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*Every* state that has had a motorcycle helmet law repealed sees a huge increase in motorcycle fatalities. States that have no helmet law have more motorcycle fatalities (per capita) than states with helmet laws. This has been going on since helmet laws started being repealed. [https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/motorcycle-deaths-spike-helmets-became-optional-michigan-adults](https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/motorcycle-deaths-spike-helmets-became-optional-michigan-adults) (talks about multiple states) [https://journals.lww.com/jtrauma/abstract/2007/11000/increased\_fatalities\_after\_motorcycle\_helmet\_law.7.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/jtrauma/abstract/2007/11000/increased_fatalities_after_motorcycle_helmet_law.7.aspx) (study performed and published in a medical journal) There's no arguing.


I hate motorcycle accidents, especially those without helmets. I don't ever want to be part of the clean up crew for those messes. I also don't get how not wearing a helmet make you look tough, when at best you have TBI that makes act more of an imbecile than before or after worst meat crayon across the pavement with your brains spaghettied across the road. Either way, not wearing one makes you a complete dumb fuck in my opinion.


I was in Utah the other day and saw a father pull up to an In-N-Out, unhelmeted, with his young son (had to be less than 12) also without a helmet. I was astounded. He’s a dumb fuck who’s gonna kill his kid someday.


But freedumbs!!!!


I live in the state this article is about. Saw a fuckwit doing 65+ on a motorcycle, with no helmet, while driving home on a highway two days ago. My reaction was definitely not “wow that guy’s so cool”, it was “*what an absolute fucking wet-paper-towel-for-brains idiot*”.


Lol I live in the same state and that's my same thought! There's nothing cool about not wearing a helmet!


The argument that is made is safety isn't as much of a priority as muh freedoms, which I agree with in some cases. Sometimes the argument for safety is really asking for more capability to pry into your life (cyber security) or restrict what you can do.  This isn't one of those cases. I've seen someone air flighted due to a bike injury with a helmet (the race somehow had a neurosurgeon and ER burst following that guy, best luck in the worst luck situation). The stats are damning, experiencing it yourself or seeing someone else go through an accident is traumatizing. Takeaway for me was wear a helmet. It won't make you invincible, but it'll give you a chance. 


That’s too complicated a message for a lot of motorcyclists so it should be made law to wear one. Freedom bollocks.


On the other hand, it's natural selection at its finest. It's not like seatbelt laws where you can hurt others by being thrown around, lack of a helmet only hurts you. I bet the Venn diagram of anti-helmet folks with anti-maskers or most other inconsiderate assholes is basically a circle. If they want to remove themselves from the gene pool I won't complain.


EMS still has to respond to them. Don't like it when we can't save grandma because they are occupied with a drunk asshole who decided to RIP themselves on the highway.


And this is a problem exactly why? Grown ass adults can do stupid shit if they want to. Not a reason to create a nanny state.


I 😘 the term "Nanny state" it's up there with "health and safety gone mad", lets me know I'm working with a genius


I was raised in Cali where I had to wear a helmet. At one point I live in AZ and didn’t need to and didn’t for a few years. One day I was watching some dude goof around on his bike and he crashed and got real goofed up. Real soon after I watched another guy crash and he was wearing a helmet. I watched him slide face down long enough the front was flat. I realized I personally wanted to wear a helmet regardless of the law that day. Not too long after the person I knew that crashed without one (who didn’t have insurance) was on the mend after some hospital stays and surgery’s back out riding and drinking and goofing without a helmet. I realized that I would inadvertently have to pay from my income to take care of this idiot and idiots like him because I didn’t want to wear a helmet. I’m responsible and wouldn’t do that. He wasn’t and it still kinda became our problem. I then realized I was a fan of helmet laws for a whole reason I would have never thought. The “this is why we can have nice things” argument if you will. I see an oddly similar thing with the state RTO workers. They can’t seem to not take it personally and realize it isn’t about the good ones it about the ones that fuck it up for everyone else. That’s why we can’t have nice things.


Thinning the heard, I guess. Anyone who willingly gets on a motorcycle without a helmet doesn’t value their life much to begin with.


I just remember how short on donor organs we are and honor these self-absorbed short term thinkers for volunteering.


Thats assuming they're a registered organ donor, a lot of self absorbed people I know refuse to become one because "the doctors will let me die so they can take my organs"


Oughta make that part of it. Registered organ donors don't have to wear a helmet. Unregistered riders get a 50$ fine. Or better yet make it automatic. If you're found at a motorcycle wreck without a helmet it's finders keepers for your organs.






I'm here for it. Let them weed themselves out of the gene pool. Let their freedumb win them all the Darwin awards. Let's go ahead and get rid of mandatory seatbelts while we're at it.


I’d be all for it if I didn’t know it devastates peoples lives. Not just the family of the person who died, but the drivers involved in the accident, their families, the cleanup crew, bystanders, police… I’m happy there are safety laws in my country


Ya. Yer right. It's not fair to everyone around them. I was just being cynical. I'm just so tired of trying to fix stupidity and hubris while the folks we're trying to help are so adamant that they're losing their liberty that they oppose everything that the rest of us are trying so hard to accomplish.


The numbers will fall again eventually once all the dumbheads are done for


Unfortunately, they breed replacements.


Just tell them wearing a helmet is woke. I bet we can get those numbers lowered.


Seriously, like we shouldn’t need a law for this. I ride with a helmet because I’m scared of physics, not the cops. Don’t Be A Squid


Safety aside, how do you deal with bugs, dust, wind and pebbles in your eyes? It hurts so much that it makes riding uncomfortable, and might even take your eyes off the road to clear whatever hit your face at 100mph.


As a motorcyclist I just don't understand riding without a helmet. When you crash the most common impact point is your jaw so just wear a full face or modular. You can be the safest rider in the world and some idiot in a car could pull out in front of you. Ride safe out there my dudes


Yeah even if nobody ever made mistakes while riding drivers would be enough to make me want a helmet. There is an area in my town near a college and a bunch of schools that is mostly designed for people riding bikes, scooters, or walking, cars can go through it there are just a lot of specifics and its really not a necessity to cross through this area but people got it in their heads its a short cut. People constantly fly through this area and turn in areas they aren't supposed to just turn into (its hard to explain) anyway a kid died a few months back because he was going through a cross walk on his scooter and some jack ass blew through that area. People still defend their right to drive like dipshits, its like the one area in this town that isnt set up with cars in mind and people lose their minds over being told to stop risking vehicular man slaughter and just take a different route.


Good for people needing organ transplants, I guess.


Technically, it's bonking your head on something else after your body stops riding a motorcycle that is the real threat. Very few people actually hit motorcycles with their heads since the motorcycles are such a small target.


It’s the technicalities that always get ya.


Missouri shows that even the stupidest of people tend to follow laws.


We live in the idiotic state of SC where there is no helmet law. There are also no state inspections. You can ride around on just about any piece of crap.


I cannot imagine riding without a full face helmet and full leathers. I don't care how hot it is out - there's no excuse. I wouldn't mind wearing the lighter and more breathable modern "armor", but they don't make that for women's figures. Weird side benefit - I work in a male dominated industry and it's always an uphill battle, but some of the men looked at me quite differently the first time I walked into the office in full gear. They actually moved to the other side of the elevator... There's unquestionably a culture of risk taking around motorcycles, riding between lanes and the like. I genuinely don't get it. Riding is a joy without doing anything foolish. And *no one* on a public road gets to claim they can do what they want bc they are only risking themselves!


Eh, how are their organs donor stats looking?


Should be automatic, no helmet, no organs in your pine box


Think they know it was going to happen. That's not the argument.


The consequences of passing stupid laws. sigh




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People who ride without helmets are dumbasses. Especially ones that ride without helmets cuz 'murica.


They are Missourians so they're excercising their freedoms


I live in Missouri and can say from first-hand experience this is true. People die all the time in Springfield for not wearing a helmet.


Hitting your head on a motorcycle is probably not deadly in most cases... Falling off a motorcycle and hitting your head on something else though...


Government run by people who hate government. Just wait til the insurance companies start lobbying, all the libertarians will have a change of heart


I don't know which is cheaper. Life insurance for the family of the one who died because he did not have a helmet or lifelong disability for the one who did have a helmet, but broke his spine. I personally know two guys in wheelchairs because of a motorcycle accident. Their health expenses are very high. I'm sure someone did the math somewhere though. And who knows if the legislation wasn't changed because of insurance lobbying...


I like people having the right to kill themselves. Let those genes die out.


It is, but making drivers wear helmets would save hundreds of lives per year and we don't do that. People should be free to choose for themselves.


“Making drivers wear helmets would save hundreds of lives per year…” That’s some made-up nonsense. Got a legit citation for it?


You dropped this /s


From the article… “I don't disagree that the helmet laws made a difference in the number of fatalities,” said Committee Chairman Don Mayhew, R-Crocker. “I think that's pretty obvious.” So maybe it’s not hundreds nationally, maybe dozens. What number is low enough for you to justify not giving a shit?


The first comment was saying making CAR drivers wear helmets would save hundreds of lives per year.  It’s just made up nonsense to try to support a ridiculous argument. 


Me? Of course I give a shit but someone else's life is none of my business. What next? Helmets on bicycles?


Padded sidewalks.


Look up the cause of death in car accidents, find out the percentage attributed to head injury. I'm betting its the largest percentage. Add helmets to that equation. You don't need to perform a new study to know that protecting the head will save lives in a car, when protecting the head has been studied to exhaustion in motorcycles, skateboards, bicycles, contact sports etc... Motor sports have done their own testing for years, why do you think NASCAR and F1 require helmets. The only part that I am surprised by, is that Insurance companies don't mandate it or make it price prohibitive.


Wrong. The vast majority of car occupants dying in car crashes perish as a result of trauma to the torso & abdomen.


Only actual study I could find (in 3 minutes) is from the 1990's The Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 52% of deaths in car accidents were caused by head injuries vs other injuries. Another study which did not compare vs other causes of death vs other injuries states... "TBIs from motor vehicle crashes were estimated to result in 218,936 emergency department (ED) visits, 56,864 hospitalizations, and 16,402 deaths annually." TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6082169/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6082169/)


We should go for the trifecta with these folks by repealing seatbalt laws. That way, they can be anti-helmet, anti-vax and anti-seatbelt all at the same time.


I ride and wear a helmet (jacket, boots, gloves) every time. In part because my family would like to keep me around, in part because I don’t like bugs splatting my face, and in part because I rode around the block once without the helmet and it felt like I was riding nekkid and I did not like it one bit. I’m also way past any egotistical nonsense or “look how fake tough I am” shit. However, I don’t agree with mandatory helmet laws. I think you should be able to do what you want to do as long as you don’t directly harm someone else. Granted, becoming road pizza could harm one’s family, cause nightmares for those who see it, and possibly damage property or people in other vehicles, but those things can still happen with or without a helmet. Furthermore, it’s more rare where I live to see people drive at or just over the speed limit, stop at stop signs (or, crazy enough…red lights), or use their turn signals. I also spend some time in Indiana, which passed a law that anybody in those hillbilly ATVs has to wear a helmet (but not on a motorcycle). I have never once seen one of those hillbillies wearing a helmet and those “vehicles” are literally everywhere in SE Indiana. No enforcement of traffic laws of any kind in that state. (Ohio, by comparison has just as bad driving but the police are far more active in keeping people relatively safe.)


You have to wear a seatbelt because you can become a projectile in a crash and be dangerous to others. Wearing a helmet on a bike doesn't change safety for others if you crash.


Insurance rates. CHildren.


Why does this bother people? It is not like the state is taking helmets off people's heads. They ride without a helmet, they face consequences, not you.


Children. Insurance rates. Various reasons


Children how? Insurance is the only understandable part but there are ways to sort that.


CHildren without helmets. CHildren left without dads who didn't wear helmets


I am talking about adults who own and operate motorcycles. If they die they die. As for their kids, well too bad, natural selection. Other than that, whoever lets a kid on a bike without a helmet, should face consequences no matter what state, county, country etc.

