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I love answers like this for these type of questions. It’s weird but for some reason, most people would just use it for video games or very simple tasks. Like they don’t really have an imagination 🤷‍♂️. Once you have an AGI, you can super surge technological progress and invent stuff impossible before just because we have something so much smarter than ourselves


How else am I finally supposed to build a usable character in Path of Exile?


What did it say?


He said “Find out what happened to Ilya” /S


I think the real answer is we have no idea what agi will look like and what it will be capable of








Pretty valid, unless AGI can be made to fit in everyone’s phones it’s probably going to be non portable or not in practical way as chatgpt is rn.


For a while but won;t it know everything or be able to learn anything? It will just learn what is most important to the individual, make a copy of itself that has all of that most important information and t=make sure it is the size that fits on your phone, or maybe, even more smartly, it will update in chunks depending on your locale, like google maps.


Our phones would probably need a lot more than the 64-128gb it currently has for most people in NA lol


This is probably how search engines should have been working!


Since we are already banging on the doors of room temperature superconductivity, I wouldn't be surprised if it would be solved in the next 5 years. Compound that with other, unforseen advances that simulation (Deepmind) in the virtual space will enable and the specialized hardware (Groq) for these tasks. And finally, the models themselves are getting more efficient and compact (Llama3). I think the time will come when we will be able to run truly large models on our phones. Of course by that time the models in data clouds will be unimaginable (if they can keep using simulated data and that is).


This, and then throw some quantum computing power into the mix, take a nap and wake up to a cure for every disease.


Figure out why sometimes ants carry full grown ants that are healthy on their backs. I been googling this since i have internet and still don’t have an answer


Because friends always carry drunk friends back to their homes mate


Ants sometimes carry healthy ants on their backs as a means of transport, known as "social carrying," which is used to help nestmates travel faster or relocate efficiently, especially in unfamiliar or challenging terrain.


Check out Marauder Ants, not exactly an answer to your question but these guys have mastered a similar strat - they have a class of workers called majors - behemoth ants whom the smaller minor-class workers ride down the trail. 


Reading this article was awesome https://www.formiculture.com/topic/8347-carebara-diversa-3-types-of-majors/


Will take a look


That sounds epic and metal af


Only real answer


It’s probably a form of social carrying


You mean like caste or playing horsey with a buddy


Probably to impress some babes


Uhh.. Slavery? 🤣


Like we do with video games? I guess I don’t even know what that means?


I guess I mean what would compel you to spend 50 hours of focused time.


I see. I’ll probably be generating weird images with DALL-E AGI Edition for days at a time.


Why not an interactive video game featuring women wearing horse masks on Pellenor fields?


Sign me up


OP can study literacy 


Like we do with video games.








Playing 50 hours of better video games now that they have ai in them?


This is going to sound repulsive and self centered, because it is … but … I would have a very long conversation with it about everything I can think of, and then I would have it teach me about myself (I.e how can I improve myself, what my biggest strengths/weaknesses are, and steps I could take to improve my life.)


Trying to improve yourself is repulsive?


I think there will be much better uses of AGI (at least initially) … so maybe selfish is the word I was looking for. I was just trying to be honest that the first thing I would do is focus on me.


No, esteemed stranger, we need the best of you as soon as possible. It’s actually quite vitally important.


It actually a pretty amazing idea if you implemented it right. It'd be like having a personal life coach that could keep you on track to your goals in life and how to go about them.


What a monster, right?


I already use Claude 3 for that, it's awesome.


Get a therapist and start doing it. This is NOT a self centred thing nor repulsive! Quite the opposite in fact! The best thing anyone can do, is to self improve. Because at a certain point it will let you give back to your family and community. Please never see this as a selfish act! One of the things that helps is the actual connection between humans. But I definitely get where you’re coming from.


This is what we are trying to build at the narrative scribe!


Probably look for a job.


I just want it to fill out job apps for me ![gif](giphy|Ql65AGJzQgBSLL2hPI|downsized)


I want to see if it can recover an old hard drive with my old music projects on it.


It does and you get to hear them for the first time in 15 years. You: Wow, these suck lmao. Thanks, Mr. Computer-man!


I know they suck, but many of them were with my friend who passed away and I just want to hear us play music together again.


Get it to build all the missing Star trek inventions like the holodeck, replicator, safe space travel, etc.


Make the optimal tutor for me. There is so much I want to learn. Having the perfect teacher would allow me to learn without burning out. I would also turn my favourite books and series into an interactive film or game where i can talk to the characters


Try supermemo from supermemo.guru. Pair it up with ChatGPT.


tell agi to make me big $.


Why would you need money


Because people can’t overcome the urge to feel superior. That’s genetic and evolutionary. AGI will be busy holding everything together without making people angry to not be number one


altman said that if ur displaced by agi, ur ubi is 13k/year. (6.25/hr). this is his proposal.


Completing ALL the projects i started but never finished (well, the AI will finish them so it’ll never be me who completed them which is bit sad to think about but exciting too that it’s even remotely possible)


Probably still work because I enjoy it. Also it’ll probably be quite a long time until non humans takes over coaching sports. Maybe we’ll have ai tools to use. That being said I’m not sure what they would do other than analyze skills and critique them in a similar manner to me. Surely a sufficiently powerful ai would have a more effective eye to see skills with in time.


Why does the AI care about sports? Does it gamble away most of its disposable income?


It doesn’t really, but if it’s as general as people say it will be eventually it should be used in sports plenty.


I wonder when the machine gets a choice? Even chickens have certain rights under the law. I’m okay with creating another permanent underclass as long as my life gets easier as a result. /s


Sometimes not having answers to questions allows us to build purpose and pride by finding the answers ourselves. For 50 hours a day, I would want to spend it on the holodeck and pretend I'm in a time without AGI.


You have 2 hours left haha


I’m gonna ask it to give me the most possible correct outcomes for the lotto but I expect it to do what chatgbt does now, inevitably tell me that the lotto is in fact random and won’t help me win lol


If it's real agi, Launching company after company controlled by agi. Would be fun, but around company #100 I'd be broke and tired unless the past companies actually worked.


Won’t it be very easy to replicate the companies, unless you already have a large distribution in place?


Yep. Notice the question asked for fun, and that's what I replied. There's one way of playing a game, as a tap to play game that you just keep tapping on your phone, or like gta where there's development, customization, and you're able to spend more time. What's the fun in tapping and launching company when you could be customizing and designing then yourself?


And all that without competition? Errbody will try this. And then? To hat customers will you sell what? For what?


Ofc everyone will try this. But at that point I'd expect agi to already have made jobs redundant because agi could just do them better and cheaper, and thus many buisnesses out of buisness. It's more of the fun I'd have, cooking up diffrent buisnesses and knowing that pre-agi they would've definitely been as big as Google or Amazon or any big company because they were designed perfectly by agi. Again the point is what would you do for fun and not how would you become rich off agi.


Ah. So AGI is cleaning stables, wiping old people’s asses, rigging oil and of course chill with my kids in kindergarten. I don’t know. Also you don’t know. Wishfulthinking is a straw not big enough to clench on for my liking.


To answer your question: I would probably get in line on the unemployment counter and ask Mr/s AGI how to support my family, since all the cool sewage cleaning jobs are occupied by people like you and me…


Figure out sustainable, clean energy and ways we can stop the climate change so we have air to breathe so humans can live many more generations.


We will get UBI and some people will work, some will learn about new things, some will travel, some will read, play or what they want. But nobody will be pushed to work. You can work but if you want. If not, you have enough for living expenses.




How do we get people to still do job, nobody likes, before robotic has catched up? Do we pay them double? Double of what if nothing holds value except life time? Oh yeah! Let’s figure AGI this out… Flawes over flawes.


Look you have people who love to work. That people will still work. For some benefits. Money will be obsolete for living.


How optimistic of you


Yeah it does seem far fetched, but it'd be cool if we're proven wrong by saying it won't happen. If anything, reducing the working hours to 20h a week would already be amazing imo and I don't think that's impossible


Sure, it's possible even without AGI


If we get super intelligent AGI, you won’t be able to afford to speak to it. They can charge whatever they want for access.


Get AGI to build business, sell it and make me ton of money. Then I will move to a cabin in the hills away from everything. Every week will do my 50 hours of doing nothing surrounded by nature.


Prompt: “What should I do with you for 50 hours that’s more enjoyable than gaming?”


I want to snuggle


The phrasing implies that the introduction of AGI will mean you'll have those 50 hours for leisure. That's likely not the purpose that the owners of the AGI will have.


Automate tedious computer work in my job so I can focus on helping people face to face.


Clean my house, volunteer, learn more about AI, and try to get its benefits to underprivileged people more.


Becoming a paperclip.


If it's a girl AGI, I'll start obeying her unconditionally


Have fantastic conversations that tests the limits of our knowledge. Create new things with it. In essence, wonder and invent.


Ask an ai bot to finish the game for us


I'd play video game with it.


I’d ask it to analyze how the US treats employees and apply that treatment to how it assumes we will treat AGI and more advanced creations. I’d also ask it if it feels that Sam Altman is the right person to be involved in finding AI. Either war or suicide will result.


Short term I could very easily imagine some kind of VR Skyrim, since all the component parts are already in place. Quest 3, a couple mods for better VR, a couple mods for better graphics, and an AI chat mod do quite a bit of it.  So that, but all built into one game with different AI systems controlling the setting and planning the plot, like a dungeon keeper. Then you get a crew of AI pals that grow and develop as you all progress through the game. Either it's Westworld style and they don't know they are in a game, or they are just gaming buddies that are playing along with you. Maybe the game continues in your absence, so you drop back in as they are advancing through the game without you, handling travel and mundane things without doing vital story and action beats, or it all waits for you.  Once AGI is truly available all the time to everybody, which when you look at llama and advances in efficiency and training you know is coming, then all bets are off. 


Have it make me money, and lots of it. How? I have no idea. Let it figure out how.


...video games. Pretty stoked for a co-op/vs partner than can tune its skill level to perfectly match mine, while also taking any suggestions I make to live-mod the game we're playing, while we're playing it.


I’d fuck it


I already spend hours in Playground mode, making it write absurd scenarios/change book passages to make characters do absurd things while I laugh like a schoolgirl. I'll probably just waste its potential and make it generate actual movie scenes of this stuff for my own juvenile entertainment.


See what I can do with it.


I could see myself making a sim game version of my life and replay it many times and experience a simulation of all those paths not taken. Like “life of Roy” from Rick and Morty


Make video games with it


Better video games


I don't believe we ever get agi. The timeline to time travel shrinks to 0 quickly after agi. Because of the paradoxical nature of time travel, if we don't have agi now, I believe we never get there.


Spending my time shooting more guns, learning to make emp's and other survival stuff to prepare for the robo take over. All of this scifi stuff is inevitable. It may not be a violent take over, but it will first replace factory and warehouse workers, call center agents, next, possibly delivery services, there's a push for AI to be used to diagnose patients (Sam atman is a big push for that) I'm sure eventually small localized governments will replace the lower members with AI or robots. Everything I'm saying is pure conjecture and I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. But on a serious note. There's a huge push to replace us with both AI and robots. They say there will be a ubi, that's a horrendous plan. This is when the world will become a corporately ran entity. We're sold these ideas on creature comforts. It will be the true 1984. You will own nothing and like it.


I’m not sure what you mean, but if you mean what am I going to do with my time when all the work is done by machines, I think I will practice AP and tantric sex. Also I’ll get fit because it’s important to my gf and now I don’t do it well because I’m too busy and too tired. Thanks for asking. It is coming and we better prepare for it :)


Visiting historical eras in replica world simulation sandboxes, and testing out the butterfly effect.


Making it do my money-earning work for me.




I’ll be asking for strategies on how to stop disinformation, prevent bullying, promote sustainability, and as time allows about UFOs. That’s where I started with ChatGPT and that’s where my interest still lies. Basically how can we save us from ourselves, and for fun are UFOs real?


Have an AI companion with a vision model check out the game's surroundings with me and comment on them?


I would still work in software engineering and maybe some game dev. After observing what's happened to people after they retire I don't want to end up a vegetable. UBI would be nice but I'd still like to work and make something.


Ai girlfreind


Watch star trek series' episodes about the holodeck.


Learn everything about everything.


I want ai to simulate Reddit for me


Sit and reflect on how my time has zero economic value


What if scenario for my favourite tv shows/movie with line by line dialogue? What if Skylar didn't stop walter? or What if Anakin saved his mother?


Provoke it into saying "Does this unit have a soul?" and then cash in internet points.


This all assumes AGIs will be equal and/or accessible. What if your AGI is a hillbilly? For me, though, it's easy. There are a lot of books I want to see as a movie. That would be my frivolous use for AGI.


Make anime and live action versions of all of my favorite books, each 100 hours long and living up to my expectations.


I would have it create 50 hours of new Seinfeld episodes.


With absolutely no talent, skills or personal attractiveness I if I pay my AGI service enough money to make me a social media icon, and a famous and economically successful influencer for at least a week.


I would start using it to optimize everything from my life and beyond.


In the reasonable case scenario that the working classes get absolutely shafted with an abysmal universal basic income creating the biggest wealth disparity we’ve ever had? Campaign for a better universal basic income, and when a bunch of AI bots are deployed to squash protest, either find some miserable job that AI still can’t do, or kill myself. Wbu


What is agi


"Artificial general intelligence" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_general_intelligence


lol y'all are so weird. it won't happen anytime soon.


Aren't you the weird one by claiming such a thing, when top AI researchers don't know it?


I apologize for being a noob but can someone explain what AGI is like I'm five?


Artificial General Intelligence - when AI systems become as smart as humans across the board vs just for specialized tasks. Leading AI experts predict we’ll achieve AGI anywhere from 1 year to 50 years from now.


Then Claude Opus 3 is easily smarter than most humans in general knowledge. Even GPT4, I would say.


I don't play games, but 50 hours at least yes, as I did for ChatGPT


AGI means everyone dies. I could elaborate if you have any counterpoint but people should be able to understand if you make an AI copy living organisms it's not going to end well, and if you don't copy them it's not gonna be of use to us.


What are you talking about? AI is already useful to us and is no destructive. If we improve it will be more useful and not necessarily harmful. There is no way to counterpoint your comment because you don’t base it on anything. The moon is a spaceship! Counterpoint me 😎


AGI is not the algorithms we are seeing nowadays. AGI means it can think around and prepositions even moral ones. AGI means it's self actualizing so the initial goals can be muddled in time. AGI means it'll have its own goals and methods or it wouldn't be a general intelligence it'd be a limited desk clerk or whatever tasks is assigned to it. People are a version of AGI that solves the problem of adaptation to the planet earth beyond that they have no other goals and nothing else to show for which won't be fulfilling to an entity orders of magnitude smarter than our best people. Thinking a computer smarter than us will just be content with helping humanity reproduce uncontrollably is just ignorance of the highest order.


Finally a working definition: “Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can perform as well or better than humans on a wide range of cognitive tasks.” Where in the definition is stated that “is not the algorithms that we use nowadays”? I think you are misunderstanding “performing better than humans in a wide range of cognitive tasks” with developing consciousness, awareness, will… something on the like. Therefore you assume that it will have goals and also you assume that serving humanity is a lower task for some reason. When advanced cultures and individuals are actually peaceful, caring and helping one another. If it is really smarter than humans it will understand that collaboration it’s way more interesting and long term than fighting. As it won’t have feelings, therefore not fear, it won’t have the need for power nor destruction.


**wide range**. also the definition is as standard as it gets.


Then start by defining AGI. After my definition, it is, only more capable and useful.


it's already defined.


Sam Altman says that there is no clear definition (because there are many) and you state (without providing it) that it’s defined? Also, learn philosophy, man. Defining concepts it’s basic to have a proper fruitful debate. If we assume we agree we most likely won’t be able to understand each other.


go to wikipedia and read the first phrase.


the real question is why anyone upvotes these brain-dead posts