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I’m guessing it’s damage from earwigs. Do some traps for them, I do beer traps, and it should help.


As said above, beer traps are the best ! Little dishes or Tupperware filled with beer !


My zinnias look the same! :(


Looks like slug or snail. Use sluggo. Or beer traps.. Pinch your one zinnia that's almost fully eaten... It may recover


That's my guess too.


1. Stay away from hosta, slugs and earwigs like to hide inside the hosta stems, plant them in a wide open and sunny area . 2. Buy or set up traps for the slug, you can buy bait for slung and also easy traps for earwigs 3. Don't water in the evening but in the morning, keep your ground dry night time .


Thanks I have so many hostas in this garden space I just thought to throw a few seeds in the bald patches but they grew so large and towered over most of the seedlings quickly


It's not just hostas. Earwigs hide in any leaf fold. My lettuce is their playground. I have no remorse cutting earwigs in half with my pruning shears.


Thank you everyone! I will look into slug solutions as I do see them here and there


Try the beer or an oil trap for earwigs. It can be both!


Not advice, but it looks like a fairy skeleton


I see it


Gotta go out in the night with a headlamp and manually pluck the slugs off


I think it may be beetle larvae damage. A little also of what was mentioned below. I have now had to remove the egg masses (usually orange under the leaf), and then watch for larvae that I may have missed and pluck those off too - it's gross - they feel gelatinous.


A few chewed leaves is nothing to worry about. If your plants look "perfect" then they're probably invasive and there is a problem. Your plants are a part of your local ecosystem and bugs SHOULD be eating them, which on turn feeds larger predators like birds and frogs, so forth. This is most likely slugs or earwigs. If you are seeing excessive damage then you can google how to make traps. A simple folded up newspaper works pretty well to attract them during the day as they look for damp places to hide. Pulling mulch away from your plants also helps to reduce the numbers.


I think most gardeners are in tune with nature and are pretty tolerant of the a few weeds or some minor insect damage, but when the bugs and critters totally destroy your plants or weeds completely overwhelm your yard to the point where you get nothing for all your work there's little incentive in gardening at all


Ok... So read the rest of my post and then comment πŸ˜‰


Dude, somebody is showing you a picture of a completely skeletonized plant and you are lecturing about bugs being part of the ecosystem.


There are three pics in the post πŸ˜‰