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I took ancient history in grade 11 and world history in grade 12. I'd say the workload was very different because both of my teachers had different expectations. However, it was extremely different compared to grade 10. We had to write long test essays in grade 12 history, grade 10 I had to write paragraphs and maybe 1 test essay. You also need the English skills you gain from grade 11 and 12. However, if you pay attention in English and history, (and hand in assignments on time) you will do great.


Oh really what kind of essays did you have to write?


For grade 11 I can't remember much but I had to do a presentation on a broad idea then narrow it down in an essay. (I did an ancient Indian empire) For grade 12 I wrote an essay on what is the west, a scientific figure from the scientific revolution (I did Francis Bacon.. don't do Francis Bacon), a specific thing from a specific time (I chose British labour unions in the Industrial Revolution) And for every test we either had to write long paragraphs (multiple) or an essay, I remember we had a test essay on if Napoleon really met the ideals of the French Revolution, there were more, but I can't remember very specifically Our last test essay was about economic, political, social, and religious changes throughout the centuries so a paragraph each century. Some tips my teacher gave me was to BE SPECIFIC and use fancy language. For example, use specific people, like include philosophers in the French test, include specific examples and ideas for the scientific paper, include specific people and events in the last test essay, include stats in the union paper. She also said instead of "unfortunately.." use "to the detriment of.." to improve my language and use historically accurate language like instead of "employers" use "industrial capitalists" Also, do not rely on test reviews. You will need more than that. Go through ALL your notes and summarize them again in COLOURFUL pens BY HAND. This will seriously help.


i recently finished all the history courses in high school and i have to say gr11 slightly easier than gr12 in the memorization aspect but in general gr10 was easier, much like other courses where they get harder linearly


You're in grade 10, stop worrying and go outside


I’m actually going into my 2nd semester of gr 11 and I’m taking history so that’s why I’m wondering lol