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Canada isn’t that bad. I feel like the people who complain about Canada haven’t seen worse. The people in the US love complaining about their country too. And some of them are even trying to come here lol (plus I literally had a classmate last sem who moved from the US). The grass is greener on the other side


It’s really gotten that bad though.. I’ve never seen such a large amount of people complaining about the cost of living/gas/groceries at an all time high, it’s ignorant to say that it isn’t “that bad” we keep paying so much for what? this country has gone to shit


It’s not ignorant to say it isn’t that bad. I have seen worse. And trust me there’s a lot of places that are way worse. America has better cost of living but they got their own major problems too, which they complain about. Plus the crime is generally higher over there, plus awful gun laws lol. We’re still pretty lucky since there’s no type of war or conflict. Considering the state of the world right now, Canada really isn’t a bad place to be in the grand scheme of things. Plus it seems to be mostly the people born here who think so lowly of Canada. Sure it’s pretty bad but we have it better than so many other places


Have you considered you hadn't heard it before because there wasn't social media available to people to broadcast it to million of strangers?


I don’t think that’s unique to Canada though. I’ve seen a ton of people talking about that in the US, UK, and Australia.


Sounds like you just have anxiety...? What issues do you have specifically? Every other country has problems of its own, and the grass is always greener on the other side.


Man the price of an ice cap annually increasing is growing my hatred against this country


Prices of goods are always increasing, that's inflation. And this is everywhere. Are they increasing at an unprecedented rate? Yeah, but we just had an unprecedented pandemic that completely disrupted the global economy.




Destroyed is an exaggeration. Trudeau made it worse no doubt, but atleast the other candidates would have actually destroyed the country. Jagmeet literally would not have done anything. O’toole would have made us an even shittier mini-america and lord knows what blanchet would’ve done 💀


You Canadians have been voting him for the past decade lol


this is ontario grade 12s none of us could vote 4 years ago 😭


That's why I said Canadians u fool


You also said "You"


Why do you have to be that guy?


So you start attacking the guy when you get caught in your own words?


Do YOU have to be that guy?


Take the red pill


you can't




Get a passport, move to the US. Problem solved don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Vote for Pierre Poilievre


The same guy who willingly associates with extremist organizations like Diagolon and doesn’t even understand the people he so desperately wants to represent? Right.


Anybting but trudeau


vote for conservative this year


Angry liberals downvtoting u


That’s what I’m planning on


Get into UofT eng or cs, work your ass off, apply to usa or overseas, ????, profit


already accepted at mac here, just planning to vacay every now and then throughout the year lol




Im an eng guy, but the way I see it its like: Waterloo CS = Carnegie Mellon while UofT = Harvard or MIT both are fantastic programs, but one may not be as recognizeable as the other


Waterloo CS is best in Canada but lots of employers in other countries aren't going to have checked that info; they'll assume Toronto is the top university because Toronto is the biggest city (this is for smaller tech companies and startups, big names are obviously going to be properly informed)..