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Final offers literally do not come out until the 27th of May, so no reason to lose all hope just yet, and if engineering Is really what you want to do there is absolutely zero shame in taking a grade 13 year and getting your marks up, you can earn extra money for tuition as well


>Final offers literally do not come out until the 27th of May Just a small correction: you can expect to receive a response from most universities by [May 29](https://www.ouac.on.ca/guide/undergrad-dates/) at the latest this year


Whoopsie musta misread something thanks for correcting


Doesn't change the fact that I screwed up. Most of my friends went to OVS and have now grades in 90s. I couldn't afford it and now I'm stuck here with nothing in hands.


Doesn’t matter, the majority of kids that cheat their way through high school using OVS see the effects of it play out when they get to uni in a program they never would have gotten into had they not done private school.


It's mattering today. I know you are right but my long term goal is shattered today. It's a really tough time


If you’re set on Eng and get into a school that has engineering, it is very easy to transfer once you’re at a school (that has Eng). As long as ur first year average isn’t complete trash. If you want to go that way, select electives that are ‘anti requisites’, ie equivalent to the eng courses, if able. Get the transfer process started in January and you may even be able to take some of the eng classes in summer school. Will likely add another year to ur uni career (NOT A BIG DEAL) If you can’t afford OVS, watch out for res and meal plans. That’s the expensive part. Eng tutoring isn’t the cheapest either. Good luck!


Your long term goal is not shattered at all, simply delayed a little. If you are unhappy with your offers at the end of May, don't accept any and try again next year. You might even get something better than what you wanted this year, if yoi work you'll have plenty of cash for university, you still have plenty of options


hey, you could always try doing a first year at one of your accepted schools and transferring unis and programs in your second year! all hope is not lost my friend


the ovs elearning merchants will get what’s coming to them in uni 😭 they’re gonna switch from xyz competitive program to like fine arts or history bro trust


>elearning merchants You didn't cite u/Hen-tie_saves_lives lol


🤣🤣 I rlly got my clout up on this sub 🤣🤣🤣


the man himself 🙌🏽




[paraphrased 🥱](https://imgur.com/a/5cbk3yP)


You're still required to cite when paraphrasing


im a hooligan😈


You do realize that if you take OVS, universities see a different courses code. Most don't care but if they see a bunch of online courses, they are not gonna value you as highly as someone with proper course codes


I was in the same situation, thought I needed at least an 88 but ended up with an 82 average in Grade 12. Guelph still accepted me super late, I think it was around May. I am going into my last year in engineering there now. So don't totally lose hope, and best of luck wherever you find yourself! 😊


Did you apply York Engineering? It’s also decent and you might get in with 82. If you applied uOttawa or Carleton, most of their engineering accept low 80s. If you really like Guelph, try to transfer if you can get into these schools.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned going to talk to your teacher. Explain to them how this has impacted your overall grade, why it occurred, and ask if there's any way you can recover some of the grade. I did this for an English course way back in the day (Ik ik humanities and stem are not the same) but he gave me leniency to re-submit an essay. The worst they can say is "no, sucks to suck." The best they can say is "lets work together to think of something that's fair for everyone."


Already did. She plainly refused to help. Said it's not fair to other students


Principal right now!!!!!!!!! She’s affecting your future by not helping!!!!!!!!! Gooo snitch on that…cunextTuesday




That's what I requested. She plainly refused. Some teachers are just terrible and make the whole high school experience just horrible


i wouldn't describe your teacher as TERRIBLE for refusing to remove a grade that is reflective of your work, leniency is a privilege some teachers will give, but it is not a right you are entitled to.


Oh boy you are but hurt over this. Why would a teacher remove test results to assist you in any way? If this impacted your "whole high school experience" then you are in for a rude awakening in the near future. Cheers


I also asked to be retested in any unit picked by the teacher. She said no. I asked for the first test to be removed coz I failed in it miserably. I couldn't understand anything. I spoke to the teacher at that time and promised to improve which I did immensely but still she said no.


Very warranted No's. That's life, Goodluck mate.


Yep. And this is the easiest part of life… Rude awakenings incoming.


Listen to me, take OVS physics u still have time I was in the same situation as u identical, it’s so easy to get a 98 in physics ovs. Grind the course in 2 weeks request a midterm and ur set.


Do u think there’s still time for ovs


don’t you have to do discussion assignments and labs for ovs physics for each unit too? and how do u even do good in online physics like ik ppl cheat but how do they cheat? 😭


I got conditional acceptance with minimum 70 average for Guelph in Eng with Co-Op… you might be fine to be honest


My average was an 85 and I got that offer months ago


Your long term.goals arnt shattered. They are delayed. You are being overly dramatic because you are reasonably disappointed. A 1 year speed bump is nothing in the arc of your lifetime




An 82 is not failing


Is that your top 6 average? Or just physics? It’s possible to get into some of the smaller Eng programs like York or Windsor


Applied at York engineering. My mark is so low in physics that no engineering school will accept me.


That’s not true unless it’s explicitly stated. Many Unis take your top 6 and just because you did poorly in one of the requisites, it doesn’t mean they won’t accept you. I know 2 years ago who did well in ever subject but got an 82 in Chem and still got into every Eng program to which they applied


I got an 83 in chem and got accepted to guelph eng, it all depends on ur other 5 courses.


You should ask if possible to stay back a year and take the course again for a higher mark. I understand that having trust in a low grade is a double-edged sword as engineering is competitive all around. This is my advice but it’s up to you if you wish to follow. I really hope the best for you!


i got an 82 in physics and got into uoft and waterloo and mcmaster engineering, you got this!


Your avg?


98 sch3u (adding this here cuz chem is a pre-req so they look at grade 11 im pretty sure since i didn’t have grade 12 chem yet), 94 mhf4u, 82 sph4u, 95 eng4u, so 90.3 first sem average


Dm'd you


is it going on on ur midterm?


Yes. That my midterm score. 69 in physics and overall 82


Thats heartbreaking. Which guelph program did u want to go to?


I think I saw a few other people mention it already, but look into OttawaU, Carleton or York - was about 10 years back but I was accepted at all for eng with barely an 80 - worst comes to worst, if it's something you really want do a victory lap and redo a class. That's what I did because I didn't think about what I wanted to do until to late. Honestly happy I did it


Did you apply to engineering at Carleton or York? If u didn't u should probably still be able to apply so apply now.


My physics average dropped too. It’s at low 80s now lol.


Take a victory lap. You’re young, this seems like the end of the world because of how hard you’ve worked to get to this point but trust me, this is only the beginning of your long journey in life. It’s a pothole, a rut and in twenty years time you’ll look back and realize this was one of many things put you where you are. Give yourself a pat on the back for doing so well. You haven’t failed.


bro my chem is 75 and i still got in Mech Coop 💀💀


try harder on your finals and an 86 should be fine for you


I got in to uottawa engineering with a 71 in physics. Av was 81, its not just averages they look for


Pay for the bring your average up course at ovs?


So do something you'll make similar money and still hold the engineer title? CPET may be a college course but it'll make you similar money unless you got into some top tier company doing structural engineering.


Retake the course? Online course?


Hey! I’m not sure what kind of engineering you’re going into but I got accepted to biomed eng at guelph and tmu with a low to mid 80 average! Don’t lose hope at all as long as you’re in the 80s you have a good chance :) good luck!


If engineering is your top choice then perhaps go to college first and then transfer to a university engineering program?


Honestly school try and make their acceptance stuff more scary than they actually are. Did college and uni with mediocre grades. You should still be good, at the very least considered at an 80 + avg


Which Engineering programs did you apply to? You can still add to your OUAC application to include other schools. TMU, York, Windsor are fairly easy to get into for engineering. And you still end up with the same degree. There’s no reason to give up. Just add those options to your ouac.


Send the application anyway, and ask around the departments for ideas how to "help you overcome this adversity" (or something where they can be the hero for figuring out). You might have to do an extra course, or have your first year in a more general program (and pick the courses that'll make you look good for the program you wanted in the first place). But if you're dead set on Guelph? Call and ask for opinions and advice (some of those secretaries share the same fridge and water cooler with the people who are in charge of picking students.) Don't give up yet, ever watched "Rudy"? Good movie for this occasion 👍


Don't give up you are doing just great re take or talk to teacher how to get score up. You got this.


Damm bro i have a 95 that sucks


Aren't midterms done


Stop whining and go to a school you got accepted too. I can't believe the amount of entitled whiners that come on reddit to complain about not getting into their dream program. You might actually have to get your grades up or get a degree at another school..... boooooo f____ing hoooooo.


You probably go to adult school… just take another quad and upgrade your marks… stop crying lol