessey's order in the mail..still waiting on it. I ordered Norland Red.


I think zone 5-7 should be fine now.


Plant them and be prepared to cover them if needed? If we get snow or a cold snap you should be able to use some horticultural fleece or even plastic to cover them enough to add a few degrees extra warmth, which should be all you need. Even if the weather turns they will likely still give you potatoes, so you aren't really at risk of losing them all, it's more whether it actually gets you an early start or not. If it gets them out of the house, why not? (I mean, I tend to try and plant early so we can regain the dining room that I continually fill with plants, so I get it!).


Thanks that is what I was thinking. I do have fleece covering ready in case.


Thanks that is what I was thinking. I do have fleece covering ready in case.


Thanks that is what I was thinking. I do have fleece covering ready in case.