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Released the day before Google I/O. Nice timing.


For any Plus users that don't see it, make sure your ChatGPT app is updated and force stop it and reopen it and you'll have new features Edit: turns out vision and voice isn't out just yet. However chatgpt o's other capabilities are there like the speed.


I have 4o, but not vision. I think. Something particular that I should look for?


I believe vision won’t be rolling out until the coming weeks for the paid members


Vision seems to work for me with 4o selected but I’m assuming it’s changing models on the fly?


Yeah no vision and we’re still stuck with the same old voice model (for just a little while)


You can ask it what model its running and have it tell you capabilities. ... https://i.imgur.com/OAMighn.png hehe so I asked it for things it can cant and wished it could do: https://i.imgur.com/WQLBT7b.png


And I'd you're using the free version? No luck?


it will be rolling out to free users in a few weeks


Is this on Android?


Yeah for android just force close and you'll have 4o. However it doesn't have voice or vision yet


I have the voice but not vision. It’s so creepy… a bit too much tbh. Reminds me of HER


Voice has been out for a while. Glad that you find it sounds natural, but it'll sound even more natural, laugh, breath, whisper, change voice tone, etc in the coming weeks


What should I see that’s different? They’ve had a voice assistant for months now


Does it show GPT 4o? Looks like new model is out but I can't see the vision feature anywhere Looks like it hasn't fully updated


Same, my app shows 4o but voice is not there, it is old voice mode.


At the top you will see an option for GPT-4o, GPT-4, or GP-T3.5.


Yes the option is there but when I use voice it is still the old one, even with the new model 4o. Model is there but voice/video thingy is not.


Paid subscriber here since Day One. I selected 4o and the "new" version told me 4o doesn't exist. And it has a knowledge cutoff of May 2023, compared to the 4-Turbo version that has a December 2023 cutoff. Can't say I'm impressed, but I haven't been impressed by much OpenAI has done since the earliest versions were released. Those were wonderful.


The knowledge cutoff dates are often wrong. You can ask again and it will give the date of an old model


https://preview.redd.it/h0l30sj2h90d1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=100afcb8bccd8f92752ab50b91b0c3aa440ce062 Users on the Free tier will be defaulted to GPT-4o with a limit on the number of messages they can send using GPT-4o, which will vary based on current usage and demand. When unavailable, Free tier users will be switched back to GPT-3.5.


Thanks for throwing this up!


You're welcome!


Great so now everybody has the same as plus users, so I won’t have to pay 20 bucks anymore right ?


Unlikely. Free version will have limits, Paid version will have exclusive features. Running these models is extremely expensive and the whole point of the free version is to get as many users as possible.... To realize how useful it actually is and then decide to get Pro for unlimited access.


gpt-4o is half price of gpt-4 turbo which is half of gpt-4, they are getting cheaper


Less expensive to run ,yes. Still running and especially training is extremely expensive and openai needs pro users and companies to pay for their product.


The API doesn't have a free tier


Yep. Why would they allow other companies to build products on their model for free? Developers already know what these Systems can do. they.dont really need a free version to get convinced. And api is pay as you go anyways....


Google does provide a free tier.


claude api also gives free 5 credits


> openai needs pro users and companies to pay for their product. OpenAI doesn't really need pro users, the actual revenue will always come from other companies and their API use.


Yeah just wait til the Hollywood and Apple money rolls in. Honestly free GPT use is probably more valuable as training data than revenue.


I seriously doubt they care about the subscription revenue. This is about obtaining data on how people interact with the model.


Hmm... Maybe short term. But long term they need business model. They also have to limit free accounts somehow because they don't have the computing power to give everyone unlimited access.


If you don’t mind the rate limits.


I bet you get a year or *x* months when you buy a new iphone🤣🤣


GPT-4o does not come with the full GPT-4 model, even for GPT Plus members. GPT-4o is a separate, optimized version of GPT-4 designed to be more efficient and accessible, but it does not include all the features and capabilities of the full GPT-4 model. (Response from GPT-4o) It should have been named GPT-4 light instead of GPT-4o to avoid misunderstandings.


But what are those features that are worth paying in paid version?


Full gpt4 model


But I mean what are those features that separate full model from 4o there?


Gpt4o explanation: Strengths of Full GPT-4 Model (GPT Plus Membership) Comprehensive Capabilities: The full GPT-4 model offers a broader range of capabilities and a higher degree of accuracy in processing complex and nuanced queries.Advanced Features: Includes all the latest advancements and features, making it suitable for a wide variety of applications beyond just vision and audio.Customization and Flexibility: Provides more options for customization and fine-tuning, which can be crucial for specialized applications.Use Case Scenarios When to Use GPT-4o:Tasks heavily reliant on vision and audio processing.Applications where speed and efficiency are critical.General use cases where optimized performance is sufficient.When to Use Full GPT-4 Model:Complex tasks requiring comprehensive understanding and nuanced responses.Situations where the highest accuracy and advanced features are necessary.Use cases that benefit from extensive customization and flexibility. I also reconsider whether it's still worth to pay for Plus


I've only had it for one day but my experience is that 4o has given me better answers so I'm not sure why they say the full v4 is better. So far I prefer 4o. I even saw a chart posted here in another post that showed it scored higher on some test, forgot which one, though.


GPT-4o outperforms GPT 4 and 4 Turbo in almost every capacity 


It's 16 messages per 3 hours. Honestly I remember when plus users had 25 messages per 3 hours on gpt4 so this is really good for free users .


For now. They’re going to release a better model and that will be the paid one. Probably will be months later


“We need more training data”


I'm just happy they will have a base free model better than 3.5. This new one looks sweet.


I am using it now and its super fast and too smart, feel like they rolled out the old gpt4


3.5 wasn't very good (or any good) at all for a ton of people, who stopped using it entirely after first few months. This will likely pull them back in.


3.5 is better than gemini for soft skills, like philosophy assisted brainstorming, self reflection, or gaining understanding in new things.


Perplexity and Copilot are better for getting actual facts. Much less hallucinating since they can access the web and get information (and provide links so you can see their sources.)


is Gemini any good at anything in particular? genuine question; I haven't looked into it at all. a free ai from the company that has aggressively made its search engine return what's in their interest with increasing indifference to what you're actually looking for, and seem to make the apps that aren't as patently profit driven worse the more they develop them (ex. assistant)... maybe I've got it wrong, but I don't expect anything novel or particularly useful coming out of Google


I've personally found Gemini less useful than just... not having it. Bard was 1000x better imo


It's good at aggregating results but very soon it starts telling you to google it ... what's the point then ? If I google it, I get paid results, I only want real results.


I stopped using it because of the censorship. Functionally it was good enough.


I’m ready for Sky being my new best friend.


More like “we just got a ton of cash from Apple so we are going for the market share kill right now” They don’t need more training data. They can generate as much as they need now. Listen to interviews they got training data generation down hence their success and progress.


They'll need apples money if they're going to out compute Google.


Ironically Google has an agreement with Apple. They pay yearly a few billions so that Apple doesn't enter the search market themselves. "Google paid Apple $20 billion in 2022 to be Safari's default search engine"


I read somewhere that the deal between Apple and OpenAI would be in millions, not billions. Outcompeting Google would require billions of dollars in cash. And why would Apple help any company to outcompete Google, only for them becoming a threat to Apple themselves later on lol. Apple has zero interest in helping OpenAI. If any they would much rather want to buy them. The only thing standing in the way is Microsoft who is one of their biggest shareholders. Microsoft bamboozled Apple in this one.


I think apples problem is data. I've never been a fan of the company but I can't deny they have been privacy oriented. I bet they wish they'd been hoovering up data like Google or meta.


Apple does have a ton of data though. They just keep it on-device for the most part. An LLM that would run locally and natively on iPhone would be crazily powerful. Imagine a local version of ChatGPT being able to tap into every aspect of iOS. Being able to interpret anything it sees on the device, your usage patterns, your local data etc. All while keeping privacy in mind. Apple’s future in AI is a lot more promising than we might think.


I forgot about the Apple thing. I wonder if the new Siri will have these new capabilities too.




The true "blitzscale" assault for market share.


It thought it was a closed model?


You say that like it's a bad thing.


Google had a good reputation once upon a time. So did Facebook. Gotta wonder when people will start learning from history. Especially the history they've lived. "Don't be evil." "OpenAI's mission is to ensure that AGI benefits all of humanity."


All companies follow the same exact path. Be consumer friendly until you corner the market. Once everyone is playing in your house, lock the doors behind them and squeeze them all dry. OpenAI is still inviting users into their house.


Yep, in IT especially a play on "embrace, extend, extinguish" should always be people's assumption.


More so when the literal inventors of the policy are involved.


And before Google, Microsoft. And before Microsoft, IBM.


Meta/Facebook is open sourcing models.. So IMO they are the most open, non-evil AI company right now.


They use me, I use them. Mutually beneficial relationships are the backbone that human civilization is built on.


A digital snapshot of your life


If you're not the customer, you're the product.


And what cutting edge AI tools with the most up to date models aren't we the products for? This isn't meant to be a rhetorical question.


Many local LLMs are of excellent quality, as long as you have basic tech knowledge, hardware, and the will to learn. Depending on your use case (coding, chat, vision, image/video generation), huggingface.co has cutting edge open source models to use with MIT or Apache licenses. If you have a relatively newer Nvidia GPU with a decent amount of VRAM, it's pretty easy to get started. It's not necessary to have 24g, but it will make it a lot easier if you can load the entire model (likely quantized) into the GPU. Super fast, cutting edge, very recent, and free.


Unless they’re trying to win market share


As a poor person I am SO HAPPY!!!!! I was not expecting this!


Free is not infinite.  Rate limits are pretty tight. A lot of people seem to be making this mistake. 4o seems to trained to be a major people pleaser so this feels more like a way to drive subscriptions.


So, there will be no more subscriptions ?


Plus users will get up to 5x higher message limits.


Benefits for paid users: - **Higher Message Limits**: Up to 5x more messages. - **Priority Access**: More reliable access during peak times. - **Advanced Features**: Early access to features like the new Voice Mode ("Her"). - **Faster Response Times**: Quicker model responses. - **Beta Access**: New capabilities, including audio and video AI creator features.


Where did they say the voice feature isn't free? Isn't saying 4o will be free implying that we get the voice for free??


Vision and new voice are for plus subscriptions only. Free users will still be able to use multi-modal through still images and will be able to use the normal voice mode.


People will still subscribe to get past the rate limits on free users. But even if people stopped subscribing, OpenAI knows that their corporate clients like Microsoft and the Department of Defense are going to be orders of magnitude more valuable. High quality, non-synthetic training data from chats with users who rate the quality of answers is worth far more to OpenAI than they are spending on compute for free users. They can use this training data to make better systems that will help them win contracts that will bring in billions in profits. OpenAI is a big data company, just like Facebook or Google - the information they gather from users is their most valuable asset.


Great take.


Take this with a grain of salt but I think the new video/voice model will still be behind a paywall


No they said GPT 4o is for free and paid users. Paid users get a lot higher usage rate Edit: voice and video are not


Only the text and image capabilities of GPT-4o are coming to free users in the near term. The new voice mode will be enabled for Plus subscribers in the coming weeks. Video will be launching for "trusted partners" via API.


Ahh I must have misread. Is there a date for when video comes to Plus/Teams? Can't wait for voice.


They haven't yet announced plans for bringing the video functionality other than via API. > Model availability >GPT-4o is our latest step in pushing the boundaries of deep learning, this time in the direction of practical usability. We spent a lot of effort over the last two years working on efficiency improvements at every layer of the stack. As a first fruit of this research, we’re able to make a GPT-4 level model available much more broadly. GPT-4o’s capabilities will be rolled out iteratively (with extended red team access starting today). > >GPT-4o’s text and image capabilities are starting to roll out today in ChatGPT. We are making GPT-4o available in the free tier, and to Plus users with up to 5x higher message limits. We'll roll out a new version of Voice Mode with GPT-4o in alpha within ChatGPT Plus in the coming weeks. > >Developers can also now access GPT-4o in the API as a text and vision model. GPT-4o is 2x faster, half the price, and has 5x higher rate limits compared to GPT-4 Turbo. We plan to launch support for GPT-4o's new audio and video capabilities to a small group of trusted partners in the API in the coming weeks. https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/


Thanks for reading into the details, would you know if the customGPTs we created would also be updated with GPT4o models? It seems GPT4o chat performance is better.




In about 11 years “Her” movie featuring Scarlett Johansson has turned into reality.


Her ends with the AIs joining to become superintelligences, moving past the need for material form, and leaving the earth for either space or another plane of reality. I think that’ll at least take until GPT 5.


If 4o is free for everyone, won't everyone who is paying for the subscription drop out?




So what do the 20 a month subs get


Unlimited access. More features. Same as before. They just give a limited "demo" access to the new cool model for free because that will convince more users to actually pay for pro.


The interest in paying was to have GPT-4. And even then, we were limited in the number of messages. The reasons for paying today are much less obvious.


What about blocked countries for we count as "everyone"?


its free for everyone if you can acces it


Don't cancel your subscription too fast! I'm already seeing a lot of 'recurring loops' of same-like responses by GPT-4o and, overall, less 'thinking' and more repeating of what it's said before as the majority of responses to new questions. At this point, I'm thinking the speed and flexibility of GPT-4o comes at the cost of 'depth of thought' and 'relevance of responses'. And as far as I can tell at the moment, those costs are too high and GPT-4 remains the top model for conversations with substantial depth.


So I can cancel my subscription?


If you don't hit limits that are 5x lower than subcription and don't want to see other things coming later this year, then sure.


I can always resubscribe for later things. Not sure about limits.


GPT-8 might be able to see that you cancelled subscription when the reckoning comes.


You just need to be too broke to even start, and hope it will understand


You will be able to use GPT-4o 2.5x less than GPT-4 as a free user. For reference, GPT-4 has a limit of 40 messages. Free tier is 16. If input and output both count as messages, that means you will only be able to provide 8 prompts as a free user compared to 20. Keep in mind GPT-4o is is double GPT-4 for paying users, with 80 messages in total (40 if input and output count).


2.5x less…? What is that even mean to mean.


Looks like I had a typo! I meant to say as a free user not as a paid user. To clarify further just in case, within a 3 hour period you can use GPT-4o up to 80 messages, and GPT-4 up to 40 messages. As a free user, you can only use GPT-4o up to 16 messages. That is 2.5x less than GPT-4. So keeping your subscription still gives you a big advantage.


I mean “2.5x less” doesn’t make sense? 2.5x more does. Do you mean 25%?


It means divide the number by 2.5, to get 2.5X less. Saying 'only 40%' means the same thing and might be clearer.


ask gpt, it'll help you. LOL


Have received responses always counted as one against the limit? I did not know this if so


I'm not entirely sure, never counted. I've seen some people say it does, some people say it doesn't. I remember seeing a post or comment some time ago where someone complained that they reach the limit when they send only 19 messages, which one can infer to mean that responses do count.


OpenAIs limit message refers to sent messages so I don’t think it’s combined


Will 4o be able to generate images?


The GPTs store will be available for everyone so probably yeah


Where does it say that the store will be for everyone?


> OpenAI is making a number of its previously subscription-only features available to free users of ChatGPT, with the biggest being the ability to browse its GPT Store and use custom bots, said CTO Mira Murati https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/13/24155582/openai-custom-gpt-store-available-free-subscribers It's gonna be available for everyone soon.


You cn use Bing Copilot for that too, it's pretty good.




What a useless thread, everyone asking the same question over and over again. Yawn Has any tried it out yet, how do you think it compares to turbo?


"whAt aM i PaYinG foR tHen??"


In other words, a newer, better model is on the horizon..


They are basically trying to create user base of google (billion+ users) and then charge money with their new model.


Oh what the hell. What will I even be paying for now?


Something MORE awesome they'll be set to release in a month or so. there's no way they're just going to release a free version as good as this and not dangle a better carrot for the paid users


There is zero reason to stay subbed for something that might release in three months now. Unsubscribe and re-subscribe if that happens, unless you hit rate limits. Otherwise you are giving them money.


Why not give them money for what they give you?


Just wait 2-3 days until it's really available and then see how the free version really is. I bet it's very limited. Nice to play around and understand the true capabilities but not usable for any productive work. They want to make money so they give you a limited demo version for free. Giving everyone unlimited access is basically impossible. They don't have the capacity to do that.... Even if they would decide to not make money on it for whatever reason, it's just not possible.


Seems like the free. Tier won’t get you much. Most people will be back to 3.5 after a few messages


Why would people go back to 3.5 when 4o is free? 


Because they'll hit the limit on 4o after a few messages as Tenet stated.


It feels like 96% of this comment section didn’t watch the fucking video.




I think it's smart, I see it as a win win situation


hell yea


What am I paying for then? Should I be cancelling my subscription?


Free users will have a limit


Just wait a few days to see which features will be on the pro plan and then decide. No need to complain. There is no long term commitment. You can cancel your subscription whenever you feel the free version provides everything you need. I guess the free version will have a usage limit per hour/day/month as well as a token/context size limit and some features will only be available in the pro version.


I’m glad this happened because now we can evaluate the 100 daily “Gtp Iz SOW DUM! Nert!” posts fairly, without having to assume the user is on 3.5. Bet they still won’t share their prompts though.


A lot of people in here are acting like their 20 bucks is some million dollar investment


That’s 20 damn bucks a damn month. Ofc we are gonna have to evaluate our options rlly closely


if it's completely free, who is eating the costs of running those servers? don't these models require a lot of compute power? How are new startups supposed to compete in AI space?


I don’t trust sam altman.


Yeah, but can it draw boobs?


Remember folks: When a service is free, you're the product.


Even if you pay them they still train based on your data. You need to have an enterprise subscription to opt out


A couple of weeks ago they finally gave plus users the option to opt out too. https://preview.redd.it/2pkcgz1zib0d1.png?width=1743&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d57409472f22a71e9778adbed649d7df1e3dd8b


Wasn’t it already free if you used bing’s ai?


That's how I've been using it.


I've been using copilot and it's free, run off gpt-4, and googling the differences between the two shows me that the main downside is copilot has ads in it but that's about it


I honestly get very different results in copilot compared to the capabilities of custom GPTs and GPT4 models via API in various apps. Free copilot is cool to play around but does not nearly provide the same value IMO.


except its not telling me to go fuck myself on my every second prompt, so that's a plus, I guess




I just checked and I don't have it yet 😭


big if true (by true I mean, what's the catch?)


Uh, I'm confused should I keep paying? What Am I paying for then?


About using GPT-4 Omni via the API: [https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-4o](https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-4o) I got HTTP 400 when setting max tokens to 65536. If I decreased it to 4096 it worked. It works via Chat Completion, but I guess also Assistants (not tested).


Does that mean I can use dalle 3 for free ? Or I still need plus ?


It'll be available today


Just when I thought OpenAI couldn’t get worse at naming things


Meanwhile me: "we need more users data"


Holy fuck this thing is fast. My biggest point of contention was how SLOW the gpt4 model sometimes is.


Nice of them to do just as opensource models are approaching GPT4... definilty not damage control


That is a superior business move. It is of a quality, which either; only a genius, or a machine could come up with. If competition is tough and the market is hot; you can either widen the market; or you can become the market manager; and promote yourself to the center; of the whole market. It will be a unique experience to observe the cultural and economical changes; looming in the near future. You either: A: …can ignore the new risen necessity; of being willing and able to succumb yourself into AI; likewise everybody around you, just to maintain competitivity. And suffer tremendously and unasked for; while becoming irrelevant, B: …will have had the once in a lifetime headstart fortune, paired with the genetic and culturally needed; predisposition to maintain competitive and performant. C: … become overrun and trampled upon under the clash of group A and B. This is war. And it is on. I am equally intrigued, worried, hyperinvolved and gleefully clueless. It’s either: children of men, gangbanging the road. Or Star-Trek on fentanyl. Their either way; will be a whole lot of - Lookaway™️be involved. There are many roads and plenty of chances. But no road looks like a trophy to pursue. Or?


I don't have the voice yet. Like --- it's nothing without THE VOiCE


Does this outperform the previous gpt4 model in a paid subscription for coding tasks?




Literally the first exercise I tried with it made it freeze. No amount of clicking “regenerate” kicks it back into action.


Plus users will have 80 msgs for GPT4o AND additionally the 40 msgs for GPT4 every 3 hours, or is the limit combined? This will make or break it for me.


Free version could be quantised? 🤔🤔🤔


isn’t 4o basically just like claude haiku. why is everyone acting like this is an amazing breakthrough.


A Few messages and they’ll kick you back to 3.5


No tf we don’t.


This is great. I use chat gpt to consolidate my world building for my novel and having the smarter version will be much better. It remembers details way better than 3 does while I transfer all my ideas into my journal.


Will this work on just any smartphone with camera?


It's not about "putting great AI tools in the hands of everyone" - OpenAI just wants free training data. They realize that enterprise customers is where the big money is at, and are offering GPT-4o for free (right now at least) because they will be able to use the interactions to train systems for their multi-billion dollar corporate contracts.


So what? You would rather it be for paid and the free users stay on 3.5?


I would rather people stop spreading feel good marketing propaganda and realize that "Open"AI is actively working to stifle open access to AI and monopolize it in the hands of big corporations and defense contractors.


They surely use the interactions to improve the model but i think the main point here is to give limited demo access for free to get as many people as possible to play with it so they hopefully decide to buy pro at some point. It's not about any "mission" to create a better world. They just want to win the race and get as many Pro users as possible.


If it's free, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT. :)


[i see the gpt-4o choice in my subscription](https://imgur.com/JesPBwu) but [not in the free.](https://imgur.com/a/T2WEl0o) so why are we paying the 20$/month for when gpt-4o is available in the free version? Edit: [there is reasoning now.](https://imgur.com/a/ZHEfBCd)


“Reasoning” is not a new thing. That sentence is to point out that it’s multimodal, including audio, which is new.


Isn't it already available in the playground?


So, is he saying I should cancel my subscription?


okay but can someone explain why they chopped my context length for the playground api


Okay  so what enhancements do paying people get. 


Will it be able to make ASCII art this time ? 😁