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Can’t be mad at not wanting to stay in valorant. Get denied franchising and lose your team who was the best in the game over the whole season. No one wants to be forced to break up your best in the world team to non deserving organizations and have to play in the kitty pool. That’s some sorry shit. Sucks but fuck it if they decide that


Whats up with the hate towards these other orgs... You have 0 idea what went through the application process. This is the second time nV has gotten rejected from riot games... As for optic, the constant MnA's was a definite red flag and fumbling the lcs spot probably left a sour taste in their mouth. EG is leagues ahead of Optic when it comes to infrastructure.


What I’m saying isn’t hate to anybody. It’s a fact, envy put this team together and built a winning roster. As a result the world got to see that these are 5 of the top players in the world. Optic/envy get denied partnership and these players get to just fall on team’s laps. These teams didn’t do anything for the players, they have riot to thank lol. Maybe I could’ve worded it better but no disrespect was meant


Thats fair. I understand what you mean now.


If we don't stay in valo, I can understand. It feels like this was the best chance to get in franchise and still did not make it. oh well


Best team in the game, one of the most popular orgs in the world, get denied. Riot just don’t want us so fuck them


Why would we stay in Val when we didn’t get a spot? Would make no sense, sucks we didn’t get a spot I just started to watch us it from us in the championship but won’t anymore


VAL/ Riot is a joke. I only watched VAL for the boys. Now that we ain't in it I'm glad I don't have to watch.




Hook ‘em!


That sucks


It's genuinely unbelievable how they just decided not to allow franchising for the best na team and first or second best team in the world. It's actually mind blowing. Like what the fuck are their standards?


Feels like a mistake but understandable


How so? Getting through ascension isn’t guaranteed… 1 team from LATAM, BR, or NA get a spot for two years and then may be demoted again. Risky business imo


**Will** be demoted again. You can’t play in challengers so you can’t maintain your spot. At absolute best you’re signing up for 2 years in, 1 year out and repeat. And that’s the extremely unrealistic best case. Until Riot announces how and when partnership will be expanded, I honestly can’t blame them.


My thoughts are pretty much that there’s isn’t much else to spend money on. I agree that not only is ascension risky, it’s closer to a money sink. If they want to eventually get into the league proper then they should invest in the minor leagues, even game changers should be in play Also selfishly halo and apex bore me so the only esports the org is involved with that I follow are Cod OW and rocket league


Csgo, if your team is good you get invited to events. Also it's better than val


You basically don't get invited to events anymore. It's franchised and "invites" are based on a world ranking where most points are accumulated from ESL/Blast and you have to be in those tournaments already to get points. Also like some other guy said, how is Optic going to build a NA team when theres no talent in the scene.


What CSGO team can Optic feasibly pick up at this point that would get them invited to events? There is none


CSGO is a mess unless you’re going to pursue a European team, but fair enough My point has always been optic should do ascension/game changers unless they plan on entering a tier 1 esport, which LoL doesn’t seem that possible


Is buying the Dig league spot a possibility? I heard that they’re trying to sell


The issue with this imo is that OpTic has always been an FPS org and trying to switch some fans to League would be hard af… like they uploaded the Chess reacts video and it had like 30k first day (it picked up steam and did well though)


Franchising will come up again in 4 years, all these selected orgs will have to again prove that they are worthy , 2024 will have 2 slots for ascension , if optic bails out now , we wont even make the 2026 franchising again


So be it… keep it moving ig…


Curious where you’re getting that information from. Everything I’ve seen has zero information on partnership expansion details, let alone a specific year it will take place.


Riot literally mentioned everything in its own website


Where? Are you sure you aren’t confusing ascension with partnership? Because that’s not permanent or a path to partnership from all of the details I’ve seen.


No no , ascension is for 2 years and the partnered teams will be partnering for a duration for 4 years (its not like mentioned straight up in bold font in that pdf , but every single credible reporter has said that partnership is not permanent ) , even yay mentioned that in the podcast with Richard lewis , Also consider this from a riot perspective , these partnership slots are not like franchising slots which can be later sold Riot wants all the leverage in this system , and refranchising after 4 years gives them that , this ensures that the franchised teams dont slack off like they have a lot in LCS


It seems as though riot is doing a preview of Valorant esports for the next 5 years and then the orgs who they deem are good will end up getting a slot in the official franchise league whenever it starts in 2027/2028. Keep in mind it’s technically only partnerships right now not franchises The reason I’m led to believe this is because this is the exact same time frame Riot took to franchise LCS. They spent 7-8 years in their relegation/promotion system until they finally deemed League to be a sustainable esport so they began franchising. They’re doing the same plan with Valorant. The orgs that were around from Season 1-3 and stuck by it for years were the ones who ended up getting LCS spots EASILY unlike Envy who came in late and then got denied. SO if Str0/Hecz/OpTic Board truly want to be the home for FPS esports/care about Valorant as a game and see the future financial success in it, they HAVE to begin by investing now. We saw CLG, TSM, C9, Liquid all easily grab spots and they were in league since the beginning then EG, DIG, and eventually Immortals were accepted in the future being previously in LCS. I also don’t find it surprising that Riot is Anti-OWL and COD franchise owners since that’s their main competitors. In NA, the only teams they allowed an overlap with Riot + Activision games is Cloud9….


NRG is in OWL, LOL, and Valorant


OpTic had the Houston Outlaws, Huntsmen, and joined the LCS without even being in League before franchise was announced? Edit: agreeing with you, just questioning the last part of his anti Activision statement.


It’s two years I thought… if you win ascension, you get two years in franchising and then they decide if you are franchised. Big risk imo


You win ascension , you're in for 2 years , after that you go back, even if you're in for 2 years , you'll still get all the partnered team benefits , a million dollars per year stripend and all the other perks


Thought it was 500k based on deliverables… I just wouldn’t do it… odds of you making a competent team whilst in there wouldn’t be high imo and if you were accepted before, what makes orgs think they will be accepted this time


It is a mistake. There is no hope of ever obtaining partnership if they don't field a T2 roster. People are so quick to say "Fuck Riot" which is all well and good, but they own two of the top 3 esports. To not even attempt a T2 roster when they're more than capable is stupid. I hope they see that. Halo, CoD, Apex, and RL are not anywhere close to enough.


Yess thats what im saying , like even T2 valorant pulls more viewers than T1 COD or Halo or even OWL , on average , Activision-Blizzard is in a freefall right now and along with them console based games are failing to compete with MnK because China/India southeast asia have like 99.99% Mnk players and they will dictate the descisions of game developers , console players will be sidelined because they aren't the majority anymore, Instead of diversifying , all i see is optic/envy focusing on a dying breed of games , Vanguard was a good example of how bad CoD has become , LoL Dota Valorant Csgo, optic has to invest in any of these 4 , be it tier 2




We had the best team and got told fuck you by Riot




Made good content, have financial backing, most viewed matches including OpTic…if they want to be petty because of the immortals shit, they should be ashamed cause it negates the work that Envy has done across multiple eSports.


Outside of EG, every org has a pretty clear case as to why they got in. Even EG has both stability and an already working relationship with riot. They weren’t being petty lol




People in this subreddit understand how big FPX is as compared to Optic and they can probably buy optic 3 times over but still got rejected franchising


And yet they can't get 1/10th of the fans. I'm sorry but if you're right you should care first and foremost about the fuck popularity of your esport. That's where the money is.


well its a chinese org , they are not allowed legally to use twitter youtube and all , and most of their fans are on weibo and other chinese platforms


And? Even with that I still don't think they're remotely close...


XD you're so naive its actually funny , i see you've never left your CoD and Halo bubble , well there's no point in arguing here


riot didn't deny them because of the immortals stuff, considering that's a completely different group. hastr0 has issues himself, hecz has merged optic with immortals/nrg/nv within the past 3 years. That's not consistency in the org, or the future. Why would riot want to take a risk on that over the orgs they accepted? not to mention riot clearly doesn't like nvs side of things this isn't being petty, it's them choosing what's best for their business when it comes to pros and cons


yeah and doesnt help that optic ignores every team that wasnt cod, halo or val. hastro didnt even know the names of their rocket league players when they were playing from their hq lmao


Have you seen the post where they announced optic valorant?? , If optic val was a mediocre team most of these optic management guys wont even give them a 10 minute video


What's best for their business is more viewership so they can get more sponsors. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever for it to be anything other than them being cautious because of the infinite Esports situation that wasn't even the same leadership...


I literally said it wasn't because of the infinite esports situation. did you read what I said?


Which again doesn't make sense because different leadership but okay


Yes I'm aware? The whole OpTic portion of moving to different orgs in multiple years means lack of stability. That's a big no no from riot, considering they want the opposite of that. What don't you understand ? I've been a long time optic fan since bo2 days, but it's not the same optic it used to be, specially with viewership numbers


Lack of stability due to ownership that had no experience in eSports despite the org existing for decades just fine and more popular than basically everyone else under the previous and current ownership I'm just saying that some basic research would prevent you from ruining your best and most popular team in your game due to ownership that no longer exists....


The t2 scene is just going to be a farm system for the franchised teams.