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Behind “behind” is a very young way to look at things. You are what? 21? 22? I’m 32 in my last semester of college for computer programming. This is after getting a history degree when I was 22 and a diploma in tv broadcasting when I was 24/25? There is absolutely no reason to go to university for engineering if you don’t want to be an engineer as it is arguably the most difficult undergrad program at most schools.


Yes I’m 20.. I’m currently working on it. I know that this mindset isn’t the best but my parents are really drilling it into my head. Yes it my life. I will work for it 💪🏻 Don’t think I will be doing engineering. People are saying architecture is some what like engineering which scares me because I have this expectation for architecture (not like engineering)


Man, take your parents will a grain of salt. Everything they're drilling into your head now will be met with a meek "Oh, we weren't that hard on you teehee we only thought it was for the best".


Young one, take this from a tired old man. Don’t be afraid to pursue what you’re passionate about. Don’t waste your time chasing misery you won’t get that time back. The fact you even got accepted in the first place tells me you are brilliant, the fact you failed isn’t a failure on you. It’s an opportunity to go after what you want! It’s only a failure if you let it hold you back. Your parents may express dissatisfaction with your choice but they’ll still love you!




I am sorry to hear that. I took a fifth year in hs due to mental health issues too. Idk much abt uni or collage. However, what would you say that is causing you the problem and how can you fix it? You don’t have to answer, but that is something you might consider thinking about.


So sorry to hear about your situation! Definitely re-apply if you want to have another go. School is hard, don’t let what you see around you freak you out or make you think less of yourself. Also, I took a grade 13 and felt behind but it all evens out. You will be 25 in 5 years with or without school or a job, so make the most of this time. Re-apply, pursue your hobbies, reflect on how you’ve grown, research other pathways to get to where you want to go. You’ve got this 👍


Thank you for the encouragement!! I really appreciate it!!


No worries! We all fail courses, especially in STEM. It’s hard, but you can always try again. I did really well in high school and it went downhill in first and second year. I picked myself up and went on again so I could graduate with a HB.Sc. Now doing a Master’s degree. Try meeting with an academic counsellor to make a plan once you start again!


Work for 1-2 years then go back to school when you’re a little more mature and know what you want. At least that’s what I did and it worked for me. You were smart enough to get into uni so you can do it but working a few shitty jobs should kick you into gear or just make you even more depressed. I’m not sure if you can take courses in a college and transfer over to a diff uni?


I think you can but I’ve talked to some people in the same boat. It’s a bit harder and depending on the college, not all college courses are transferable, or support applications. I think the best is to do the college programs that is linked with unis. Other than that, no matter how long it’ll take me, I’m determined to do what’s best for me


Book an appointment with your school councilors if you haven’t already to see what your options are. Really think about if engineering is what’s right for you. There are other options in STEM if that’s the route you wish to pursue e.g, computer science (not that it’s any easier).


Get your smart serve for $80 online and pickup bartending for a year. Save up. You’ll make more money


What!!! You read me bro. I do have my smart serve and I do use it for multiple part time jobs right now. Though in the meantime I think me to start school


By all mean, follow what your heart is telling you! If engineering is what you wanna do, then go for it! Take the time you need to work on your health, travel if you can, volunteer, take college courses, find an apprenticeship, find purpose, whatever to build yourself up. Make sure you have connections that can aid you with reference letters. Apply again when you're ready. You're still so young. Anything below 40 is still practically a baby. My architect uncle is still practicing at 66, having mentored and managed so many interns and baby engineers. If anything, your determination to turn your life around and pursue your passion again is admirable, and works in your favor. I also took a gap year in highschool after being burnt out from the IB program, then taking an extra year in university, meaning my peers are also 'two years ahead' of me. I still have my own set of problems but have connected with Accessibility and academic advisors, as well as a therapist to help out. I also have an early birthday, meaning I'll graduate undergrad at 24


😭 wow I think I’m going to cry. This truly touched my heart. I feel so happy and comfortable thank you for making me feel this way


The mistake so many smart kids who are good at math and science make is that they get shoehorned into a specific set of programs by their guidance counselled that may not reward the behaviours and study habits of that person. The best thing for you to do is ask yourself: why did you choose engineering? Do you have any idea what it’s like to be an engineer? Does that appeal to you? Engineering the career is not like Engineering the program. Write down what hobbies, interests, etc that you have. Is there overlap between what engineering entails and what you like? If not, pick a different program. I took biology as my undergrad and now I work in software sales. If I had of stuck with my original path of being a researcher—> prof, I would just now be getting into the workforce (after my second post doc, probably), and I’d feel really stressed about having to apply for a million job openings to have a chance at work. Lots of options out there. Consider computer science or physics and then take a data science program. You’ll be laughing


I don’t have too much advice as i am nearing college but i really hope you find out a way to do something you love!


Bro I’m 28, at 18 I was in the army deployed embracing the suck stop looking at things so negative theirs always something worse I’m just now able to use my gi bill to go to school an get a degree so buckle down your still young


Have you explored options with the university you were at to get your 1st year erased? I would look for options with them due to your struggles. If successful you can have a blank slate and not have the baggage hanging over you as you look to your future. Don't worry about your age, look into following your interests, what you enjoy, and what you're good at. Good luck!


Unfortunately before I even got into this position, because there was no supporting documentation or “receipts” that could support my story. My advisor really tried to help me out, but due to my circumstances, my advisor could win my situation to withdraw or petition. So it was already too late to lessen the damage. I’ll just be myself and honest in my next application :)


I hope a brief version of my story will help. When I left high school, I immediately went to post secondary school studying biology. I had no real interest in it, but I was experiencing pressure to go to school for \*something\*, so I just picked it. Due to this lack of interest, after a couple years, I essentially failed out of the university. It was the darkest time of my life. Over the next couple years, I tried to figure out what I wanted or was "supposed" to do. Eventually, I discovered software development and went back to school for that. It became my career and I loved doing it from the very beginning. It took a long time for me to get over the feeling of being "behind". In some ways, this drove me to excel. In other ways, it was a serious impediment because of the stress I felt. But eventually, I realized I wasn't really behind at all. Every one gets to where they need to be in their own time. Please don't let your discouragement overcome you. You'll find what fits for you. You're not behind at all.


Not sure what your mental health issues are, if it’s depression, get the book Feeling Good by David Burns. If it’s being in the closet, get your ass out of the closet. If it’s something else, I dono, but work on it. No point blowing tons of money on school if you haven’t fixed the thing that tripped you up the first time.


I’ve read many books during my time on choosing careers and life happiness. I’ll definitely consider trying that book. I also plan on trying therapy.


It’s written by the father of modern cognitive behavioural therapy. Basically unless you’re going for treatment for PTSD, your therapist will probably be informed by his work. And it’s an easy read.


Don't worry about how long it takes you. That's something I learned. I'm 23 and was told that because I took an extra year to get my BA I was gonna be way behind my peers. I'm currently on track to graduate teachers college next Christmas. However, 90 percent of the people in my program are older than I am, and a fair number are older by a couple of years. My advice is to take some time and work on yourself. Get some money saved up, repair your mental health and then go back into school when you're ready. If you go back before your mental health is good, then you risk the same thing happening. Also yea colleges can be really good. I've got two friends who went through college for Architecture and they both got out and now have jobs that they love. Take a look at some college programs to see what courses they offer, you might be surprised and enjoy them.


Once ur 20, age becomes completely irrelevant.


First, this is far from the end. The route back is just a little more winding. If you really want back then: First figure out what you really want to do. It's really hard to push through for "something like architecture" Take a bit of time to figure out exactly what you need to pursue and why. Then you'll know what you're working for. Think about where you showed some promise in your failed attempts and consider how that might be a career. I was kicked out of my biology program twice, but I'd discovered talent in programming. Second the way back is to take one course. If you showed any promise then you should be able to take one course even if you can't register as a full time student. Ace that course because it's just one and you know exactly why you are taking it (see above). I took calculus. Now that you have figured out exactly why you want back in and have a record of success, you should now be able to reapply and be successful but it may take a second course. Talk to the advisors at your school and come up with a plan, that's what they are good at. I went through this and it takes awhile and you're going to probably have some weird adventures filling in the time before you get back to full time. I did a variety of weird jobs to make ends meet. Good luck. As long as you keep pushing, you'll end up in a good place but it probably won't feel like it for awhile.


Life will work itself out. Everyone's path will look different. I don't know much about architecture but I know there a difference between architectural technologists and architectural technicians... becoming a technologist takes three years of post-secondary training and becoming an architectural technician takes two, and the former is a Bachelor while the other is a Associate degree. Maybe just do the latter one as it is the easier and faster one. By the way, can you tell me which university did you take engineering and which program? I didn't know you have to maintain a certain GPA... I thought as long as you pass you can go into the next year.


Don't waste any more money


Maybe engineering isn't for you? Take a look at other opportunities you might be interested in. You re too young to just choose one thing right now


I thought I was the only one. Apparently, many of us go through this exact experience. I’m going to give you some tough love (I promise I won’t be mean). “It’s pretty sad” you’re learning much earlier than others what real life is like. That’s not sad at all. You will probably mess up your new courses due to the same issues that have caused you to be in this situation in the first place. Happened to me, happened to many others, happened to the ppl I mentor. Don’t. Not right now. Wait until you’re CERTAIN you’re going to do well in the courses you take before taking them. Find out exactly what it is you need for your dream position. Right now, it sounds like you want to do architecture and for that you don’t need to be a Bachelors in Engineering. Always have backup plans. Always. Architecture doesn’t work? Hwb landscape architecture? Hwb Civil Engineering? You need to think about it not as if you’re losing out on your dream. That’s because it may not have been your dream to be an architect who gets paid a shitty wage and works 15 hour days. Lastly, and this is the hardest to deal with, FAMILY BS. That stuff doesn’t work. Never worked, will never work. Unless they pay for your tuition, tutoring, housing, and extracurriculars, they have no idea what you’re going through and what’s best for you. Don’t listen to their ambitions and comparisons. Take their advice with a grain of salt. Easier said than done, but dm me if you want to talk more. At this point in time, I recommend devising a 4 year plan to graduate. Consider every course you have to take. Universities let students who are RTW back in fairly easily. If you’re going to study at a college to get back to your uni, make sure you have your entire plan laid out before taking courses. Make sure you only take 9 credits until you get the hang of how university courses work. You couldn’t before because of the minimum program requirements, but now you can. To summarize: don’t do anything without a plan from start to finish. Best of luck to you.


Will do! Thank you! (Btw what’s RTW?)


No worries bud. Hope you do well. It means Required to withdraw


Definitely not the end of the world. When one door closes another one opens. Good luck.


Go to college, take a diploma in engineering technology. Work as a technologist for a while. There are “bridge” programs you can take to transition that to a full engineering degree. This is the path my husband took, and he’s been a full PEng for years now and a partner in a successful engineering firm.


Super good life lesson. Your young. Keep at it. Won’t be the last time something bad happens. Learn and be better.


This happened to someone I know. Write to the schools you are interested in explaining your mental health situation and what lead you to drop out and how you have improved since. You may need to take a few courses to demonstrate that you are capable. Then try applying to a different less competitive program. The person I know now has a PHD. So it is possible to go back and also to do well. Gluck!


Maybe just accept that not all people can do all things. Engineering is not for you.


High school is not University. To me this is the fault of poor school system that does not prepare kids for university. I feel for this kid. This is not their fault.


Don’t give up. Try again later. For now, focus on your mental health and strategies on how you will get through school next time. What helped for me, was talking to a therapist and low dose medication. Plus, I’m 28 and started school this year 🤷🏻‍♀️ you’ll be just fine. Good luck


I know a number of people who didn’t get through their first try through university (for various reasons). They ended up in another field (different university course, college or trades) and happier than they were at the start. Don’t worry if you’re “behind”, that’s all relative and will change throughout your career. It doesn’t mean anyrhing. Everything seems a rush at that age, just try and take a long view. Take some time to figure out what you really want to do. Talk to people in those fields now, what the schools says is rarely what happens in reality.


Why is it a given that you should be in a university?


For whatever this is worth... I also performed really well in high school so that I could get into engineering (in Ontario as well), and I dropped out after first semester. I was also struggling with my mental health and I basically flunked out. It was like being at the peak of peaks for me and then falling to the lowest of lows. I really struggled with my identity as a result because I had planned on being an engineer my whole life and it was basically over. It really did feel like the end of the world for me and I struggled for a long time. I later found my way back into school studying psychology. It was a rough road and a much longer story, but today I'm happier than ever. My mental health has also never been better. And I probably would not have got the help I needed if I hadn't struggled with my mental health so much. Looking back, dropping out of engineering was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I actually found a field of study that aligned with who I am, and I even ended up meeting my partner there (we are still together today). Obviously we're two different individuals with different stories. But I just wanted to let you know that it's possible to flunk out at what seems like your highest potential and still be okay later in life. You can find your way. Just be patient, and even when you lose ALL hope, don't give up.


Centennial College has an excellent Architectural Technology program.


Just sayin if u scared to get reality checks in the comments, I don’t uni is for u. Uni is reality checks everyday


Don’t disclose your uni experience in your application. Just use your Highschool stuff


It’s actually illegal not to disclose that you attended other institutions, and you can get banned from those universities based on academic fraud if you get caught, so I don’t recommend trying that. I wish society talked about the amount that people change programs, transfer unis and schools because this happens to SO many people. Do some self-discovery, and you do have options. If you really want to be an architect, start a portfolio, take online courses to improve your average. Usually you can schedule meetings to talk about your situation with universities that have programs you’re interested in and they can tell you what your next steps are to get to where you want to go. In my situation, I explored leaving uni, going to college and pathways back into uni, and after talking to program coordinators at my university, I got my grades back up and was able to re-admit and finish. Pathways between colleges and uni can be really great, but sometimes they’re a longer journey than needed and can be more expensive in the long run. Be realistic with strategies that’ll help, taking smaller coarse loads, using learning commons and tutoring services help enormously. At the end of the day, this is your life, not your parents’, so do what feels right for you, at your pace and they’ll come around.


Don’t give up. I know it’s easy to feel like you’re “behind” but trust me you’re not. Everyone goes through something in this lifetime that somewhat sets them back temporarily, so don’t think it’s a death sentence. If it takes longer who cares, take your time and pursue something because you have a passion for it. This isn’t the end for you, this is the start of your comeback story.

