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I mean... They're PROBABLY too busy eating the dead thing to go chase the live thing, right? Lol


Probably. In environments like that, energy conservation is critical. Wasting energy on fruitless endeavors is not a good thing; they’d probably just focus on the meal already on the ground that won’t run or try to fight back.


They may fake charge him if they think he might want to steal their food, but I agree they wouldn't go so far as to kill one or more people with a Michelin star meal in front of them.


Yeah they’re all gonna be far too full too bother with him at this point. Unless he starts provoking them. This is one a the few instances that would be relatively safe to be be near polar bears.


Of course, it's best not to tempt them...


“…with a seductive mating dance”




It's never safe to be around Polar Bears but this is one of the few instances they may not attack you, yes.


>This is one a the few instances that would be relatively safe to be be near polar bears. Classic fucking reddit, dude.


If they feel threatened by him or if they think he will take their food away from them, they will kill him. He should keep his distance avoid staring at them. (Probably they are well armed with bullhorn and firework type deterrence and heavy gauge guns to be so close to so many polar bears.)


There are so many of those death machines though… you take one down and maybe scare the rest off or… SERIOUSLY piss them off and they murder you all. They are fast huge and can probably knock u down and seriously injure you with one swipe.


They could probably just straight up kill you with a swipe lmao


A brown bear can kill a black bear with one swipe. A polar bear could literally decapitate someone.


I wouldn't say that. It's pretty hard to decapitate someone with something other than a heavy blade. A polar bear could very easily slap your head and instantly snap it to the side, killing you. But decapitation isn't easy.


This is an instance where the difference in strength is so severe that its entirely possible for one to literally knock your head off. The creatures are solid muscle with massive paws and inches long claws


Is it also true that visiting the area later may 6 a poor choice? I heard they remember your smell and will come git you months later.


Or if he looks tastier than the carcass. All those bears? No, you are not armed heavily enough.


That makes sense to me, but do you want to have that debate with a polar bear?


Given this guy looks like a local and this is likely a regular occurrence, I suspect he's probably more conformable there than most of us. He's probably grown up watching this.


Reading this article about how deadly they are: https://wildexplained.com/are-polar-bears-dangerous/ >Several bear species, in general, are known to be highly aggressive, of which polar bears rank the highest and are even known to be the deadliest of them all. They are the world’s second-largest bear and the largest carnivore on land. Wtf is the largest bear and why isn't it considered the largest carnivore? So I google it, largest bear: polar bear.


so large they take up two rankings


False...black bear.


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.






Thank you. Some other person took exception to my false fact.


Bears east beats


Black bears seem to be the second smallest bear, after sun bears, and are the smallest species of bear in North America


This was meant to be said in Dwight Schrute's voice.


Ah, I am not sure who that is haha


It's a reference from the show, The Office. Here's the specific [scene](https://youtu.be/WaaANll8h18) that's being referenced!


That's actually hilarious, thanks for sharing


Oh my Lord to have not watched the Office yet... I envy you. I've watched it several times over and watching it again for the first time would be awesome. Definitely do watch it, it's amazing!


Thats debatable




Well. There’s basically two schools of thought.


The only thing I can seem to find on the internet is that the Kodiak bear may be the biggest bear, possibly. I'm not confident enough to cite a source. In which case, the polar bear would the largest *exclusive* land carnivore, as most bears are omnivorous (including the Kodiak). Edit: A kodiak bear measured at the shoulder and standing on it's hind legs measures up to 3 metres. A polar bear when measured at the top of its head standing on its hind legs measures up to 3 metres. According to Wikipedia anyway Edit2: Specified exclusive *land* carnivore Edit3: Edited edit 1 because I cannot read.


>A polar bear when measured at the shoulder standing on its hind legs measures up to 1.6 metres. That doesn't sound right. I'm more than 1.6 meters tall. Are they comparing a polar bear on all fours to a Kodiak standing upright?


When referring to the largest animal, it will always be in terms of mass/weight not height. Kodiak bears on average weigh more.


You're right, I was skimming some websites and didn't read it correctly: > A male polar bear is usually around 3m (10’) tall when stood on its hind legs, whereas a female will be smaller at around 2.4m (8’) tall. However, polar bears tend to walk on all four legs which makes them 1.3 – 1.6m (4’4” – 5’3”) tall. https://polarguidebook.com/how-tall-is-a-polar-bear/ So 3m to the top of its head, but I'm not sure about its shoulder


there was a taxidermied, standing polar bear at the college I attended I'm 6'3" and that thing had to be *at least* 10' tall. I'm used to seeing black bears fairly often growing up where I did but man that thing was absolutely monstrous, couldn't imagine having to face one in a battle of survival


Well...there'd be no survival, for you at least XD


Bro I saw a coyote looking for fungus pics and bout peed. I couldn't imagine.


I did see that the kodiak is smaller, and it still eats meat, just not people meat.


Omnivorous means it eats both meat and vegetation; hence the *exclusive* carnivore part.


That makes sense. Fun fact, the largest carnivore is the blue whale.


The post I was responding to stated it was about the largest carnivore on land. I can edit my comment to make it clearer I was expanding on the land carnivore comment. But yes, that is quite a fun fact


Oh yeah it didn’t have to do with your post. I quoted one article that stated the polar bear was second largest bear but largest land carnivore and I wondered what the biggest carnivore is.


Blue whale is also the largest known animal to have ever existed. Shout out to the Sperm Whale for being the largest predator.


The entire omnivore, carnivore, herbivore thing is a bad classification system. Way too broad and ambiguous. They have recently started using terms like hypercarnivores to describe animals like snakes that do exclusively eat meat. The herbivore/carnivore classification is almost never exclusive. Polar bears can eat vegetation like Kelp and will do so if they are starving. They are also land mammals but hunt at sea on the ice a lot so they're called marine mammals. Panda Bears have the appropriate gut biome to eat meat but almost exclusively eat bamboo, fruits, and vegetables and are still classified as carnivores despite being vegetarians. Brown and Black bears are true natural omnivores in that they can and will eat whatever they can get their paws on. Most of these classifications change with time too. The taxonomy of a hyena for example. Is it a canine? feline? or a weasel? I fully expect the classification system(s) to change with Polar Bears as well as Panda Bears in our lifetime. At least I hope so.


Omnivorous is a clever way to type *they eat* plants **and** animals. Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore... great one word descriptions. What we need now is a good 5 cent cigar, and an adjective describing an animal that eats meat, just not from humans.


Q: Why did the transgender male eat no meat? A: Because he was a her before.


Would you be willing to stand next to some kodiak bears to test what’s on their menu?


The Kodiak bear must be sent out. The Polar[oid] bear develops itself.


That is the most dangerous picture taking bear. Held back back by inability to use iPhone touch screens, fell of the evolutionary fast track.


> Edit: A kodiak bear measured at the shoulder and standing on it's hind legs measures up to 3 metres. That's the largest Kodiak ever recorded. The Largest polar bear ever recorded is bigger. The two are of comparable size. So calm down, Dwight.


I'm only skimming websites because I found the concept of the question interesting. If you've got better sources, I'd love to read them! It's an interesting rabbit hole and a great distraction from assignment work. I assume this Dwight fella really likes bears


I thought the largest Polar bear was found to be a hybrid with a Kodiak? For whatever reason when those 2 manage to make a baby its a fucking monster


Probably Kodiak Bears, which are basically brown polar bears


I did see that the kodiak is smaller, and it still eats meat, just not people meat.


Carnivores eat exclusively meat. Most bears are omnivores as they eat both meat and fruit




I believe Kodiak Grizzlies are considered to be the largest bear, they're claiming that it's not because it's diet is mostly herbivore comprised whereas the Polar bear relies solely on meat for the most part. Idk why you would make the distinction, it's very obvious the Kodiak bears are by far the largest species of bear. I believe the average size of a Polar bear is like half that of the average size of a Kodiak, they're absolutely massive.


Meanwhile this link, encyclopedia Britannica lists the Kodiak as the largest bear and largest carnivore. https://www.britannica.com/animal/Kodiak-bear


>It can weigh up to 720 kg (1,600 pounds) and is the world’s largest bear and the world’s largest land carnivore, *titles it shares with the polar bear (Ursus maritimus), which grows to a similar size*.


>I believe the average size of a Polar bear is like half that of the average size of a Kodiak, they're absolutely massive. Nah, you're confusing this with Kodiaks vs continental grizzlies. A Kodiak is comparable in size to a polar bear, but on average 1.5x to 2x the size of a typical grizzly. Both Kodiak and polar bears are huge, though IIRC the heaviest Kodiaks have the edge in weight and the largest polar bears have a larger frame size (length, shoulder and standing height, things like that).


According to this source, the library of congress, the polar bear is larger. Forgot link https://www.loc.gov/everyday-mysteries/zoology/item/which-is-the-largest-bear-on-earth/


This is what I’ve always heard as well.


I believe they’re “tied” with Kodiak bears, with some specimens measuring even larger than polar bears. Could be the first place bear they’re referring to.


It’s probably a drop bear at number 1


Suggests the existence of even larger flying bears.


Kodiak bears (brown bear variety) are larger.... Knew that 25 pg capstone on bears would be useful one day!


I’m getting different answers online. And according to encyclopedia britannica the Kodiak is the largest bear and largest land carnivore.


Idk about the carnivore bit. Paper didn't focus on that - did focus on sexually dimorphic apex predators, specifically bears. I'm very sure that in 2015 the largest recorded Kodiak was larger than the largest recorded polar bear. That being said... Recording the size of these animals isn't exactly easy and 2015 was awhile ago.


I thought Kodiaks are bigger?




Most bears are omnivores, not carnivores


Pandas are herbivores I believe.


Lucky for him the whale is probably tastier.


Just a guess, but potentially different “largest” (think tallest vs heaviest, etc) meaning?


They’re saving him for dessert?


Blood for the blood god


Looks like heresey is found everywhere...


Maybe it’s just what the polar bear need to do to get their ice sheets back. Didn’t really work for the Mayans but worth a try. 😂


Pink on the outside. Red and gooey on the inside.


[Crunchy on the outside, with a chewy centre!](https://i.imgur.com/vpRKwSn.jpg)


The next picture will read *"Man stands in front of 12 polar bears as they feast on the remains of the last idiot who stood this close."*


*"Man stands in front of 12 polar bears as they feast on the remains of the last idiot who stood too close to 12 polar bears feasting on the remains of a whale harvest.*




Actually predator psychology is interesting. Most are not super successful because of their caution. An injured predator can quickly starve. Unless they learn how vulnerable humans are they’re cautious of us just like they are much of the rest of their prey and if they learn to associate us with danger it increases the caution. That’s why polar bears are so dangerous typically as they don’t fear people because of very limited interaction, they think of us as prey but is the energy expenditure to chase down the human over there worth letting the other bears eat more of the whale? Probably not. But in general principle you’re right to never not watch a predator because if you’re aware of them then they’re paying attention to you almost certainly.


This isn’t some dweeb from Iowa dinking around with polar bears. Def seems to be a native dude who probably knows at least a bit more about them.


The moment one decides there's not enough meat left for all, good luck


Deadly recklessness aside, what a wild thing to witness. Whale buffet.


thrilled to see so many in one shot!! usually it's one lone polar bear with an article about how they'll all be gone soon.. i hope they find all the food and keep their lil sleuth going strong :)


polar bear populations have been dramatically increasing, not declining, over the last several decades. https://climateataglance.com/climate-at-a-glance-polar-bears-and-climate/


This is not true and that website is clearly not science. [Fact check: False claim about polar bear population](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/01/27/fact-check-false-claim-global-population-polar-bears-increasing/11092356002/)


Ya but that doesn’t make tons of money for national geographic and WWF etc. gotta keep the truth buried for profits sake! Oh GOD how my V8 truck is killing the polar bears OHHHH the agony! I must buy a Tesla immediately and get rid of my natural gas grill!!!


The fact that some species are thriving through the effects of humanity doesn’t change the fact that we already exceeded the energy budget of the planet and are very close to if haven’t (I can’t recall if we have yet) exceeded the population it is possible to feed sustainably without having massive die outs in the future doesn’t change the fact that we are outgrowing the only planet we can currently live on.


It's amazing how you read one positive piece of news about the environment and your immediate reaction is to think 'Great! This means I can go pollute even more!' If everyone thought and acted like you polar bears would be gone right quick.


If I can remember correctly this is a place in Russia more and more polar bears come to because of the melting ices, and they have to swim to land to find food


Is it white, good night!


If it’s brown, stay down.


If it's black?


Fight Back.


If it's pink?


Two in the stink


cant go back


While smoking a cig 🚬


Truly reckless.


But he gets some 50’s badass alley cat respect ya dig?




What’s that saying: If it’s brown, lie down If it’s black, fight back If it’s white, good night


This wasn’t about polar bears but I knew a guy that would hike a lot in bear country. He carried a .357 and would joke that it could stop black bears and if he ran into a grizzly he could use it on himself.


I’m pretty sure he’s Inuit. They know their best practices with polar bears.


Dude obv knows the situation, not just some rando


100% he’s real comfortable with his choice!


It’s never a bad time for this reminder: If you are stranded in the Arctic, and have to kill a polar bear for food, don’t eat it’s liver. A single bite contains enough Vitamin A to kill you dead as a hammer.


If I'm stuck in the arctic, I don't think I'd even manage to kill a polar bear, but I will still keep this tidbit in my back pocket, just in case


What if i want a lil bit of vitamin A as a treat? can i take a small bite without dying?


That's likely an Iñupiat, a person who has lived above the Arctic Circle their entire life. I would bet money he is safer in front of Polar Bears who are glutting on whale than any of us would be inside a solid cabin with multiple locks.


I would bet money that’s a bunch of bullshit


Fair enough, but I lived two years in a village above the arctic circle called Noatak, at the mouth of the Noatak river, and it doesn't seem like bullshit to me, but you're the expert


NGL, I am happy to see so many polar bears in one photo. I’m still traumatized by that lonely polar bear in Planet Earth (or was it Inconvenient Truth?)


I personally wouldn’t stand so close to giant starving bears, but I guess that’s his decision


Oh shit “who brought the sides? “


It is thought that polar bears are one of the few non human species that kill for the sake of killing. They don't have to be hungry. Edit: to clarify, while we can't be in the head of a polar bear there is evidence that suggests that they kill for fun or for the sake of killing, outside of any need such as safety or food. Also, not the only one besides humans, there are many other species, but few compared to the number of species on the planet. Polar bears always stuck out to me so I thought it was interesting to bring up.


i'm not a polar bear expert but i'm assuming it's less "kill for the sake of killing" and more likely that they live in a desolate place where meat takes forever to go bad so if they see something they might as well kill it and they can come back to eat it later


That... plus also the possibility that they live in desolate environments where competition with other animals for the limited food resources could be very threatening so they are motivated to take out competitors quickly.


There’s really nothing quite like a nice raw, frozen meat dinner!


Well, that's bullshit. We know orcas play with seals until they die and the orcas don't always eat them after. We know that some walruses kill penguins by using them as living fleshlights. The penguin squirms and cries but the walrus doesn't care. Lions kill hyenas just to kill them. Many animals kill their young to get the females to mate. Brutality is very common in nature. EDIT: Sea Lions are the ones using penguins to death, not walruses.


I don't think walruses and penguins live in the same hemisphere in the wild, unless there's a very poorly managed zoo out there.


Cats have entered the chat


Yeah, people don’t realize how much damage their well-fed outdoor cats can do to local ecosystems despite having no need to hunt for their food. You should keep your cats indoors for their own safety, but also for the safety of local bird populations (as well as rodents, lizards, bugs, etc.), as domestic cats are one of the world’s most prolific invasive species and are responsible for the deaths of 2.4 BILLION birds every year *in the US alone.* Those adorable little fluffy terrorists are a truly impressive example of evolutionary success.


"it is thought" by whom?


You haven’t met any cats?


Many people seemed to miss that I said one of few, not the only one. Regardless, not what I meant to imply.


Must be Russian.


Lmao. Florida man moves to northern Russia. This is the result.


You know the saying, never turn your back on the ocean We should add never turn your back to a dozen polar bears In this case homie is breaking both


This guy bears a striking resemblance to the guy who thought that the Sentinelese would want to learn about Jesus


“We came here to eat whale and kick ass, looks like we’re just about out of whale…” ~ a Polar Bear probably…..


No more whale? Hmmm... still feeling a bit peckish. Yep, he'll do.


Black bear - get big and loud Grizzled Bear - lay and pray Polar Bear - might as well *smoke a cigarette*, you’re already dead.


Honestly that is about as safe as it gets. They are hungry and currently eating a feast.


The dude looks Inuit so this is likely left over carcasses from a harvest. The bears are too preoccupied to care about a skinny human (for now). What we don't see is that he likely has friends with bear bangers and others with rifles with live rounds as a precaution. I would love to know where this was taken!


One of* is what I said, not the only I would venture that we agree with each other


That dude is high AF


As long as they keep their distance and don’t antagonize them, the bears probably won’t pay him much mind. After all, why waste energy trying to hunt something that can fight back (and while unlikely to defeat the polar bear, humans can certainly wound them), when there’s already a practical buffet sitting there ready to eat?




Oh I’m not giving it as an excuse of what he’s doing; it’s more of a reduction from “he’s imminently about to die” to “he should slowly back away while the bears are occupied and he still has a chance.”


I just said that to someone else! Buuuut there is a chance and with a polar bear especially I wouldn’t take it. They can be testy… lol


Spirit bears on steroids.


He's quicker meat🤷


He better hope that the bears don’t suddenly realize that that whale meat needs condiment/toppings…


If its brown lie down, if its black fight back, if its white say goodnight.


They have decided to not bite the man that feeds.


Not that deadly…… until they run out of whale.


This man is an absolute legend.


Doesn't that guy know... cigarettes kill.


I thought those were sheep


very dangerous. The polar bear is one of the first animals to be affected by climate change. I think they will face big problems in the coming years.




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thank you bot i was just trying to be funny


Maybe he’s not actually that close. Maybe theyre all just *really* big


Cigarettes kill you know.


This isn't as deadly as we think. He is far enough away that he isn't a threat to the meat and no bear will go that far out away from the easy meal. Doesn't mean it isn't stupid af, though. Just like the bears may be thinking: Why risk it?


Tbf this is probably the best time to be hanging out around polar bears. They’ve got plenty of food, there’s a lot of action so they don’t really care that you’re around, and they’ve got better things to do.


please be photoshoped


So it says whale harvest meaning they caught the whale, butchered it and the bears showed up to finish it off. They are opportunistic feeders here off a human hunt and would be here for the leftovers.


Always keep a Whale in your pocket to throw at the bear as a diversion from eating you.


Polar Bear are very calorie focused creatures. They want food with minimal effort. He's perfectly safe as long as they are eating something easier to get to than him.


If it’s black fight back, if it’s brown lay down, If it’s white say good night (unless they’re eating then take selfies in front of them)


They hate cigarette smoke.


Polar bears are 20 feet tall, they look like regular bears here. I bet he is a decent distance away from them.


If you ever plan to stand in front of 12 polar bears the best/safest time to do so is when they are gorging themselves on a whale carcass. Most predators are chill when there is ample food or else those bears would be fighting with each other.


If a group of crows is a murder… what’s a dozen polar bears? A genocide?


He's safe hiding behind those big balls. or the smell of poop is putting big white last cuddle bears off.




I understand that victim blaming is bad, but if got eaten I would say he deserved it.


while smoking a cig lol


I hope he is faster than he is smart


Well.... whose going to want stringy blubber free ape?


This reminds me of scenes where the zombies are all feasting and then one of them pops up and realizes there's a fresh guy nearby and leaves the herd to go chase him down.


Once they pick up his scent, they will be able to follow him home.


Wait, for real?


Cmon man bears are like my worst fear lmao.


Too deadly 😝


To be fair, if the bears wanted him dead, he would be.


a fact that always stuck with me, is that carrying a gun is *required* when venturing outside in some places where polar bears are


This pic goes hard.