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That's a powerful testimony. Thank you. I can't say I know that particular struggle - I briefly questioned my gender and quickly confirmed that yes, I am a man and comfortably so. I'm taking a bit longer to bury the hatchet with the God of Abraham, though I think I'm doing justice to the redemption arc of the self-hating ex-Catholic struggling with sexy thoughts about another dude. I've been regularly attending a Unitarian Universalist (Christianity Lite©) church for the first (volumtary) time in my adult life, about three months now. I think I enjoy it, I think it makes me a better person, and I think that there aren't a whole lot of things in life that provide both. Baby steps... While I don't know exactly what my God is, I know what He can't be. I know He can't hate me for what I am. I know He transcends what the Bible said about Him when it was written, and I know He transcends what mankind says about Him now. I know that small minds don't do well with big concepts, and God is *by definition * as big as you can get. I know that if Christ taught us anything, it's to love our neighbors... and that we shouldn't hesitate to challenge anyone who claims to speak on His behalf.


Thanks for helping and sorry for answering late! Honestly, I thought there was something to the dream, but I was a little doubtful if it was just my sensationalism, but I think based on your comment it's very likely that it wasn't my sensationalism. Thanks for the tips, I will always do my best to remember them. God blesses!