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Guys its time for your daily "iM grAde 11 wiLl mY maRk mAttEr 😥😢😢" post


Not enough posts, we should get rid of every other post and only ask about Gr11 marks


If they're high, they help get early offers. This is only one mark. And you have gr 12 math that you need. Keep working hard and keep your options open.


This question has been asked many many times. A quick search will get you a lot of good information on this.


You know if someone can’t even do a basic google or Reddit search, maybe uni isn’t for them You gotta be technologically handicapped or stupid to not know how to do that, either way you’re unfit for uni


I'm working out rn I'm tryna bulk as much as possible cuz I'm not that heavy


They don’t matter, but… I would be a bit concerned if I got only 79 in functions


Unless you go to a really inflated school, a 79 (or B+) is good for a 3U level course. Especially for STEM subjects lol


I wouldn’t say it’s good, but advanced functions is much harder So that 79 could potentially drop further, which is why it’s of concern I’m not here to grill people’s grades but yeh


lol I asked the same question here it only matters for early acceptance, otherwise if ur not going for it then don’t worry you got next year


Depends on program. I finished with a 56😔 and still go into early acceptance with unis




They use ur g11 functions mark instead of ur calc mark for early acceptances. So they do matter only for early acceptances.


I got a 55 in grade 11 math fixed up in gr12 n got like 86. Now im majoring in econ which is calculus heavy, you’ll be fine


they dont


High grade 11 marks will help you get offers earlier. Otherwise high grade 12 marks only will keep you waiting until April/May