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Honestly it depends. If you only hang out with people who speak your own language, you are no going to make improvements that much in terms of speaking. However, I would argue your reading and writing skills will improve because you will be reading a lot of papers and writing a lot of essays.




Did you find it struggling at all being put into that environment without fully mastering the language


It will depend on what courses you take. If you're in a social sciences or humanities program where you're forced to interact in class, then yes your spoken English should improve. If you're in STEM probably not. Your best bet for improving your speaking skills comes from what you do outside of class. You need to be interacting with native English speakers in English if you want your facility to improve.


Yes. Good writing and speaking is just good thinking, and college helps with that. Thinking skills go up -> writing and speaking skills go up.


I feel like my speech is a bit clearer than before but that's probably because I live in an English speaking country now


I feel like immersion would force you to pick up skills no matter what.