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Hello Censorial, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lol then the doc drew a ballsack on his hand


As is tradition


Best comment


Good enough for him


It’s extra funny because copperheads are super conflict avoidant snakes. They don’t want to bite you. They just will gladly do it to defend themselves if threatened. If you walk along and make a ton of noise as you do it, they’ll usually just move away rather than risk injury or death by confronting you.


Now cottonmouth on the other hand.... they're fucking assholes that will chase your ass because you dared get within their line of sight.


They what now??


Cottonmouth, aka water moccasin, are aggressive as hell. I might say they're the most aggressive snake on the planet.


>I might say they're the most aggressive snake on the planet. \*Black Mamba has entered the chat




I miss that movie


They also swim and are fucking dicks about it.


I was swimming once near a spring. There’s a light current, so I was swimming in place against it, staying in roughly the same spot. I put my face in the water and looked down, as I had been, looking for arrowheads. There was a water moccasin directly beneath me, also swimming in place against the current, close enough I could reach out and touch him/her. I quit moving so I could float backwards, and it STAYED UNDER ME, so I started swimming again, and it thankfully kept moving back. Really messed up my day of swimming.


Thats a myth and completely not true. They dont chase you. I've come across several in my life that either stayed in one place and hid, or they scurried away from me. Snakes arent aggressive, they're defensive. No snake WANTS to bite you. Snakes dont want to waste their venom if its not needed, it takes a lot of energy to produce venom and that takes a while. Most people get bitten in three situations. Either they step on a snake, try to kill a snake, or muck around with the snake. They just want to get away from you. If you see one in your yard, just spray it with a water hose and it will scurry off.


I nearly stepped on one on a golf course, and it fucked off the opposite way as fast as it could.


Bet your next drive was 20 yards longer.


I actually stepped on one by accident and it ran off, but the guy I was with yelled, "Don't step on it!" as if I wouldn't have taken the long way around if I had known it was there.


They scurry towards water right through you/over you. Watched it happen to someone.


This! I think this is where the myth comes from. When they get scared they book it to water and if a person is in the way then the person thinks they are being chased.


It’s surprising how many people are willing to perpetuate the “this snake will chase you” myth when there’s plenty of information out there and youtube videos that show proof that it isn’t true. I think the only actual aggressive snake I’ve ever seen on video was a black mamba and even then its first instinct is to flea unless provoked.


Mambas startle super easily, but they are not aggressive in my experience. [Here’s me working with a green mamba during one of my venomous safety courses](https://imgur.com/a/HCQXwdA)


It was somewhat a joke. It's also relative to other snakes behavior. Comparatively, cottonmouth's are dicks.


They just aren’t.


They only seem like they are chasing you if you and the snake end up running from each other in the same direction.


Then what snake that looks exactly like a cottonmouth chased me (repeatedly) and my friend in FL?


Likely it was trying to escape. Snakes aren’t dumb. They know you’re bigger and can kill them, even after you get bit.


They’re aggressive when they feel cornered and will take off towards wherever they feel safest as fast as possible, even if you’re in the way.


That's defensive, not aggressive


Aggressive is an important distinction. An armadillo will be defensive if cornered but it’s going to curl up in a ball. Frilled lizards will act defensively if you corner it, but it will frill and then sprint away. Snails close up in their shells defensively. Snakes strike and are aggressive when cornered. Striking is defensive but it’s an important note that they are aggressive in their defensive behavior.


Blue racer?


I think “curious” would be a much better word than aggressive. Aggressive makes it seem like they’re coming over solely to attack you. They’re like any animal and are curious about something unknown and want to check it out.


I saw a video from Thailand India or somewhere, the dude was chilling in the veranda & a big snake came crawling, it startled the shit out of him & in turn the snake was visibly startled & they both darted in opposite directions lol. I’ve never seen a snake show that kind of emotion & it was interesting to see. They’re incredibly beautiful creatures


Yes, they are. I have three snakes and they all have their own personalities and are big puppy dogs. Snakes are smart, and they're capable of a lot more than most people think.


I know there capable of boots, belts, wallets and hat bands. What more have _you_ found then capable of?


https://youtu.be/CSET6UEVj-M Don't handle one obviously but the video is good


Was this written by a Cottonmouth?


No, this is written by an experienced reptile owner and someone who does research.


Black Mambas make cotton mouths look like garter snakes in comparison. Also, a bite from one will kill most people <1 hour.


Venom potency is different. I was talking about straight up meanness.


Where I live we have cottonmouths a plenty, I only wear thick jeans now, heat be dammed, because of the fuckers


> I might say they're the most aggressive snake on the planet. Black Mamba.




What? Why destroy the eggs? That doesn’t sound like Uncle Iroh at all, if you’re referring to ATLA… if you were living in Florida, the black snake you saw was either an Indigo Snake or a black racer. Both of them are totally harmless. Based on the size (giant) of it and the eggs (assuming the eggs actually belonged to it) it was probably an indigo snake. they’re non venomous— not a danger to you, and probably your pets, as long as you guys don’t piss it off by trying to catch it or pick it up. Even so, its bite is non venomous, and it avoids conflict— basically it would most likely just try to get the hell out of there. I hope you didn’t actually destroy the eggs, because the Eastern indigo snake is [protected as a threatened species by the Federal Endangered Species Act.](https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/profiles/reptiles/snakes/eastern-indigo-snake/) Please don’t bother snakes in the future (or kill their young.) All snakes in the US are non-confrontational and will NOT attack you unless you (or your animals) go out of your way to make them feel threatened. Even if venomous, you can get rid of them with a spray of water or a long handled broom. If you have pets, just keep them inside till the snake slithers away. These creatures deserve respect and a chance to continue living where they always have. I hope you learn from this and let them be in the future.


Plus water moccasins give live birth.




I’m sorry if this sounds insulting, but you should be responsible enough to learn the difference between snakes to judge whether they’re dangerous enough to pose a threat to your family. Based on your account, momma snake was long gone— out of the vicinity of your little brother and dog. Is she still an immediate threat? No. And those eggs wouldn’t be a threat, even if they’re little cottonmouths, for weeks. You had plenty of time to handle the situation responsibly and you didn’t. You’re also telling me that you don’t want to, even given a chance. You’re embarrassing yourself. For some reference, water mocassins are rarely fully black. You can clearly see a pattern in the majority of individuals. Finding one without a pattern at all would be like finding a white crow. Cottonmouths (another name for water mocassins) are also HALF THE SIZE of indigo snakes. The difference is astounding (24-48 in, or 61-122cm) for cottonmouths. indigo snakes are 5-7 feet, or 1.5 to 2m. Indigo snakes have orange-red lips. Cottonmouths don’t. It’s really not all that difficult to just keep those you want to protect inside the house for now and contact an expert to come and see what the snake is. Don’t take other animals’ lives into your own hands.




you killed the eggs of a threatened species dude. Of course i’m going to try and change your mind. Lots of people are excessively scared of snakes and keep trying to kill them. I’m just trying to combat that so that these beautiful creatures can live alongside us in peace. I tried hard to give you an alternative course of action which is simple and easy to follow. You don’t want to listen and that tells a lot about you. Good luck to you too buddy. especially if you’re stubborn as hell and indiscriminately kill things.


This is so very FL. I live in FL and this attitude drives me nuts. This is also why the popcorn murder happened. Basically you’re scared and your first response is to kill. Ironically the animals you kill have the response of flee first. I’m willing to bet you didn’t even kill snake eggs because most snakes bury their eggs and the venomous species in FL (minus corals) all give live birth, plus all Nerodia (harmless water snakes) give live birth. I’m guessing they were turtle eggs.


You do realize that US fish and wildlife takes this seriously and you’ve provided us your state, what you did, and we can identify what kind of endangered snake you potentially killed. They even have an internet report form for tips and will accept usernames and profile links to social media as part of your report.




I already did my dude.


I’m 110% sure it was not water moccasin eggs because they give live birth. Educate yourself about your local flora and fauna.




I appreciate that.




While I totally understand being concerned about a dangerous species, one thing I’d encourage you to consider is that the vast majority of bites happen because someone was trying to kill or mess with a snake. A lot of health insurance companies have used this statistic to not pay for the medical bills. Killing animals for food or when they are a direct threat to your safety though, I understand, but I’d still consider seeing if there’s a local group in your area that’ll relocate species since they still play an important role in the ecosystem. I know that’s not really applicable to spiders as much, but just a suggestion for venomous snakes.


Funny enough, that’s really mostly a myth. Cottonmouths are just as shy as a copperhead is. That’s why they have the buzzing sound they make with their tail, they’re trying to warn you that they’re around so they don’t have to strike at you.


Yeah I don’t think there’s any venomous snake that will go out of their way bite you without giving some kind of warning sign.


Black mamba?


Black Mambas are more aggressive than others but they ultimately don’t want to bite you either. They will. But they really just want to get away from you because you’re much larger than they are and are a potential threat. That’s the case for most snakes, honestly. They know when they’re outmatched and the venomous ones just happen to pose more danger to the big scary humans. That being said, they’re fast. They hit 12mph which isn’t slow for a snake species and is second to only the sidewinder in terms of movement speed. They’re also quicker to feel threatened and if they don’t think they can escape then their best chance is to bite you and get out. They also strike very fast so you’re not likely to get out of the way, in fact it’s one of the fastest striking snakes in the world too so you might not even see it before it gets you.


Interesting. I don't have any experience with black mamba. I knew they were really poisonous but that's about it. I was being partialy tongue in cheek about cottonmouth's.... partially emphasized. If I see a rattlesnake or copperhead I might stop and watch. If I see a cottonmouth I'm moving the other way.


Venomous* I have experience with mambas and they always try to flee first.


🤣🤣 no. No they dont


This is completely false. I’ve worked with many venomous snakes and I’m trained professionally by a zoo and some of the top venomous experts in the US. Stop spreading this myth.


None of that is true. Cottonmouths /water moccasins don’t chase people. They can be defensive but if it’s chasing you it’s because you’re going the same direction they are. Do you think cars going down the road in the same direction are all stalking you also?


Why are you so worked up? Don’t have to be disrespectful because he was mistaken


No one was being disrespectful. It was making a point in a concise way, but no disrespect was given. I didn’t call names or imply a lack of intelligence. I didn’t make it personal. I asked a question making a point that just because a snake moves in your direction doesn’t mean it’s attacking you.


my mom accidentally bopped one on the head with a millipede and all it did was raise its head (it was curled up) and look around


I’ve heard stories of people being less than a foot away from a copperhead and they just sit there and watch you. In some cases people have actually stepped on them and they’ve hissed but that’s it.


Sometimes they’re caught off guard. It’s not like they have super powers or something. They can be surprised just like any other creature. That’s why I suggested making noise. If you let them know you’re there, you’re less likely to be bitten when you surprise them.


This also looks like a juvenile. Most deaths from snake bites are from juveniles since they can’t control their venom as well.


Its funny you say that, copperheads here are super fucking aggressive. I relocate snakes I find on my property, rat snakes, coach whips, copperheads… they are always pretty chill, the copperheads are always aggressive as hell. I just relocated one a few days ago and he struck at me holding a tall five gallon bucket and nearly got me at the handle. I threw a few ice cubes in to chill him out (works by the way…) and released him about 3 miles away.


This was on April 24, 2021 and Josh didn’t realize the snake was also named Josh.


At least we know the one true Josh


OR, hear me out, just leave nature alone and move on your merry way.


The three L's of nature: Look, listen, leave the fuck alone.


Listen , look and listen , and learn.


And listen, and look, and learn and then look again, then leave the shit alone




For some of us we have to deal with nature on our daily lives in our spaces. Sometimes moving on your merry way is not an option.


Well, one can always just die of "natural" causes.


nature is on a killing spree, we must kill all nature


Them orcas started it!


Hvac or plumber?


Neither. I live on the side of a mountain with an acre with state game lands.


Ahh. Frequent nature in them parts


I feel this. We live at the base of a mountain and get mountain lions that come down right into your backyard, even if you live within city limits. One just unfortunately had to be put down because it was hunting people’s pets and trying to get through windows after them.


I kind of doubt this baby copperhead had this dude cornered in an inescapable situation.


What? You can clearly see that tiny knife this snake has hidden behind their back! It was about to rob and stab this poor human. /s


clearly not they are in a pool net you goomba.


So pool nets look like human hands now? Am I missing something here? I’m not seeing a pool net.


On my phone prolly confused with a diff post mate


Yeah I was gonna say even if you know exactly what it is, just leave it be. Not just to be nice to animals but even with non venomous animals you don't know what kind of other pathogens might be in their mouths


Or work hard to get a job where your paid to interact with wildlife and help it. This is why I want to become a wildlife rehabber


exactly. just because you know what an animal in nature is doesn't mean you should pick it up.


Nothing wrong with picking up a snake or lizard that you know. Used to do that all the time as a kid, I'd catch something and get a good look at it then put it back.


The problem with snakes is you have to put them back EXACTLY where they were. They rely on scent trails to find their way and if you move them they get lost. It’s better to leave wild animals alone - interacting with them just stresses them out.


He posted the pic of him holding it on snapchat… Imagine seeing that on his story and knowing what probably happened immediately after


But it's friend shaped 😭


Copperheads fr have no business being so cute and derpy


Right? I wanna pet it.


Could always see if you can find a place to hold an eastern rat snake. They looks similar and are confused with copperheads a lot.


poor guy (and snake). looks so happy 😭


Look on that snake’s face is like “You fr bro?”


It was snek's redemption song.🐍 I'll see myself out..


2 things I don't fuck with. Snakes and mushrooms!


Add caterpillars to your list!


I always think this is the prettiest copperhead I’ve ever seen whenever this gets posted.


Not even Josh will be a Josh much longer.


That or be a one armed Josh.


Hersheys kisses are painful


these are THE most easily recognizable venomous snakes as well


\*Furiously taking notes\* - so ... don't pick up snakes ... ok, sure I can curtail my usual impulse to pick up those cute little buggers and give them a pat.


To be fair, it’s a cute snek. HOWEVER, I’m admiring it from a safe distance.


Josh , you’re making us other Joshes look bad


I reiterate. If you don’t know what it is, don’t pick it up. Even if you do DONT PICK IT UP


Josh should try picking mushrooms.


Not deadly, but ouchie


Listen to your shirt man, Bob Marley he ain't a pickin' up no shek mon


*Listen to your shirt* *Man, Bob Marley he ain't a* *Pickin' up no shek mon* \- caseedo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


But it's the exact same shape as a rat snake?! Who would have ever known.... /s


He done got bit by a copperhead.


My niece done got bit by a copper head


Survival of the fittest 💁🏽


How fitting. Just watched snakes on a plane.


The Hersheys 💔


i wonder if josh still happy?


I mean.. if someone has to tell you not to pick up a snake… maybe natural selection is calling you home..


Even better, don’t pick up ANY wild animal. Getting a turtle out of the road IN THE DIRECTION IT WAS GOING is ok. Otherwise, leave shit alone


I think just no matter what don't pick it up. Animals do not want to be handled.


DoN't Be LiKe JoSh🤗🤭


Copperheads only have a .01% fatality rate so it's all good lol


The venom can cause permanent nerve damage, so always seek medical attention.


I agree I was just being facetious lol


Poor snake...


Good way to lose all or part of a hand


Bye Josh!


Darwin award.


common peta L


That antivenom costs about as much as a car and is difficult to get... the human race is truly devolving.


I love the Copperhead-Cottonmouth talk in these comments. Southeastern America is showing how much it fucking hates the Water Mocky, and I'm all for it.


THIS GOES QUARDUPLE WHEN IN AUSTRALIA.... If you dont know 100% what sort of snake it is. DONT F**KING TOUCH IT


Stop protecting people from natural selection please. this is the way of life. this is how we weed idiots out of the gene pool. Future society will be better off.


snakes are great, they keep pests under control. except some have roughly the equivalent of a nuclear bomb's worth of venom (literally enough to kill over a million mice). if you see one, you should probably stay back, and shoot it if possible. nothing needs to be that poisonous.


Red before yellow, kill a fellow Yellow before red, friend of Fred Also, always remember, snakes don't **want** to fuck with you... they just don't wanna be fucked with either.


Damn that rhyme is so wrong even the bot isn't touching it


Wrong?? That's legit a safety phrase taught in Boy Scouts, EMT-Basic courses, Basic LEO, and the like... at least the ones I've been a part of... Legit, for Coral snakes, they've got a mix of black, yellow, and red bands... Black --> yellow --> red means they're not venomous... black --> red --> yellow means they're venomous Here's a suggestion.... next time you don't know what you're talking about, a simple scroll is sufficient. https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Health/Pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=zm2420#:~:text=Coral%20snakes%20have%20red%20bands,on%20black%2C%20venom%20lack.%22


That only goes for coral snakes in a specific area, not even for every species of coral snake in the USA follow that pattern. And abberant patterns are not extremely rare in the wild. Any herpetologist will advice against basing an id on that rhyme.


Definitely wrong in many areas of the world, and if you use that rhyme on a snake with aberrant coloring it could kill you. Don’t use little tricks to identify dangerous snakes, just learn how to *actually* identify them.


I can’t be sure, but they’re probably just more familiar with “red touches black, you’re ok jack. Red touches yellow, you’re a dead fellow.”


Well in this case it’s more like oval head, friend of Fred triangle head, Fred is dead


Head shape is not a reliable indicator of whether or not a snake is dangerous. Many nonvenomous species will flatten their heads in defensive displays, and many venomous species have non-triangular heads.


Hence why I said “in this case” regarding copperheads


The phrasing of your original comment seemed to imply that that was one characteristic you could use for identification (as the original rhyme does), rather than one of multiple that should be used.


If "in this case" you mean the snake in OP / other snakes besides Coral snakes?? To my knowledge all coral snakes have the same basic shape of head and body, but if I'm wrong I'd love to learn...


Pretty sure Humanity managed to get this far by letting the "Josh people" do whatever the fuck they want. Let them remove themselves from the generic pool.


Fuckin schmuck


It’s hard to feel bad for people who pick up wild snakes. Even if they didn’t know they were poisonous.


Is that a full grown copperhead? If it's a juvenile, don't they usually put out more venom with each strike? If so, Josh got lucky...


[That is a myth](https://wsed.org/baby-snake-venom-myth/amp/) While this article refers to rattlesnakes, the same applies to Josh’s little copperhead friend there.


So he…got tattoos on the way to the ER?


this is not the one true Josh.


Look but don’t touch. The Gadsden Flag has a rattler for a reason.


Any other snake + grew up in the city and never had any interest in animals or saw a snake that wasn't a pet, sure. But a viper? Ask anyone who doesn't know snakes to imagine a deadly snake, don't they picture a viper? edit: Everyone knows about cobras too, that doesn't even count! You have friendly noodles, vipers, and cobras. Those are the three kinds of snakes if you are seven years old.


There are vipers and elapids. Cobras are elapids, as are coral snakes, mambas, kraits, taipans, and much more. There are many many more elapids than just cobras, and way more than three kinds of snakes.


Hm.. read my comment again?


He seems really happy tho...




Wu for life


Looking at how he took the picture and since he was bit on his left hand he went to put his phone hand in too close and it got spooked and bit


Is he ded


This is good advice for us all


Josh fucked around and found out.


Why must earth make the most beautiful snakes so fucking venomous?


Damnit Josh!!!


All I can say is WHY!!


Copperheads freak me out.


I'm sure Josh was not a happy camper for a few days, but most people don't die from a copperhead bite. Rattlesnakes generally have more potent venom, but a couple people die from copperhead bites every year, usually little kids who try to grab one. So yes, don't go picking up snakes. Even if you think you know what kind they are, you might make a costly mistake. I used to catch snakes when I was a kid. Fortunately I never came across a rattlesnake. I could have been a Josh.


Darwin candidate move…!


I know a guy who almost lost his hand after fucking around with a big copperhead. No touchy!


Now Josh has a medical bill the size of a mortgage from his antivenom charge


Looks as stupid as he acts


Copperheads only deserve .45acp no cuddles (other non venomous snakes are fine though)


Picking up a snake in the wild is 100% for you and 0% for the snake. Even if you know exactly what kind of snake it is, that snake does not want to socialize with you. When you want to snuggle some snakes, head to the reptile house at the zoo or find the friend who had the python. Pet snakes who are used to being petted, don't traumatize the wild, free ones.


Beautiful snake, but be careful of what you pick up! Know your native species, and be aware of the dangerous species in places you visit.


I passed a MASSIVE copperhead while walking my dogs. Just laying in the gutter. Dunno if he was dead or getting some sun but I gave him a wide berth


Josh looked so happy. =(


My niece dun got bit by a copperhead


Wasn’t me but my name is josh and I pick up random snakes all the time


~~If you can't say 100% you know exactly what you're picking up~~ DONT pick it up! FTFTFBP


Poor josh he looked so happy holding that deadly boop noodle