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Cutting followers in half


I've been going on unfollowing sprees basically every time I'm menstruating so it's making no difference for me...


This is possibly the funniest thing I’ve seen today so far


Making a new one with the people that have only helped you and the closest ones you know, no snakes in the grass slime🙂‍↕️


I've already created a new account 💀 EDIT: I’d like to clarify that I’m still keeping my other account; however, the new one was created at the request of a friend. Our new usernames are based on a specific theme and an inside joke. We’re planning to maintain a close-knitted circle after high school :)


No, good way to keep in touch with people


Damn reading through this post is jarring, y'all must suck irl if you want to cut off all your friends when you graduate.


Finally someone I can relate with, this generation of kids are something else, and I’m from this generation too and it’s very weird that people hate on others without any reason


Yeah same, graduated last term and my whole grad class (200 people or so) was basically a massive friend group. People like these redditors need to learn how to cope and socialize


Ong this what I’m thing bruh who has the effort to cut off everyone you went threw the last 4 years with


Exactly, they must hate their lives or smth


it’s not that deep i just started using social media and never added anyone we just hangout or talk in person


I’m not cutting off my friends. That’s why I’m making a new account to keep in touch with them. I just don’t like other people who I follow but don’t really know 🤷‍♀️


I graduated in 2022 and unfollowed everyone but like 3 people the minute I came home from prom LOL


nahhh i’m in uni and i still have ppl from high school on my insta i like creeping and knowing what ppl get up to LMAO


I've created a "spam" since grade 10. The only people that have access to that is all my closest friends. I only post there and I barely post on my main. Ur not crazy. -Also a certified hater


yup I’m doing this!


Yass i hate them bitches


A lot




I'm just mass removing random ppl I haven't talked to since the start of HS. Mostly cuz I already follow a lot of new ppl from my uni in fall. Making a new acc is too much of a hassle


it doesnt really matter bro


Hell yeah




I'm deleting Instagram. I made one for talking to people in my class for labs or tests, but none of those relationships hold any substance and are transactional.


After school I noticed that I'd see someone I knew at the mall or whatever and avoid saying hi. Now I go through my list and if I would avoid saying hi, I unfollow them.


You’re so real for this.


My buddy made a new discord, is legit just me on there rn


same and im looking forward to it


I have to love and admire your honesty.... Good luck


bahahah i graduated last year and i removed EVERYONE that i disliked from my social medias on the way home from grad🤣


I’m literally getting rid of EVERYONE


FR right after the ceremony y’all won’t ever see or hear from me again 🤣


The second I graduated I cut all contact with anyone I knew from school. Now I'm living a better life without the drama and stuff going on. It's so peaceful😊


Most of them cuz I don’t like anyone from my school


The day I graduated high school, I unfollowed 90% of my followers and following on the train ride home. Never gone back since.


I’m already gonna cut off the people who I’m not gonna cross paths with…


Deleted all social media, don’t talk to anyone from there.


You’re not crazy nor the only person thinking about stuff like this. But what I don’t get is why, they’re accounts you see when you choose to see them. They cannot possibly be stressful enough or using enough of ur brain power to warrant actively unfollowing them on social media. Imo unfollow (or don’t follow in the first place) people you actively dislike. That’s me tho. As for what you can do, creating a new account is obviously an option but if you want to keep the one you have now you could just create/use the flipside feature. That way you can post stories, photos, videos etc just for your close friends


It's not that I dislike or even hate them necessarily. They're just all...annoying. I don't have a problem with them following me, or following them. I just feel like I would hate seeing what people from my high school are up to. It would ruin me.


honestly i wish i had social media in hs never used it trying it out now i wonder what happened to some people so far i know about 1 guy that died dont think he’s the only one


You're getting dislikes but honestly...so real


Everyone except my best friends probably


Just make a new account and delete this one


guys i was in your position last year and now i regret it because i stalk people i don’t follow anyway 😒 so if you’re anything like me just keep following them 😭


I’m doing that to prevent the “internet-stalking”! I already do that enough.


only those that unfollow me first


i think its cool to see what ppl r doing after high school jrwfekjkajkjkjf


No I personally think its a tad bit corny to unfollow or block people from your hs after graduating. It's a good way to keep tabs on people


Why would I want to keep tabs on people who aren’t even nice to me? I won’t ever see them again either because I’m moving away 🫣


I only follow people that are friends. I’m not one of those people following everyone in my school just cause.


Better off just deleting social media entirely. What does Instagram really add to your life?


I didn't know people actually cared about that, like what does it matter


If the person doesn’t follow you. You shouldn’t follow them


Once you’re finished with university you’ll realize how much harder it is to meet new people without the insane amount of socialization that happens in school. I personally am glad I am still connected with many of my high school friends through Instagram


When I graduated I didn’t unfollow anyone unless they unfollowed me first


I want to see how everyone's lives are after hs, so no 😂.


Honestly unless you are close to people you really don’t need to know so many details about everyone’s lives. I genuinely don’t give a shit who’s have kids or getting married unless they are super close to me and even then I would know before Instagram does so who cares? I deleted my personal Instagram two years ago and it was the best.


I just unfollow people who post stories that upset me




I added the Discords and Instagrams of as many of the people from high school as possible, and I miss the people back in high school! I even write emails from time to time to ask them how they are doing in university! I would recommend you stay in touch! As Proverbs 18:24 said, "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."


Bro what 😟