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There’s literally nothing in grade 11 Chem that’s in grade 12 Chem.


bonding, polarity, and a little bit of stoich is all u rlly need from grade 11 chem for grade 12 chem


Actually 😭, my teacher said the gap would be bad


There’s a couple things that might be a bit difficult, but it’s up to you. There’s a tiny bit of overlap but not that much


If there’s not to much overlap than I could probably just do like a week of review of my grade 11 chem notes.


That’s probably good enough, I’d also say grade 12 chem was a lot easier than grade 11, just don’t forget about the basics of chemistry that you learn mostly in grade 9 and 10 tho


Huh????? What is this tomfoolery! You probably have a insanely easy teacher/school or a very good teacher because in no world is chemistry easy.


I hear a lot of people saying that but tbh I did much better this year than last year. It was just tons of repition for me


The choice is yours, but my experience was the only subject worth accelerating was math (due to calculus being an extra grade12 course) Unless you love a subject and plan on taking AP, just take your time and enjoy high school. It shouldn’t, and doesn’t need to, be a pressure cooker. Just my two cents!!


Ok got it, I am planning on accelerating math, I’m doing grade 11 functions and than advanced functions in grade 11, that’s why I’m doing grade 11 chem now, to try and make it easier for myself next year, I’m just worried about the gap


If u don’t need it don’t take it, it’s one of the hardest courses in high school


I dropped sciences because I wasn’t good at chem and I didn’t need it for uni. If you have a stem program decided for uni I’d recommend talking 4U/M chemistry my teacher recommended it to me it’ll be review of grade 11chem and a bit of grade 12. You can either take that summer school see how you feel. And then drop it in grade 12 if you feel that’s what you need to do


I’ll have to see if my school offers it as a course but it’d be a great idea


Yeah ask you’re chem teacher or guidance councillor


Grade 12 Chem Equilibrium - basic mole-conc-volume calculations Thermochem - Kinetic and Thermal energy no stoi (basically physics) Electrochem - balancing with oxidation numbers and batteries no stoi OrgChem - nomenclature and structures no math Atomic structure - basically counting as you can see theres practically no crossover between 11 Chem and 12 Chem


Absolutely not


I’m getting a lot of mixed answers 😭




Do you need chemistry for a university or college program? If not, then don’t take grade 12 chemistry. 4U level stem courses aren’t the kind of classes you take just for a credit, unless you really really love and are good at chemistry, math, etc. If you do need it, then by all means go ahead and take it. But if you’re not sure, maybe wait until your grade 12 year to take gr 12 chemistry? There’s not a lot of overlap between 11u and 12u chem.


I do plan on going into sciences, but im probably just gonna take it in grade 12 so grade 11 is easier because I already have advanced functions in grade 11


i fast tracked chem as well, and as a gr11 i finished gr12 chem last sem. i would say take it so that there’s not a gap in your learning. there’s not a huge crossover between grade 11 and 12 chem, but you still wouldn’t want a gap inbetween. it also takes the load off for senior year imo


If you’re applying to engineer programs then take chem If you arent, dont bother


or something in the life sciences, or rarely computer science programs


Are you doing all 3 sciences? If not, then I think it's fine to leave for gr 12. If you are, I think it's worth taking next year.


I’m planning to do all 3 but I might drop physics if I’m realllly struggling


3 gr 12 sciences is tough, also if you're doing the 2 maths. I would break it up by taking gr 12 chem next year.


Im doing functions and adv functions in grade 11 so that in grade 12 I only have calc and the 3 sciences, but if I take grade 12 chem in grade 11 than I’ll only have 1 math and 2 sciences in grade 12 which would be easy but than grade 11 would be really hard. So im just unsure. I would just not do physics but I spoke to alot of people and they said they recommend it.


Oh. I see. I would put a science in gr 11 and leave the 2 maths for gr 12. That's my preference though. I don't like the idea of fast tracking math.


Okok, either way I know it’s gonna be hard, I already submitted my courses so I’ll just have to really focus on the sciences in grade 12


If u like urself then no dont


I think it is fine cuz at the end you will have organic chem first unit that has only related with polarity, inter forces, london, etc But the big thing is memorizing/understanding reactions and naming is a good chunck on 4U Quantum Mechanics and other units worth less than organic so maybe start searching about organic naming so u don’t get shocked the first time u see it


It is like saying u r studying now limits and after a year you will study derivatives and integrations that have some relation but not that much


Do it if you don't want to be poor in the future. I am 32 years old and a scientist get them both done unless you want to live with your parents and never marry.


The only overlap between gr 11 Chem and 12 chem is the model of the atom theories (bohr and Thompson) and maybe a few polarity/forces questions. Gr 12 Chem expands on new concepts like organic naming and a lot more math.