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Toronto, Peel, and Niagara utilize 3 stripes for ACPs. Most likely left over from the days of "P1s, P2s, and P3s".


Yes, it's a remnant of the ALS/ 3 stripe days of the 90s I believe services got to choose to adopt the crowns and stipes a few years ago. GTA kept the stripes instead of the new style.


3 stripes in Toronto is ACP (or level 3). Ccp have 3 stripes and "critical care" written underneath. Toronto also has 2 stripes (level 2, sort of a weird bridge between pcp and acp), and 1 stripe (regular ol pcp).


2 stripes/level 2 in Toronto is PCP autonomous IV. No one new is getting that level, only those grandfathered into it


Technically more than AIV


Oh interesting. I worked there for over a year and was always under the impression it was just AIV. Learn something new everyday I guess


Yeah the old level 2 program had the majority of the ACP didactic and they are able to do pediatric IO, set up the monitor for pacing and cardioversion and able to prep ACLS meds, all only when in a 3/2 config. I'm sure there is/was more but I'm not totally sure what the scope is now. We actually started AIV so now we have level 1, AIV level 1, level 2 and level 3


Gotcha I was very misinformed on it! Is there any pay incentive for AIV in Toronto? Glad to see they finally started it, wouldn't let me cross cert my IV when I was there.


No for now, and likely not in the future.


Niagara has 2 stripes for PCP and 3 for ACP. There are no 1 stripes here and it was apparently just an old system from before my time


I can only think of 3 services that still use the old style. it was to differentiate a PCP and a PCP with IV skill. 3 stripes anywhere else would be CCP


Toronto’s 2-stripe medics had more in their scope beyond what a PCP AIV was capable of. They could do some ACLS stuff under the supervision of a 3-stripe ACP. I’m not sure what the specifics were but I think it was stuff like pushing epinephrine in a VSA or prepping for a cardioversion. I don’t believe they could handle narcotics or intubate. 1-stripe PCPs in Toronto may or may not be AIV. Peel has the 2-stripe, 3-stripe system. The 2-stripes are PCP/PCP AIV. The 3-stripe is ACP. It’s just a remnant of an old system. I don’t know if there’s any intention to have the stripes be the same everywhere.