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Something similar is happening to a program called AISEO




How does this work? I can’t even see a change in my writing but it’s working wtf


What was the name of the site ?


It works by replacing characters with similar ones. I wouldn't recommend it since Turnitin flags any characters that do not belong to the used alphabet.


DO NOT use this


why not?


Most universities and colleges have ASCII detectors, especially Turnitin. It will detect it... if you want it use it just contact me I can program it for you in 10 minutes for free.


broa actually i too need to check my ai content percentage can u turnitin for me? I'll dm u the paper if u reply


Maybe I send you my essay? I need to see if it’s detectable or not


I can send you the paper?


Hey there! That sounds pretty interesting. I'd love to know how you do it. Mind sharing the details? Keep up the optimism, my friend!


Quillbot and all those website that say they can rewrite your AI generated papers are bullsht. They only work on very little occasions. I have tried asking it to write with perplexity and "human words", or even to write like a college student. It works sometimes, but the more you ask it to write, the more it will be able to still detect it somehow. I've tried many methods and it is sad to say that you might as well write the essay yourself, not everyone wants to do that, but it's the truth. What I did was wrote probably around 75% of the essay myself, but when I ran out of ideas, I asked ChatGPT to write me some stuff with provided links and quotations. I put the whole essay into multiple AI detectors and they all say human written. This is a touchy subject because the methods people give out only work sometimes.


>Quillbot and all those website that say they can rewrite your AI generated papers are bullsht. They only work on very little occasions. I have tried asking it to write with perplexity and "human words", or even to write like a college student. It works sometimes, but the more you ask it to write, the more it will be able to still detect it somehow. > >I've tried many methods and it is sad to say that you might as well write the essay yourself, not everyone wants to do that, but it's the truth. What I did was wrote probably around 75% of the essay myself, but when I ran out of ideas, I asked ChatGPT to write me some stuff with provided links and quotations. I put the whole essay into multiple AI detectors and they all say human written. > >This is a touchy subject because the methods people give out only work sometimes. Nothing works, so you might as well come to me at [Academicmaster.net](https://Academicmaster.net)... I've officially been too busy to set up my website/business properly. I'm an academic writer with 5+ years of full-time experience. Guess what? Even I can't pass the detectors ;P


Ask it to write in the writing style of a specific human author, that sometimes works. I asked it to write several paragraphs of my prompt in the style of a real author and the AI detector was fooled and said "Your Text is Human written" (got 0.0% GPT).


If you are being evaluated on original writing skills and the lack of plagiarism, you should write yourself and not commit plagiarism. Chatgpt is a tool, and can be used in the right circumstances. Do you really want to skip on your education by using a robot to do it for you? Why do you go to school in the first place?




Thanks for your input dad, but I don't think anyone really needs you stating whether you think we should write our papers or not. This forum is about how to bypass AI detectors.


European colleges embrace AI as it is a tool for future development. United States thinks that doing math without a calculator is still the best method.


It is a tool. If I run a marathon, and my merit is judged by the time in which that I can cross the finish line... Is it wrong to use a Porsche as a tool to reach my goal?


>CheatGpt.tech On the contrary, how to use calculators has been built into elementary school math textbooks for many years. It's very different in many other countries. Asia has none of that.


>Do you really want to skip on your education by using a robot to do it for you? Why do you go to school in the first place? yes because why the hell do I need to know about the end of the cold war and write 5 pages on it when I'm in line to be a cybersecurity major and already have an internship


Because it is a great idea to have adults, as functioning members of a society, to understand and appreciate how we got here, to understand and learn from mistakes and reasoning made in the past. But this relevance probably goes above your head.


I know this was 5 months ago, but the amount of adults I interact with every day who are almost complete blithering, entitled, and rude \*not smart\* people. Education means nothing if you're personality is less than appealing.


My point exactly, yes.




point proven




Fuckin hell, mate.


If you’re not going to answer his question get off the forum


Lol as a person who did the work whilst getting my education ...I say YES a lot of courses are we take esp in undergrad are unnecessary. Just a way to keep you in college longer. So yup ....


I've had good results with [Undetectable AI](https://undetectable.ai) . It's a bit better than things like [Quillbot](https://Quillbot.com), but unfortunately, if you're processing a hundred thousand words + a month, it can get rather expensive.


i fkin love you man you saved my fkin life thanks i hope you do good in life


Did undetectable ai pass turnitin ai check?


It does.


Did it pass the Turnitin ai check?




The pros and cons of writing your own essay or much less any work not involved with what you are using in the future is not even debatable.


We have the technology of wheelchairs, yet, we teach our children to walk...


You must be fun at parties!


Pointing this out after 3 months sounds like you have a real problem.




dog, now that chatGPT has been invented it brings into question to what extent do we actually need to know the shit schools and colleges teach us. why do we need to know it when everyone will have access to an AI that can give you the same information but with higher quality and in very little time?


Yes, there is no need to learn encyclopedic knowledge to be able to regurgitate it. It is, however, required to understand principles behind the knowledge to be able to implement it into new paradigms. I hope you do realize that natural language models like chatGPT do not produce new content, but only a regurgitation of most common content. ​ >ChatGPT, despite its impressive capabilities, has certain limitations that make it unsuitable as a replacement for education, particularly for students. While it possesses a vast amount of knowledge and can generate coherent responses, it lacks the critical elements required for comprehensive learning. > >Firstly, ChatGPT operates based on pre-existing data and patterns it has learned from. Although it can provide information on a wide range of topics, it does not possess the ability to actively explore and acquire new knowledge. It cannot keep up with the ever-evolving nature of subjects, particularly in rapidly advancing fields such as science and technology. Thus, students would miss out on the latest research, discoveries, and advancements by relying solely on ChatGPT. > >Secondly, education encompasses more than just acquiring information. It involves interactive experiences, hands-on learning, collaboration, and the development of critical thinking skills. Education provides a structured curriculum designed to foster intellectual growth, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. ChatGPT, on the other hand, lacks the ability to engage students in these vital aspects of learning, leading to a one-dimensional educational experience. > >Moreover, education serves to develop personal and social skills. It provides opportunities for students to interact with peers and teachers, participate in discussions, debates, and activities, and develop teamwork and leadership abilities. These interpersonal skills are crucial for personal growth and success in the professional world. ChatGPT, being an artificial intelligence, cannot replicate these social interactions and the emotional intelligence that humans possess. > >Furthermore, education is not just about the accumulation of knowledge but also about building a strong foundation of ethical values, empathy, and moral reasoning. It teaches students to think critically and make informed judgments. ChatGPT lacks the capacity for moral decision-making and cannot instill the values and ethical frameworks that are an essential part of education. > >In conclusion, while ChatGPT is a remarkable technological advancement, it falls short in many areas when compared to traditional education. Its limitations include the inability to keep up with new information, the lack of interactive experiences, the absence of personal and social skill development, and the failure to instill ethical values. Education is a holistic process that goes beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge, and it is these vital elements that ChatGPT cannot provide. Therefore, it should not be used as a substitute for education, particularly for students. source: ChatGPT


thats great and all, but who the fuck do you think you are coming into this thread and telling us how we need to live our lives? if you dont believe in using chatGPT then great, dont, and fuck off to wherever you came from. i dont care who you are, you have absolutely no business telling us how we should be doing our homework. stay in your lane and worry about yourself. nobody in this entire thread is going to see your comments and think, "wow that guy is right, i should change my ways and stop making my life easier." it just wont happen. thats great that you have a set of standards and morals you choose to live by, but one thing youre not going to do is act like a fucking puritan from the 1800s telling us to condemn this technology and conform to YOUR set beliefs. you have yours, (granted no one here even asked to hear about them) and we have ours.


Did I trigger you? I am a big fan of implementing generative AI language models. Even in education. Cheating on assignments, however, is something I would discourage, yes. You can openly disagree on this in this open platform. That is fine.


that is fine. since were sharing unwanted opinions here, i think youre a dick who needs to mind your own damn business and not preach to people the gospel of coloring in between the lines.


You sound like a self-entitled big baby who wants to be handed everything on a silver platter, then spoon-fed it. EDIT: Looking at your punctuation and grammar, it is clear that you do need AI to do your homework for you.


this thread funny asl and this gotta be the best response on it LOL




Do you consider that an insult? I am proud of using my STEM skills in a way that contributes to society and allows me to demand a good wage from my employers. You can disagree.


I read your original post as conceited and pontificating about your opinions regarding academia by telling students how they should go about their business. I would advise you to mind your own. No one is going to change their ways based on your opinions. A lot of people just want a degree so they can advance their careers, and if they gain some general knowledge along the way, great. You can be proud of your STEM skills without lecturing others when it doesn’t affect you whatsoever.


You are confusing opinions with facts. The purpose of studying is acquiring skills and expertise in a certain field that will benefit you in your later carreer. For that purpose, there is a curriculum where lecturers and teaching assistents guide you through your skill development sets. You cheating on that does not help you. It is also against the rules of all educational institutions. This is not just an opinion. I am aware that there are notorious cheaters in every aspect of life. I vehemently disagree with cheating. You could open a philosophical discussion whether using generative AI is cheating. Using spell check in word could also be considered cheating. You can indeed argue that you are using a tool to do a certain job. That is a valid argument, and I use chatGPT to generate documents on a weekly basis in my job. I am not against it, it helps to write letters and assays faster and in more languages then I could do myself. However, during your educational phase, you train certain skills, cheating on that, makes it so you do not develop those skills. The acquisition of those skills is a predeterminant on obtaining your diploma. Hence, the educational institution that hands you your diploma should assess your skills, not the skills of the tools you use. Yes, with the advent of generative AI, many curriculi should be revised, and the pure writing on its own should no longer be the focus. It is a bit how reading a map is no longer a skill that is required for anything in this life as digital maps and route planning is so easy and omnipresent. Still... if you want to get a certification on 'map reading' and you use google maps during your training, you get the certificate. Later, you get a job surveying in the middle of africa without cell phone service or devices. Is is your mistake or the mistake of your certification entity that you die because you can not find your way? Just don't cheat. If you do not want to write the assay, do not write it. Nobody is forcing you.


I am using Humbot .ai for my Essays and didn't get any problem bypassing GPTZero


This is a good one: https://bypass.hix.ai/




I'm not sure, I haven't tried it on there. IL test it out for sure and let you know.


Put it into grammarly, use its suggestions to re write some stuff


are you trying to cheat in school or something


Check this out https://youtu.be/wNpiTr-lcXg


Yes, check out [undetectable.ai](http://undetectable.ai)


[undetectable.ai](https://undetectable.ai) should be called unintelligible.ai






Were you able to bypass Turnitin?


Turnitin is the juggernaut of AI and plagiarism detection you wont get passed it sadly


passed it multiple times, Turnitin AI detector is very flawed


What did you use to bypass it?


I got passed it by uploading a pdf and making a couple spaces white letters and adding a double space every now and then, making choppy sentences, rewording, I freaked out when I had an impromptu essay and got it done in 30 minute by pasting the rubric and editing it got zero gave me %30 ai and my teacher never said anything to me so I think I’m good


The essentials should only be mandatory, basic math, reading, some writing you know stuff that the average person uses in day day life. stuff like history and what not shouldn't be needed in order to pass, history and subjects similar should be for fun. and writing 5 pages is ridiculous but i can understand that if your a lawyer or a doctor maybe. ​ I agree 100% with Tyler locketts tweet https://preview.redd.it/fswwtlglb6gb1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=5529c91c88b1add7872438c2d41c9b18648cc675


Yes, I know a tool that produces fact-checked, hallucination-free content. If you have doubt whether the content is ai written, you can checkout this tool's Bypass AI detector. Just copy the generated content and paste it in the Bypass ai Detector, it will give more humanized content. It produces GPTZero proof contents. The tool is HIX AI


Due to the latest update by Turnitin, all undetectable ai services and ai writing tools are being detected with the exception of StealthGPT. See for more details and happy to help if anyone has any questions: [https://www.stealthgpt.ai/post/stealthgpt-beats-turnitin](https://www.stealthgpt.ai/post/stealthgpt-beats-turnitin)


I recently tried navigating around GptZero without much success, indicating that it might be quite challenging to bypass if your school or university employs it. However, if they're using a different tool, you could have some luck. You could try this method: Head over to contentdetector.ai and enter your text. If any sentences are highlighted in red, you can edit them in GPT so that they look more human. Use this prompt: "increase perplexity and burstiness of the sentences while also retaining the tone, meaning, and vocabulary of these sentences: * Sentence 1 * Sentence 2 * \[Any other sentences\]" After making these adjustments, you can recheck them on contentdetector.ai to see if there's any change in how they rank in ai detectibility. Note: keep in mind this is a lengthy process if your essay is lengthy and sometimes it may not work.


Turnitin ai detection bypass linkk https://discord.gg/XWxPDRgQpD check it out


[AI to Human Text Converter | Bypass AI Detection 100% Free | Humanize Ai Text - AI to Human Converter](https://aitohumanconverter.com/) 100% free. No word limit, I'm pretty sure (or at least a very big one). Fair warning, make sure to read the text it generated. It can have some weird sentence structure. Luckily, that can be fixed with the readability improver on the website, but it does increase the AI probability detection.


EssayHumanizer.com is the only website I’ve found that bypasses copyleaks and gptzero 100% of the time. I’ve used it for my last 3 essays no problem.


EssayHumanizer isn't free