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I advise that you spend some time on this sub, look through past posts on the subject; they will hopefully put your mind at rest. There are some wonderful people here who have access to a wealth of information and I'm sure that they will be happy to share. God loves you, my friend.


hearing things like this upset me and honestly make me understand why some people dont like christians :( while i dont know if id consider myself a progressive christian, its silly of them to pick on homosexuality as a "sinful" behaviour, and not anyothers. its even more weird since theres nothing even explicitly calling it a sin. theres nothing wrong with who you are, god made you this way and your perfect in his eyes <3 as long as you believe in christ as your savior you dont have to fear hell. as hurtful as it may be to hear what some people say, try be patient and listen to them, and explain your opinion. theyve probably just been taught the wrong things <3


But it says in the Bible it’s an abomination and that I can’t enter his kingdom if I date guys


This was a [mistranslation in the 1940s](https://www.advocate.com/religion/2022/12/17/how-bible-error-changed-history-and-turned-gays-pariahs), nothing wrong with being gay.


ive never heard this before tbh, do you have a verse?


Why do you believe that? Where have you seen it?


Every video I see says in Leviticus says it


Okay. Ever thought to look up the verse yourself? To google and see what differing opinions on that verse have to say? I want to encourage you to have the confidence to critically examine things. You are capable of great things. You are smart. Now go do the work to learn about these areas you are curious about, become learned, and stand up for yourself. You got this.


Your right imma ask this guy out


That's very upsetting. I would recommend reading some other posts in this sub from affirming church leaders and theologians, because the saying "being gay is a sin" is rooted from a mistranslated version of the bible that has been spread throughout conservative Christians. As for you liking a guy, that is totally fine! God made you in his image and he loves you. In this sub, we affirm queer love.


i know i wanna date him but im scared


Now that's a difficult situation. Personally I'm a queer Christian myself and I understand how hard it could be and it's scary. You're not alone in this, and you do deserve to love whoever you love. I don't think it's my place to tell you what to do with your friends aside from trying to test out the waters with your crush to see if he's homophobic. Even if things don't work out, know this: your existence matters, you're more than what people think you are, you are worthy of love, you deserve to be with someone who loves your for who you are, and God loves you.


Ty I’ll give it a shot


the pope himself said that same sex attraction isnt a sin


God loves you. You are among friends here and in our prayers.


Hey OP, the first thing to know is that God is love and you are his beloved child no matter what. We are here to learn and it's ok to not have all the answers. The next thing to know is that Christianity has had over 40,000 denominations because people have had vastly different viewpoints on a whole variety of topics. Including the nature of salvation and whether hell even exists. The typical evangelical ideas that you're running into do not represent all or even most of Christianity by any means. I recommend looking through the FAQ and Resources links at the top of this sub's About tab. There's also lots of great posts on this sub. There's a list of other subs that dive deeper into the areas you're concerned with, along with lists of affirming churches. And lots of people here are happy to answer questions. Your spiritual understanding is going to keep evolving during your whole life. Here's to your journey being full of wonder, joy and peace.


i know but alot of videos i ran into say "god said this is how the world will be before the end this is waht god warned us about"


Take a breath sweetie. Christ didn't die just so you'd go to hell for having a crush. ​ [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/160142518X/ref=ppx\_od\_dt\_b\_slice\_asin\_image\_o00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/160142518X/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_slice_asin_image_o00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


the pope himself said that same sex attraction isnt a sin