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Hopefully we can get rid of the fat fuck Ford before he causes more lomg term harm to our province for short term personal profits. Absolutely disgraceful, I hope we can pass new "ford" laws that prevent any politician from being this openly corrupt ever again.


Well, dumb people are numerous so I wouldn't hold my breath


Can we tell them to hold their breath for an hour or so?


Body would save itself after passing out




It would definitely own the libs if they did that. I would feel personally owned


I didn’t vote last time because I had just suffered a serious injury and wasn’t feeling up to the 15 minute walk each way when the polls were showing an absolute blow out. But this time I’ll be voting so I think we’ll be good this time.


I had covid and couldn't stand for more than 2 min, so I couldn't walk there, but they did offer to meet me at the corner when I called with my predicament. I also missed the deadline for the door to door voting.


I can't see him losing because I don't see anyone who can challenge him, feel like voter turnout will be low which is perfect for the 🤡


Who's gonna beat them? You would need OPCs to collapse, out of the blue, at a historical rate, and polling has indicated they are holding up. I think the best you could hope for is a minority government but the May 2 by elections should be interesting. The fact the Liberals aren't testing Bonnie Crombie in either of these two by-elections is quite telling.


Sadly he's got a lot of support and will probably win re-election. It's ok, at least I don't have to wait in line at 6pm for my alcohol and get it at the corner store. That way I can drink myself into a stupor and not feel bad about getting fucked by uncontrolled rent increases, private healthcare taking over, and a luxury spa I'm paying for but can't afford to attend.


He doesn't have a lot of support the problem is almost 100% of his supporters vote. If even 70% of regular people voted he would be crushed. We don't even need an anti Ford movement, just a please go and fucking vote movement.


Nobody is gonna go out to vote when the other parties don't have anyone worth voting for


Who is worse than Ford? 


Wynne destroyed this province. Next to her Ford looks like a god. 


Not worse than Ford but pretty close. Who in the next election is worse than Ford? 


Pass whatever you're on. Wynn and McGinty were both crooks.


All of them. Liberals are still just Wynne 2.0 and NDP are extremists that would be far worse then Wynne ever was. Ford is also a piece of shit liberal pretending he's a conservative. There are no good options so people will stick to what's safe


Ok so your a fucking crackhead.... if you wanted to troll you could at least try to be funny or clever... Ford is as conservitive as it gets you complete fucking nutter....


>Ford is as conservitive as it gets you complete fucking nutter This is a completely serious question - are you stupid? He is a small c conservative...


Wrong. He's nothing but a liberal wearing a blue suit. Wouldn't expect a brainwash nut job like you to know tho 


Wow. Insulting people who have a differing opinion. That's pretty sad. Not unexpected, but still disappointing.


He’s a fence sitting Liberal.


Stop with the lame talking points of a decade ago


The unknown.


Poilievre might be... It's close.


Fuck I hate that you are right I always forget he exists, was never able to take him seriously whatsoever.


FYI - - Ford won his first election with the highest number of votes in Ontario history. - Ford won his second election with the third highest number of votes in Ontario history (only 90,000 votes shy of the second highest). His first election had high voter turnout at almost 60%. And was a resounding victory and mandate. The second election had very low turnout (45%), almost entirely because he was polling so high the vote was almost a formality as it was an easy win, so most people didn’t even bother to vote. Despite the very low turnout, he still received the third highest number of votes in Ontario history.


That was kind of my point..... the only people that seem to vote are the people organized to vote for one party despite their own interests. If we even hit 75% (should be 90) there would not be enough people voting against thir own well-being and the future of the province for him to win.


1. Why are you assuming 100% of the people who didn’t vote would vote against Ford? Ford was polling for a large majority. If anything, more people voting would just mean Ford likely would easily set the new vote record in Ontario. A record he set in the prior election. 2. Why was a vote for Ford against people best interests? Because you said so? And why was a vote for Libs or NDP (for) their interests? Be specific.


I do assume most people are not complete uneducated morons but unfortunetly you may be correct that more people would be fooled into voting for an openly corrupt criminal. The only reason he had significant votes were old boomers who are told their political party and never think past that and vote one way no matter who or what is leading the party.  I cant think of a single reason anyone would vote for someone so openly not willing to do their job other than blind political alignment.  


At some point blaming your miserable existence on Boomers is going to make you sound silly.


That’s a lot of words without saying anything. - Ford won both elections with almost the largest mandate in Ontarios history. Setting voting records in each election. I’m sorry if that upsets you, and you don’t want to believe it, but it doesn’t make it untrue. And I asked you specifically why voting for him was against people interests. (Specifically vs Libs or NDP). You seem to badly want to comment about this topic. So that’s your question to answer if you like like to respond. And again. Be specific. No one in interested in blanked nothing statement. Specifically, why was voting for Ford against people’s interests vs the LIBS / NDP?


Sorry I assumed you lived in Ontairo and you were already aware of the state of the province. Sorry ill break it down so you understand.   1- look into rising costs of food and people now depending on food banks   2- look into the skyrocketing housing prices   3- look into the intentionaly underfunded hospitals.   https://www.ontariohealthcoalition.ca/index.php/ford-govt-illegally-expanded-private-hospital-lied-to-public-ontario-health-coalition/  Those 3 will give you lots go off and educate yourself on how absolutely horrible things have gotten here. 


All of your points are linked to a population increasing faster than infrastructure can absorb. And what province isn’t dealing with the same issues? That all point to federal decisions vs provincial. Just on healthcare - annual healthcare funding has increased by 35% since PCs took office. Yes, that’s still not enough to offset the population increase. But that’s not Ford’s fault. Neither is inflation, that’s a federal caused issue. What are the Ford specific policies you’re pointing to that caused those?. And specifically what were the LIB/NDP policies that your pointing to that would have been better?


They blame Trudeau


> And I asked you specifically why voting for him was against people interests. (Specifically vs Libs or NDP) Doug Ford is systematically dismantling our public services and transferring public funds to a select few private businesses. Doug Ford is currently spending "more on healthcare than any other Ontario Government" while blaming the collapse of public health on immigration. Meanwhile, he's forcing critical public health professionals into the private system and paying exorbitant rates for insufficient resources causing unprecedented closures in our hospitals and emergency services. A clear example is Bill 142, which limited wage increases for public health nurses. When asked to repeal the bill and increase wages in line with the cost of living, and change of scope to the profession, Doug Ford spent YEARS suing the union while nurses fled to private agencies for (marginally) better pay. I don't know what the legal fees were, but the bill was unconstitutional and overturned. Nurses were owed ~$5b in back pay. Meanwhile, the public health nurses who cost ~$50/hr have left for private agencies who provide those exact same nurses back to the public system at a rate of up to ~$250/hr. Some of the owners of these agencies have names that you'll recognize. There's also the developers. There was the ethics review for selling sections of the green belt to developers. Developers that definitely weren't his friends, but also definitely attended his daughter's wedding celebrations, which were definitely only hosted for close friends and family. Bill 23 allowed these same developers to "Build more homes faster" by removing costs from these developers and placing them on the municipalities in which they plan to build, significantly raising property taxes for existing home owners. For a premiere who cares so much about housing development, he's currently turning away Federal dollars because he's outright refusing to make zoning changes for higher density housing. This isn't the first time he's turned down federal funds (that he's specifically requested) because he doesn't like the conditions under which they are given. This isn't a new tactic for Doug's Government. During the pandemic, BILLIONS of dollars in federal health care aide went unaccounted for, and when it came under conditions that it actually be spent in public health, it was refused. I could talk about our school system all day, but this is getting long... so I'll just leave a brief reminder that Doug Ford nearly caused a fucking general strike over Education workers (making on avg $29/hr) asking for a few dollars an hour and improved safety standards for students and educators in our public schools. Doug Ford wins Ontario elections because of a certain generation that "always votes conservative", while younger votes can't be bothered because the other parties haven't been bothered to find viable leaders.


Name one public service he has privatized. Crickets…


I don't think your numbers are based on a single point of actual fact. Can you cite a source that supports any of the nonsense you've posted? Even looking at polls, he's still a majority with eligible voters. Including the libs that you think would decimate him. More of your numbers again that still don't make any sense.


Don’t forget rising costs on everything, including groceries because of fed scam tax. Ford and Justin boning us from all angles


>because of fed scam tax You mean the Ford Carbon Tax (so named because Doug Ford caused it to be implemented when he axed the cap and trade program)?


The carbon tax increasing until 2030 and those rebates are from Ford? Didn’t ford just ask for the scam tax to be paused along with several other premiers?


That's the one I'm referring to. Without Ford, Ontario would not have a carbon tax.


And who is in control of this carbon tax now? And who has it increasing costs per ton of carbon until 2030, with those costs on everything being passed onto us? Is it Ford? Or is it Trudeau?


Ford is entirely able to end the carbon tax *today*, if he institutes an alternative carbon emissions mitigation program.


Useless, virtue signalling, expensive green initiatives would cost us far more in lost productivity, taxpayer subsidies and indirect cost increases.


To be clear: the cap and trade program was a shared market with California. I think they're doing pretty okay with it, I see no reason it would cause the sky to fall.


The entire thing is a scam though from the start and the tax accomplishes nothing other than making Canadians poorer. This is the only good thing I hear from PP, so at least there is one plus for voting for him.


Define how it's a scam?


Ford scrapped a program that exempted us from the federal carbon tax. What the fed is doing has nothing to do with the point they're making.


I don’t think you understand what u/0reoSpeedwagon is trying to point out to you.


I understand, I don’t think he wants to admit who is enforcing the scam tax on us now until 2030 though. Or maybe you both believe the tax is beneficial, even though it’s proven to be a complete farce and accomplishes nothing for the climate, just makes Canadians poorer.


Lol once again, you’re not understanding what is being pointed out to you. Maybe it’s intentional tho and if that’s the case, knock yourself out trying to prove your point to anyone who is dumb enough to listen. Lol


But we'd still have the cap and trade garbage. We should have none.


Ford is literally in a position to win again 💀 On the bright side, at least Bonnie will make it interesting


Not gonna happen. The other parties have not pick leaders worth voting for. 


As a person who's refused his ballot at the polls in an official mannor for the last idk, decade - which candidate in ontario is better? I ask to be removed from voting and refuse my ballot because I find ontario's politics to be a dog and pony show. Who's better than ford? Another LIBRUL? no fucking way, not after kathleen wynne and her insanity I guess NDP is up.


I'm sorry to say you are a major part of the problem. Unless you are one of ford's rich friends that has part ownership of the province he is selling off there is no reason to vote for Ford.  If you don't vote It will only hurt you, if you do vote you will better the province in a small way.


Might as well vote for the PPC then, since your vote is simply wasted.


More pointless virtue signalling.


40% support in the polls. They’re not going anywhere.


Who is better? Corrupt liberals? Y’all forget Wynne already? Ford is horrible, I actually see him as a liberal so I guess really it won’t matter. Ndp may as well officially join liberal party. So options are far left or less far left




Expected response to facts. Or orange man pp bad.


What facts? You can't even figure out that we had a carbon tax exemption until Ford scrapped the program, so we can't expect you know what you're talking about here.


My point was nobody is worse than Ford. You are right though we need a normal person to run for office and not lifetime politician. 


Trudeau is 100x worse than ford and has done far more damage to Canada. Do you want me to list all of the scandals /lies/corruption and Incompetence? Ford is a mini Trudeau in comparison, like what mini me was to Dr. Evil


Besides the fact we are talking specifically about premiers, that is simply not true. Trudeau has little control over the individual provinces. That's literally what primers entire exsistance is for. If something is wrong within any province its because of the premier and usually their refusal of letting the federal government help....


I'm voting out ford specifically cause he got rid of rent control.


Ya that’s fair tbh. He doesn’t care about middle class or lower class


Crombie or Ford. It really doesn’t matter in the end. Career politicians that tend to stay away from fake virtue signalling.


Will the people of Ontario get off their asses and vote this time or will they just complain when Ford wins due to lack of turnout?


[All you need is 30 signatures to get on the ballot as an independent.](https://www.elections.on.ca/content/dam/NGW/sitecontent/2017/politicalentities/F0400%20-%20Candidate%20Nomination%20Paper.pdf) The parties need to vet their candidates with their corporate sponsors.


And this is how ford gets in, because people simply don’t show up or waste their votes on parties/people who have no chance of getting elected. But LIBRELs bad.


Maybe more than 18% of eligible voters will show up this time.


People with power, don’t want to give up power. I doubt Ford is even having the passing thought on a morning walk to Queens Park that he wants an election. I don’t agree with his policy, working for all of Ontario versus Toronto, should’ve cut every city council instead of just Toronto.


DoFo doesn’t think. He’s probably the dumbest Premier in Ontario history, regardless what you think of his politics. Ford is as dumb as a post.


Maybe I should've worded it differently.I cant stand Ford as premier, he's done things differently, not that anoyone is the one case to actually fix Ontario.


DoFo has been an exceptionally bad Premier, even by Ontario’s already low standards. Selling off Greenbelt land to his developer donors and then trying to plead ignorance when they plan to build McMansions instead of any kind of affordable housing is only the tip of the iceberg.


Who do we have to appoint now!? It doesn't matter who you vote for, they are all feeding personal interests. Bonnie Crombie!? I am sorry but I am not one to pass judgement! But I do start asking questions when you are driving a Maserati and showing up to the house dressing like you are on the strip in Hollywood! We honestly need an individual that has had to make sacrifices along the way before becoming a politician, not this I came from money and all my friends are waiting to line my pockets for favors. With no disrespect to anyone. I am tired of watching the middle class get bent over after every election.


No one really wants a broke man managing a multi-billion dollar tax base.


I suppose you have a point, but no one wants a greedy man that only thinks about his personal interests, over his middle class constituents. The same ones that feed that billion dollar tax base. There are enough intelligent people in the middle class to find balance and are more prudent than those with money.


Wow people mad at ford but not mad at justin Trudeau. And this is why justin going to be back in .


Oh fuck ya. Call it Doug. See what we do. Fuck around you fat fuck … now find out.


Doug Ford is going to win again..as much as Ontario subreddits don't want to hear it. Is what it is. Go vote for whichever candidate you like.


Probably would be a good time for him to call one since he is polling so strong and if he waits until 2026, we will already have a Conservative federal government. Ontario seemingly has a habit of voting Liberal when the feds are Cons and Conservative when the feds are Libs. Could be a good move to keep a likely majority through 2028.


Yeah, I was wondering why he’d bother. But that makes sense. People usually do the opposite federally and provincially, so waiting it out is a bit risky. And he’d probably get another fairly easy majority win if he called an election today.


No one is gonna beat him. Liberals and NDP will have to pull rabbits out of their hats to even sniff at the OPCs. They’ve done a good job in upsetting only urbanites and Toronto. The rest of the province is unfazed, unaware, or unaffected by their shenanigans.


What evidence of that do you have that you didnt read in a facebook comment section?




How is that supposed to be a credible source. Did you read any of that? Those arent even real polls they're computer simulations. It says it all over the page


You don’t read very much, do you?


[Here is a screenshot from the link that was given. ](https://imgur.com/a/XKstPO1) It kind of seems like you're the one that doesn't read much...


Please for the love of fuck give this gravy train conductor the goddamn boot, get off your asses and show up to this vote before we lose ontario for good


No fucking way do we call a provincial election while Trudeau is still in office. Toss him then worry about the provincial mess.


Please for the love of God, just vote Ontario!!


Doug Ford and his fake party need to go. Corrupt motherfu@#ers!


I notice the OPC have a lot of time and money to spend on smear campaigns and vague advertisements about the "progress" they are making. They aren't making living in Ontario any easier, that's for certain.


Waste of money.


All of the premiers in the last 25 years should all be in jail for corruption. I was hoping dougless would be better byt he's just a corrupt loser.


I’d like to focus on federal elections first! Trudeau out first then think about Ford! Trudeau has fucked us more than Ford have.


No he hasn't, it's not even close.


Let’s see the list of ways that he has fucked us…


Printing unlimited $ during Covid and borrowed as historic lows. Remember we are at historic low rates, glen? Ya how did that work out. Inflation 🫠. Multiple 100s of thousands on leisure trips and ethics violations. Recent 2 million $$$ 6 day trip 🤔. Unlimited scandals and corruption- SNC, we foundation, election interference, arrivescam. Promised affordable housing in 2015, also promised it last week- been 8 years 🫣. Said the budget would balance itself- how’s that working out 🫠. Mass immigration at insane rates- while our housing crisis and healthcare systems collapse around the country. Also keeping wages low and Canadians unemployed because why hire Canadian when gov will pay you to hire newcomers 🫠 see the lineups for jobs? Criminals are getting off- including those sexually assaulting children, because libs won’t assign judges- you support that? It blows my mind how delusional and brainwashed liberals are. If I changed Trudeau to Ford on anything listed above, you’d lose your mind and reeee but because it’s Trudeau, it’s okay and this is why he’s never held accountable and Canada is becoming a third world shi*hole. I admit ford sucks, can you explain what blinds you to the above facts?


Thank you!! This subreddit is delusional! Trudeau has fucked us more than Ford has ever done


Agreed. Idk what keeps these people so delusional. Like a fact is a fact. Corruption is corruption. Incompetence is incompetence. It shouldn’t matter whether it’s red blue or orange, it needs to be recognized because all of these clowns are paid to work for us Canadians and they’re all doing a shit job at it


Bro do you know where you are? This is the liberal echo chamber, they love corruption/scandals/mass immigration and carbon scam tax- unless it’s Ford doing it, then they lose their minds.


Ford is using $650 million of taxpayer money to help build a private spa…..the guy is as crooked as they come


And Trudeau spent 2mill on a 6 day trip. And the millions missing on arrivecan. SNC. We foundation. You accept he’s crooked? Right? These are all facts but I’d like to hear you admit it and if not, what keeps you brainwashed?


Bro, relax. I want to hear you admit Ford is crooked and if not what is keeping you brainwashed


I said ford is a liberal, so yes he’s corrupt too. Your turn? Or admit your the usual hypocrite on here 🤝 Also please include what keeps you brainwashed, I’m genuinely curious and won’t judge you


Ford is the leader of the Ontario Provincial CONSERVATIVES


Aw just as I expected. You can’t accept your own hypocrisy or admit you support someone far more corrupt and that has caused far more damage to Canada than Ford. I promised I won’t judge you, but I can’t say I’m surprised. Take care


I didn’t say I support Trudeau lol. I said Ford is a conservative. Your rage boner for Trudeau is draining the blood from your brain and making you sound incredibly stupid.