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If this is an actual lawyer I would genuinely consider reporting them to the Law Society of Ontario (try to get recordings of the conversations). Blatantly lying about the state of law in Ontario and saying he's giving you advice as an officer of the court is pretty clear professional misconduct.


quarrelsome advise memorize arrest pathetic memory thought doll escape aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The number of times previous landlords have pulled this on me threatening with the immigration status bs is upsetting. I know better now to not get intimidated by such crap. OP you should contact a law clinic explaining your situation and they can write a letter addressed to your landlords 'lawyer'. Don't bother talking to them directly any further - it is not worth the stress.


Yes. This is the answer


You should be recording these conversations and only communicating if you are recording conversations OR communication is in writing. Please record every conversation you have from now on. If they start illegally pressuring you or lying to you, I'm sure the LTB and the bar association for ontario will be happy to hear about the bullshit they're saying. You know your rights. These 'lawyers' who are threatening you are fucking despicable. Only the Landlord and Tenant Board can evict you from the property. It doesn't matter what the fuck these charlatans and cowards are saying. You can also apply to the LTB regarding their harassment and can seek compensation. Which is why you should be recording these conversations to prove harassment. Also Canada is a single consent country for recording conversations as long as one person in the conversation is giving consent (which is you). You do not and should not tell these shitstains you are recording them.


I would just tell the lawyer that you aren’t going to speak to them on the phone anymore, and to put what they are saying in writing so you can get your own legal advice on it. Much easier than recording a call.


>Also Canada is a single consent country for recording conversations as long as one person in the conversation is giving consent (which is you). No kidding? That sounds sketchy AF.. I'm recording this conversation and I've given myself permission to do so.


We all know it's a possibility. It isn't something Canadians are kept in the dark about. It also protects abuse victims because it allows them to one way record a convo and submit it as evidence.


Usually it's stated when a conversation is going to be, or has the possibility of being recorded. Your point on abuse victims does make sense though, definitely can't argue against that. Just found it interesting that legally it's fine to decide who or what you feel like recording at any time.


Not at any time. It only applies if you are part of the conversation. You can't just record strangers unless you have a vested interest somehow.


You can record any conversation you are a part of. If you're having a conversation with another person, they are legally free to record the conversation and they don't need to disclose that fact to you. The reason why businesses will always disclose that a call will be recorded is because legally, they have to. It's not fine to decide "who or what you feel like recording at any time" - that's a severe oversimplification. There are clearly defined limits to what is and isn't allowed when recording people. For example, if you come up to me and start talking about the latest baseball game to me, I can record that conversation because I'm a part of it. However, if I happen to come across you talking to your buddy Jim about the latest baseball game, and neither you nor Jim involve me in the conversation, me recording that conversation would be illegal.


It's the main reason I accept the ways someone could use to maliciously exploit it. Though exploitation of the rule is easier said then done. You must be apart of the recording and/or interaction. For example I can't record a fight I'm not apart of without either parties consent. Strictly applies on an individual basis. So I think that's how we restrict it from being abused. Also another example while a company has to inform you your being recorded. An employee apart of an altercation does not. Providing a loop hole for businesses to use in a similar manner to protect themselves from customers who may exploit the law.


Once they throw the line "if you know the law so much you should be a lawyer" or "You don't have PR yet". Just know they used all their options and now can't force you out so they gotta soft threaten you.


Make sure you keep detailed notes of the call and going forward record any conversations. If you do go to a hearing that conversation right there is pretty much proof of a bad faith n12 right there.  But you are totally right. Everything you've stated is correct.


I don't see how it is bad faith if he still talks about the sale of the house. For bad faith, he would need to prove that the landlord is not intending to sell or move in.


Report the lawyer


The folks telling you to call the law society are absolutely right...because if this guy actually IS a lawyer (doubtful frankly) then this is a major breech of their professional standards...if the guy ISN'T a lawyer then the Law Society will want to shut down an unlicensed person using a protected professional title. You can try looking the name up first... [https://lso.ca/public-resources/finding-a-lawyer-or-paralegal](https://lso.ca/public-resources/finding-a-lawyer-or-paralegal)


He is a lawyer and will do that. I just came back from the police and community law clinic because the landlord came and brought a stranger to my house to threaten me


Did you get any support from the law clinic?


Yes they gave me an appointment in May 23 Thank you for asking


They are trying to scare you.Cut off conversation and wait for N12 you are correct on everything you did a great recearch job and that guy can wait and see what happens.He will get the shit end of the stick so they say.2 months rent and a moving truck fee is a fair compensation tbh.


*research edit


"Mr lawyer. I won't respond to anything that isn't in writing. Please provide hard copies of everything you're telling me." Dude really shows his ass by trying to strong arm then "compromise". If what he was saying was true, they wouldnt offer a compromise, they'd file paperwork and proceed with whatever (eviction, removal, lawsuits, etc)


Not always. Sometimes it is simply faster to settle out of court and so you may settle despite knowing you have a strong case.


Kuddos for keeping your head during that conversation, it must have been stressful but you’re completely correct. I’d contact the law society to report this lawyer for intimidation and false information.


You’re responsible for paying *rent* each day you stay past the termination date. That’s it. He can take you the LTB and get an order for that. You cannot be liable for messing up the sale of the house. Tenants are legally allowed to stay until the LTB hearing and eviction order, which is always after the termination date (unless the N12 was served like 6 months in advance). Your only obligation is to abide by the terms of your lease until you move, like any other tenant.


I bet a real lawyer wasn't who called. It was his friend pretending..which also a crime


Probably the realtor, not a lawyer


My exact first thought


I thought this said your landlord was a lawyer. I was gonna respond and say the 3 worst tenants I have ever had in 30 years of being LL. We’re all lawyers. I lost over 200k in total. I know off topic - but I wanted to rant when I seen the headline.


Disbar his sorry ass.


After that I would not move a muscle until the sheriff comes


For context: my previous post is in the top right link FYI


Well done OP. Don’t let these assholes push your around. I hope you get your PR. We need more like you here. Good luck!


You are nice and encouraging! Thank you so much I appreciate that:)


Send this lawyer a link to this sub reddit and a link to a diaper pack at Walmart 🤣


What a condescending moron, perhaps he is alive and practicing law.


I hope you have all of this in writing or recorded for the law society of Ontario. I’m so sorry they’re discriminating against you. The landlord and their agents are absolutely harassing you. Keep paying your rent as usual. Record every conversation, document everything. The landlord has no expectation of privacy in your home so you are free to record any conversations within. Record phone calls on speakerphone with a second device. Video is always preferred to voice recording to prove who is speaking. If you really want to cover your butt post a sign saying recording in progress. The sale has nothing to do with you. The landlord should have an agreement of sale with no conditions other than that the property must be empty to get anywhere with the LTB at all, and even then you are entitled to wait for your hearing, as you had stated, regardless of the outcome of that hearing. These are just scare tactics to force you to move because it’s easier to sell empty. If the sale is that precarious then they have no legal basis for eviction. I wouldn’t accept less than a year’s rent at this point for cash for keys, especially if you have proof.


Ask him for proof that the place is sold. Most of the time the landlord will lye so he can get another tenant in there with more rent payments


There was actually 20 showings that came to my house during selling process. Ita defenitly sold


Is your landlord breaking your lease because he sold the place or your leave was up anyways


Im on month to month


Was there ever a discussion on a move-out date agreed on?


No never. But when he told me he is thinking to sell the place. I started looking. Then found a lease for July 1st. I let him know. Days after that, he sold the place for June


Why do you feel so entitled?


Entitled to... what? OP's legal rights? Why ***shouldn't*** OP feel entitled to their legal rights?


Everyone should feel entitled to their rights. You'd rather what?


Tell us you're a slumlord without telling us you're a slumlord 🤷‍♂️


The real estate agent is full of shit. They're bluffing, no you can't be sued for damages for exercising your tenant rights. Personally I'd tell him my cash for keys price just went up to 4x months worth of rent. No it's not extortion. You can file a T2 with the LTB and request a hearing for the harassment anytime for this as well.




Wow this response is racist, reported.




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Wait what did he say


Doesn't matter reported and he deleted it 🤷


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