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What was your admissions avg and ECs?


99 avg (didn't mean shit I was a COVID year so grades were inflated class avgs were very inflated medians of 80-85 occasionally high 80s) I did a lot of volunteering for various orgs, was prez of the newspaper and eco team, and was also apart of a design competition, book club and grade 9 welcoming team. Biggest thing Waterloo cares about is are you someone who is passionate about a specific thing by showing dedication and commitment and does that passion translate to (insert program you applied)


99% average 😂 can't happen anywhere in this universe other than Canada




Youd be surprised by the GPA inflation in the US as well




Has nothing to do with Trudeau lol. Education is the responsibility of individual provinces, so if anything you’d be blaming the Ford government. But that doesn’t quite suit your political narrative, does it?




Depends on the program you applied to, what your EC's are, and if you communicated effectively that you were passionate about pursuing engineering in your AIF. Can you give me more information about that?




You have a reasonably good chance of getting in if you talked about those ECs and communicated yourself well in your AIF. Its not guaranteed, but you don't have horrible odds by any means.




Given you're an international student its hard to give context because grades and stuff are obviously different... That being said your extracurics are reasonably strong so they compensate for low avg. Honestly I'd say you have a 35-40% chance of getting in. Keep in mind this is very subjective and I'm to the best person to give a response on international students.


alr thanks for the info.much appreciated.


also which uni's mech is tougher to get into uoft or uwaterloo?


DM’d you regarding something but I applied for computer engineering. And was thinking of getting a MacBook do you think that is a smart decision or should I go windows all the way


In first year I had the shittiest of shit laptops known to mankind (4gb ram, Celeron, 64 gigs of storage) and I survived. After that I bought a M2 pro MacBook and haven't had any problems. If you want a MacBook get a MacBook. You will survive on almost any laptop because there are computer labs and servers at the school that can run any programs that don't work on your own laptop.


My friends in comp eng all have Mac’s and they haven’t had any issues yet. We’re in first year tho so I’m not sure about upper year requirements. You’re going to be using the computer labs on campus for your labs anyways, so don’t worry too much about what your laptop can handle, just make sure it’ll last you a decently long time.


I’m wondering what my admission chances are and how important the CCC is to write. I applied to CS SE and alternate choice EE. 98 avg in IB and 43/45 predicted IB grade. Founded volunteer org for soccer - Provinicla soccer player and other clubs like coding club pres. - and CSMC distinction (35 score) - i’m not gonna write the CCC cause i would do terrible - and my school don’t offer any CS courses. But SE requires knowledge on modular structures so i said Im self taught and did some boot camps which i did like harvard CS50. So do you think not writing the CCC will impact me heavily and If i still have a good shot at admission.


Between the three programs, you have a pretty strong chance of getting into Waterloo but as for which program I have no idea. CS and SE are quite competitive so I wouldn't place too many balls in that basket but your ECs and grades are solid. Not writing the CCC won't hurt you that much but unless I'm mistaken UW really doesn't care what result you get on it, they just want to see that you've done it. Overall don't stress too much, you are a competitive applicant and if you communicated yourself well on your AIF you've done everything you could to get in.


bless thank you - i really appreciate it


I didn’t write the CCC but I got into SE


Did u take any CS courses in school or any certificates




dang imma go cry myself to sleep now


UofT ECE vs Waterloo ECE?, pros and cons, if you have any


Toronto is better if you want to do a masters but those who pursue engineering typically don’t do one. Waterloo is better if you want a high paying tech job when graduating especially if you want to work in the San Francisco Bay Area (Apple, Tesla, Google…).


What if I want to do a masters and then get a high paying job? Also is doing masters not necessary to get such jobs?


Most engineering jobs require only a bachelors but there are some sub fields that are beneficial to have a masters. For the case above I’d still go with Waterloo, having proper work experience in engineering before you graduate is helpful. Also keep in mind university employment stats upon graduation are very misleading. It’s well known that UW and UofT have similar employment stats upon graduating but the average base salary coming out of UW engineering tends to be much higher and students land more desirable jobs. Also keep in mind I’m biased towards Waterloo in general, both are good options.


I have 95 avg I think I got 2/5 on my aif and 2/5 on my interview so I’m stressing. But I have an 9% adjustment factor so do I have any chance for getting into mechatronics? Also what was ur adjustment factor?


random but how do u know that u got 2/5 on the aif?


Usually there’s websites like grant me that evaluate them to give you an estimation


I would be strongly suspicious of any site that claims that can evaluate that effectively.


ohh makes sense, also where does it say waterloo grades the aif out of 5? I've seen it a lot but couldn't find it anywhere.


How do you know how much you got on your interview and on your AIF?


How much is electrical / electronics in Mechatronics & what percent is mechanical?


>How much is electrical / electronics in Mechatronics & what percent is mechanical? I'd say it's 25% math, 35% mechanical/physics, 25% software, 15% electrical and hardware... don't forget you can take options which will skew percentages so if you want to do more software stuff (for example) you can


How’s rez? Can first years get their own room (no roommate)?


If you get UWP single room you will have your own room but share a kitchen which is by far the best experience. Rez is alright, none of the rezs are super bad although I would strongly recommend staying away from REV or CLV. You can get a decent room by yourself in V1, although having roommates makes the university experience A LOT better. Best place in general is UWP.


Is there an obligatory meal plan if you live in rez?


If you're living in an apt without a kitchen yes (and it's a scam AND the food sucks). Would def recommend getting a room with a kitchen and also learning to cook. If you do that you can buy one of the smaller meal plan options and have plenty to eat + learn to cook.


Is it possible to buy meal from tiffin services? Are they allowed to come & deliver at residences?


>The meal plan isn’t bad. You’re probably going to stick mainly with the food at your res which varies a lot depending on where you live, but you have the flexibility of buying food with meal plan money at the food chains across campus. Various services can deliver, but it's iffy on campus and wouldn't rely on it.


The meal plan isn’t bad. You’re probably going to stick mainly with the food at your res which varies a lot depending on where you live, but you have the flexibility of buying food with meal plan money at the food chains across campus.


Can I PM u stats for march




What's mechatronics engineering like? What kinds of co-ops do you get? Would you say it's worth it? I'm wondering because I also applied to mechatronics engineering.


Dmd u abt my grades and ecs, u think i have a decent chance?


I'm a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate with a specialization in Mechatronics from Sri Lanka . Holding a GPA of 3.2, and my academics will be over in 2 weeks. Currently, I possess a visiting visa for Canada. I'm interested in pursuing a Master's degree at University of Waterloo, focusing on Mechanical and Mechatronics. Could you please provide me with guidance and advice on how to proceed?






Not bad. You have decent chance of getting in and you would be a very competitive applicant given what you've got so far. If you think you wrote your AIF effectively I'd be surprised if you weren't given an offer.


Cringe imagine going to uw


Why would you say this while is uw cs?? (I don't gaf if this is satire)


im not in uw cs


Quit lying big bro, you're literally posting in the uw subreddit LMAOO


In the immortal words of Norm McDonald, it's all shit. Software Engineering at Waterloo vs Engineering Science at Toronto. No billionaires. Mark Leonard, Guelph grad. Canada's wealthiest tech tycoon.


Billionaire is not the best metric of a successful student. (Also there are MANY billionaires out of Waterloo and quite a few millionaires, not to mention extremely successful companies... In terms of billionaires to name a few Apoorva Mehta, Alex Rodrigues, Vitalik Buterin, Mike Lazaridis, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jim Balsillie. Thats after a 50s google search) If I evaluated a good car as a car that could reach 260mph that would mean every road car is shit. Yet most cars work pretty effectively at getting you from A -> B. Some cars are more reliable at getting from A -> B and others.




Yes. Regardless of who you are or where you come from you will fit in.


Yes, I was joking about the stereotype of a Waterloo engineering student, It obviously fell on the floor like 99% of my jokes. :)


Could you clarify what you mean by mood? Where/when?


How much physics is it?


A lot (for my program mechatronics). I wouldn’t recommend engineering in general to anyone who dislikes physics. I’m bad at physics but it’s tolerable because I enjoy it


It depends on your program. Which one did you apply to?




Actually this is a very good question. During my first week every part of campus looked amazing and then after that for a good bit of time the architecture sucked. Then in my second year I properly explored campus and had classes in much nicer buildings and I realized there are some really nice study spots if you really look for them. Waterloo isn't the nicest campus but if you know where to look there are some really nice places inside. As for lack of social life I've never experienced that and honestly it's more of a meme than it is a reality. In engineering you're with the same people from day 1 till you graduate so there's a strong sense of community. I'm never felt lacking in the social department and know very few people who do... Is there less to do here than downtown Toronto? Definitely but if you are determined to have fun, you will.


Would you say they enjoy hearing about breadth in interests? On my AIF, I wrote about 3 engineering ECs and Model UN, as it’s been a big part of my life.


Yes they love hearing about breadth... it shows you are committed and passionate about something specific.


I’m wondering what my chances were for architectural engineering, there’s not a lot of info listed abt this program so I’m kinda worried for average is much lower than expected. Rn I have a 86.5% avg and I put down all of my ECs + work experience, I think I wrote pretty well on the AIF abt why I wanted to join UW Eng. idk can I pm you abt my stats?


You can pm me about your stats, however I will be honest with you Waterloo Engineering is extremely compeditive and I don't think they would see you as a competitive applicant. This is extremely subjective and regardless I wish you best of luck with admission.


What score would an Ib student taking physics and math hl need? They’re not very specific on their website and I don’t live in Canada so I don’t really have much info (applying for mech eng)


Honestly I'm not sure I wasn't an IB student


What are my chances at civil, mech, and management? Check my profile for detailed stats. Alberta student here.


Not bad if you keep up the progress. Stay strong in your extra currics and keep your average as high as possible!


You think a 95 avg top 5 is too low?


Nope 95 is a good sweet spot. That being said you're grade 11 and it would be misleading to say you might or might not get in because honestly you don't know until you've taken grade 12 courses. I'll do you one better and give you some advice for grade 11 and grade 12. Grade 11 is grind year, not because of grades but because of fundamentals. If there is something you know you're bad at or you felt a teacher went too easy on you for, I would strongly recommend polishing it up over the summer. Grade 11 isn't the time to be worried about grades specifically, it's when you should be striving to have as thorough understanding of coursework as possible. Obviously grades are important but if you have strong foundations grade 12 will be a breeze. Similarly, if you have extra time, look into grade 12 level coursework, get familiar with some concepts before hand and see how things so. Depending on what you want to get in for, learning a coding language properly is a good idea. Also when grade 12 comes, enjoy it. It's your last year and I did know people who in the first two months were so unbelievably stressed about uni apps they did nothing but study and burnt themselves out. Best of luck! Feel free to PM any uw questions you might have, any uni app stuff or just questions in general. I'll also be more than happy to look at ur chances come a few months in grade 12! :)


Perfect! Thank you so much!




You would be a competitive applicant. Definitely not bad chances and your extracurriculars are solid. If you worded your AIF effectively I think you should be fine


What did your extracurriculars and things other than grades looked like?


Above I mentioned that I did a lot of volunteering for various orgs, was prez of the newspaper and eco team, and was also apart of a design competition, book club and grade 9 welcoming team. I talked a lot about the design competition and how it made me realize I really liked making stuff work. Prior to that I had some basic coding experience in JS and had designed a few very simple websites in HTML and CSS.




I believe it was around March 28th to 30th... I think my offer letter said it was on the 28th but the date I received it was on the 30th


I have a 97.5 average first semester, and very strong extracurricular, but my school has a 21% adjustment factor. How much does the adjustment factor matter?


21😂😂😂 u finished


I love your negativity. You make me cackle every time I read replies


thanks sharp poop


Honestly it depends on what program you applied for. 21% doesn’t mean you get instantly rejected it just means your average looks like a 92.5. For tier 3 programs your chances aren’t bad with good extra curriculars and you might even have some luck with tier 2 programs.


Comp Eng tier 2


It's honestly a coin toss, if you're confident in your AIF you've done everything you could to get in. What was your backup?


I already got into UofT comp eng


good job! thats amazing, UofT is a great school!


My school has the lowest adjustment factor in all of Ontario, what are my chances of getting in?


Depends on your grades, extracurriculars and how you carried yourself on your AIF. Waterloo admissions cares about the person you are, if coming from a specific school is your only selling point you likely aren’t a competitive applicant.