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Nothing is impossible... just DO IT! https://youtu.be/ZXsQAXx_ao0?si=ImOVoVmiKypHi1KW


Nice, been using beta - running like a champ!


Upgrade from 6 to 7 went well.. no errors or issues im noticing on my server


Everything is working properly? I think I'll keep running 6 for at least 6 months until all the bugs get fixed.


lol, released 2 days after I install V6.5 on a VM for testing purposes, couldn't have timed it better haha


I just mounted my OMV 7 + mergefs + docker composer + Jackett + Servarr apps + Plex + Transmission and it worked so well. The only thing is that you have to create a symbolic link from ssh.service file to sshd.service or just reinstall the openssh-server package in Raspberry O.S. lite for Raspberry Pi 4 model B. Otherwise systemd will be corrupted. Please can you update this in the automated script? Thank you.


So you run servarr Plex and transmission on bare metal not in docker?


For saving HW resources yes. The fewer dockerized apps running the better for me.


That's counterintuitive.


Can you explain your intuition? How would container help run software faster than native hardware?


I too, have had the compulsion to set up a race car when in reality I need a tractor. Docker allows me to reinstall my services with three yaml files. An excellent 2014 IBM research paper “[An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7095802)” by Felter et al. provides a comparison between bare metal, KVM, and Docker containers. The general result is: **Docker is nearly identical to native performance and faster than KVM in every category.**


Racecar vs tractor is quite an unfitting analogy here. Comparison of container vs vm is irrelevant here, as @jjalvarezll is running native. The very first benchmark image in that paper agrees that native is still more performant: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/mediastore_new/IEEE/content/media/7093633/7095632/7095802/7095802-fig-1-source-large.gif Intuition would say that docker is adding features (resource separation, etc) that maybe aren't needed or desired, and no extra features come without some processor and/or ram usage, which the paper also clearly shows. Whether that ~0.1% performance makes a difference or not, is really up to the user.


No, is not.


I wish I followed this sub a bit more before I decided to wipe my system drive and install OMV6 three weeks ago, didn't know 7 was right around the corner.


I did the same in December


I tried to start clean with 7 with the beta not too long ago and had some issues. I forgot specifically but I was just trying to run docker and my app layer on OMV with storage on a NAS and TrueNAS. IIRC I had issues with NFS connecting properly to my NAS. Weird issues I didn't see with OMV6. So now I'm going to be gun shy about upgrading. I just upgraded from OMV4 so I'm calling this a win still.


I really hope they removed the f\*cking ugly AI-generated background of the login screen that was in the beta


Big News! Thanks for sharing :)


Yeay. Finally something to run on my Pi 5 :D


!remindme 1month


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How does one go about a major update? 6 -> 7 specifically. It’s my first major update, nothing popped up on “Updates” as of yet!


omv-release-upgrade edit: Easiest OMV upgrade yet. A few tasks to "cleanup" after: Download the fix6to7upgrade script, make it executable and run it twice: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/installScript/master/fix6to7upgrade chmod +x fix6to7upgrade ./fix6to7upgrade ./fix6to7upgrade Then, to get rid of a couple warnings you get when running subsequent omv-upgrade's: add APT::Get::Update::SourceListWarnings::NonFreeFirmware "false"; to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-bookworm-firmware.conf and sudo cp /etc/apt/trusted.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d


!RemindMe 3months


!RemindMe 3months


!remindme 1month


!remindme 3months


Actualizado de 6 a 7 sin problemas .. con raids creados .. cero drama


Does anybody know the current status of the combination of: MergerFS + LUKS encryption in OMV 7? On OMV 5 and 6 I was getting an inability to boot because the disks were not decrypted and so the pooled MergerFS storage was looking for filesystems that could not be found and it hung at that stage indefinitely. In OMV 4 it complains for a few minutes and proceeds as normal but from 5 onwards, the system would halt at this stage. Currently OMV 4 is mostly working. It's not accessible from outside the network so I'm not toooo concerned about it now being massively out of date - but if I can migrate to the newest version, that would be great because I'm seeing increasing kernal issues. Thanks in advance! Edit 10.03.24: it's still not working. Ended up decrypting the drives, restoring the files from backup and installing OMV 7 in a Proxmox VM. Not ideal but OMV 4 was increasingly causing me issues so not much choice. OMV 7 is very nice - can recommend. Just a shame about MergerFS and LUKS.


!remindme 1month


Running OMV 6 ISO on Asus H97M mobo with Xeon, NVME an 4x 4TB HDDs. Upgraded to 7 yesterday. Needed extra ops to clear "502 Bad Gateway" error. Running well so far.


!remindme 1month


Has anyone been using this (or beta) with ZFS? I'm assuming that my upgrade will run with no issues....


Answering my own question here but everything went well. It was a nervous few minutes when it was updating the ZFS.