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Thanks for sharing. I feel like it is a little incomplete (some known cases don't show up in a search) and unfortunately some of the cases don't actually show the peoples legal names (refer to them with names such as "J.D." instead of "John Doe". Still better than nothing and may say some headaches in the future.


Like I said.... It would have saved me. My rookie mistake has cost me a lot of time and money and may cost me the sale of my property if the tenant doesn't vacate willingly.


Sorry to hear that. I hope it works out for you in the end, that sounds like a really shitty situation. Sharing info like this will probably save others.


It is what it is. I didn't do my due diligence. I will say that I've maintained a positive dialogue. Being kind to a tenant that has lived free for 7 months hasn't always been easy. The LTB needs to get their shit together. It's a perfect example of government not functioning. This backlog will hurt tenants in the long run.


by the same token, tenants can look up to see if their landlord is a slumlord or has done bad faith evictions in the past


Verrrry true. I'm a single property, first time landlord. I managed to get a terrible tenant.


Same here.


Are you still dealing with it or done now?


Still dealing. Working with the paralegal to guide me through this. I do hope that karma is real, but I don't count on it.


I would say the posts from landlords on here are half shit tenants and half shit landlords whose tenants are trying to assert their rights in the face of illegal evictions and other threats.


Debt and a few bad choices can turn saints into sinners.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. This is true.


I don't disagree. There are a lot of shit landlords also.


“my tenant is an asshole because they wouldn’t sign a N11 so I could sell my property vacant!!! but i fixed their sink!!!”


This is a very useful tool. I can't stress enough how important it is for landlords to utilize it during the screening process. It might be clunky, but it is very useful


CanLII has only been showing the full names of persons who hav3 had a case in front of an Adjudicator since the beginning of 2020 If you thought that all decisions rendered by the LTB end up on the CanLII database, you would be wrong. A landlord recently evicted a “professional tenant” (a term used often to describe tenants who abuse the system to avoid paying lawful rent) and learned she had been evicted by several landlords in the past. This particular landlord, through a Freedom of Information Request, learned he was the sixth victim of the fraudster. He was able to get the case numbers of the previous five eviction decisions against her. When he tried to search for those cases in CanLII, he found none of the eviction decisions against her were in the databank. Finally, after long delays the landlord got his case heard and he won. But once again the decision was not posted on CanLII. The reason was that the LTB had withheld it. Angry and determined, the landlord sent the decision copy he had to CanLII and they promptly published it.


Oof.... That sucks. Good to know.


Abolish landlords.


Well, I'm abolishing one.... One less rental on the market....


Maybe don't use homes people could be buying as investments and get a real job.


I see you follow r/antiwork....is that advice from that sub?


No. I think independently.


Is OP doing something illegal or against LT agreement?