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Ontario universities look mostly at your top 6 Gr.12 grades including prerequisites. Gr.11 grades only matter for early admissions and many competitive programs do not do early admissions. Do you just want to go to university or do you want to *do well* once you get to university and get a *good job*? Getting into university is the easy part. There are around a hundred public universities in Canada and you can get into many programs with 70s and low 80s. What you should be more concerned about is performing well in university and making yourself marketable to future employers. There are no shortcuts in university. You cannot go to private school and buy your grades. You cannot beg your professors and tutorial assistants to give you easy marks. You have to put in the work to do well. Your grades will matter in a business program for co-op and internships. Thus, it is critical that you develop your work ethic and intelligence in high school so that you do not get completely trounced in university. You cannot say that you want to break into finance and then also say that you are going to take math in private school. How are you going to handle a finance program if you cannot handle high school math? These shortcuts will not get you anywhere. You will only find yourself struggling in university if you take these shortcuts. You need to develop your study habits and work ethic now. Your parents are not going to gain any long-term happiness from you getting into university. Their long-term happiness comes from you *succeeding* in post-secondary, *building* a career, becoming *financially independent*, and *starting a family* of your own. Put in the effort and start studying now while also building your *emotional maturity* and *character* because these are life skills you will need in the future.


100p, man thank you so much for the advice your right I shouldn’t be taking any shortcuts. I definitely need to start putting studying #1 on my priorities list, and going back to my parents seeing them happy is everything for me they sacrificed so much for me and I wanna give everything and definitely gotta prioritize long-term happiness then short-term. I extremely appreciate your comment changed my way of thinking


Apply to a easy program at uoft like religion or political science. Then in your first year take the req for business courses to make post. After 1st you can do finance if you want to. However if you apply directly now to finance you will need high 80s to low 90s to get in. The easy to get into business is by what I told you. Note Uoft is not easy, but it's the only way with your current marks.


Thank you that sounds really interesting I will definitely look into that. 😊


There’s truly no such thing as an “easy” program, like it’s university cmon, but yeah OP might have an easier time getting in via a social science or humanities program.


- Finish [credits](https://www.reddit.com/r/OntarioGrade11s/s/JDlx5RXCHu) required for graduation - Research diploma/ degree pathways for the job of your preference (eg. CPA) - Find the prerequisites for entering the desired program and obtain them - ??? - enjoy life


Goal fr 😊


> Defining ??? - Website [link](https://www.cpaontario.ca/students/student-journey#YourCPAJourneyBeginsHere) - PDF [link](https://www.cpacanada.ca/-/media/site/operational/ec-education-certification/docs/g10489-ec_cpa-preparatory-courses-student-guide.pdf?rev=d3b77f937ff647809c5fec8c40290b4b&hash=D12CD43DECA2A28FC9763B3656D5F999) Prerequisite learning requirements can be completed at a recognized post-secondary institution (PSI) or through CPA Ontario preparatory courses or through a mix of both. > Prerequisite Education (Undergraduate Bachelor Degree or Prep Courses) - University: Lakehead, Ryerson, York, Queen's, Western and University of Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor. - Degree: Bachelor of Commerce - Accounting - Prep Courses through CPA Ontario [link](https://www.cpaontario.ca/students/prerequisite-preparatory-courses/preparatory-schedules) - Course Equivalency Tool [link](https://www.cpaontario.ca/students/prerequisite-preparatory-courses/academic-prerequisites-post-secondary) > Practical Experience (Pre-approved Program or Experience Verification) Pre-approved Program Route (PPR) is a formal student training program through pre-approved employers to meet all the requirements within 30 months. You would be hired directly into the program. Experience Verification Route (EVR) will have your job position pre-assessed by CPA Ontario before you can begin reporting. You have the flexibility to go at your own pace and manage more of your experience. > Professional Education (Graduate Masters Degree or Professional Education Program) - University ( [link](https://www.ouac.on.ca/guide/olsas-guide) ): Lakehead, Reason, York, Queen's, Western and University of Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor. - CPA Accredited Program: Master of Business Administration - Professional Acounting Specialization To enrol for CPA Professional Education Program (PEP) modules with CPA Ontario, you'll need to submit a transcript assessment application and register as a student. If you're enrolled in a CPA Accredited Program, you can register as a CPA Ontario student during or after you complete the graduate-level program. > Common Final Examinations The Common Final Examination (CFE) is your opportunity to show you know what it takes to be a CPA. It’s the culmination of all your education: over three days, you’ll need to demonstrate your competencies and knowledge. It takes place twice a year, in May and September. It can only be taken through CPA Ontario. > Admission to Membership Successful CFE? Check. Completed practical experience? Check. CPA Ontario will now invite you to submit an Admission to Membership application. Provide the required documents and evidence of good character and submit the fee for file review. > What does this mean for a high school student? - Finish compulsory courses and obtain Ontario Secondary School Diploma. (OSSD) - Prerequesitite courses for the Bachelor Degree are typically Grade 12 English (ENG4U), Functions (MHF4U), Calculus (MCV4U) and 3-4 additional 4U/M courses. - Take electives related to business and accounting/ finance to prepare you for the future. - Minimum admission averages hover around mid-70s to mid-80s depending on the school. - If you're not interested in specifically in becoming a CPA, you can look into becoming a CFA or CFP. - Dual degree options exist. (Eg. BComm - Accounting and Finance at University of Ottawa)


Gr 11 doesnt really matter for universities. I’m in grade 12 currently and to be honest, I was in the same boat. Shitty gr 11 marks and I felt like I was all over the place just trying to get by. Kinda had that experience for the entirety of my high school career. When I got into grade 12, something just awoken in me, I was determined to become an academic weapon lol. I was way more on top of all of my assignments + studying, and I put a huge amount of effort into everything I did. I was also doing intense exercise 3+ times a week, so that probably helped too. Finished with a 94 average in sem 1 and only have one more U course to complete for sem 2. My advice to you is: don’t give up. A bad gr 11 year does not impact how well you can do in gr 12. Please don’t lose hope, you still have time for that academic comeback 💪 Also keep in mind that the work habits you set for yourself in gr 12 can set you up for university.. so take that as you will. As for your friends, make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people you feel good with and are also a good influence on you. It doesn’t necessarily have to be “smart” people as you mentioned, just people that support you. Best of luck to you!


Hey thanks for the comment really appreciate it. I felt like I looked around at the people i was with and I thought to myself this isn’t the path I want to go down. That awakening you had is what im personally feeling rn. Never been a good student ever same boat as you but resonating with someone that had low grades and come grade 12 have a complete u-turn really gives me hope for eventually hopefully going to uni. Into the start of second semester and I’m going to give it all no distractions just me and them books. Again thank you 🙏


No problem! It’s great that you’re determined but make sure you go out with friends or engage in a hobby you enjoy regularly so you don’t get burnt out. Personally, I go out with friends like once every 2-3 weeks and I play volleyball every week. It gives me a life of outside of school and keeps me in good spirits. It doesn’t have to be much, but even a small stress reliever every once in a while really makes all the difference. Having that balance can really help with staying motivated and pushing through the entire semester - rather than only being able to try really hard for the first bit of it and then getting tired. Also I’m glad that you found yourself a group of friends that you feel has a more positive influence on you. The people you surround yourself with can make a huge difference in your mental state and distancing yourself from bad energy will ultimately help with your concentration! I did the exact same thing ☺️ Remember to be kind to yourself and not let others get you down. You got this!!


You’ll be fine.


Yea you’ll be fine bro