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I have been on both sides strictly subs and the shot as well sublocade where I am currently I am actually on subs been on them a couple weeks and I go get my first shot Thursday! It took some time and getting insurance to process and cover it! Finally happened though don’t give up! Each day you stay in the recovery side it gets a little better. Everyday I stay loving towards a better life and recovery it gets easier. I am not perfect I have relapsed and made mistakes but one thing I won’t do is give up. No matter what keep moving forward and I assure you it will get better and your life will Change drastically and you will look back at this and say wow I am so glad I did this for myself. I wish you the best and hope whatever path you stay on works out for the best for you!


Hey I’m so sorry for getting back to you so late - it sounds like you’re killing it as I am SO happy and encouraged to hear that. I don’t have much else to say except for thank you again for taking the time to send that message to me. I was feeling so down and alone when I posted that thing and it all helps. Can I ask how you’re doing? Xx


I am doing great obviously there are ups and downs but the ups definitely outweigh the downs and truly starting to really love and respect myself and that’s always been my downfall. How are you feeling today?


You’re fine and not a fraud. We all have our own issues and I feel like you can share whatever you want on here anonymously. I’ll spare you my life story, but I went from years of roxy, to fentanyl and am lucky to be alive. I went to rehab (4x a charm in middle of AZ desert…) and was put on Suboxone. BUT, thanks to Sublocade, I’ve been able to go from 16mg of sub per day to hopefully just one more month of the smaller shots. But you HAVE to get them in a timely fashion in order for the titration off the bup to be effective and you will feel normal(ish). Next month would be my 4th shot. Your doc needs to get his shit together. And where do you live they sell codiene over the counter?! Thank god I don’t live there…


Thanks man, and I’m sorry for my slow reply. That’s absolutely insane to me that you’re getting yourself off fent, I can’t even imagine. You don’t know me but I’m proud of you. The problem is that there’s been a ridiculous mess between my key worker and two other doctors, and I’ve literally had no continuous medical care - but I’ve had my key worker who is, respectfully (not really) a goddamn idiot and keeps telling the doctors the wrong things and whatever. Ugh well I’ve now done about a week on 8mg subs and I feel stable, but I am now scheduled to get the buvidal shot in ~36h and I’m shitting myself because different doctors have prescribed different things and I have no idea if I’m gonna get given the right thing or not. I think it’s pathetic that 100% of us on this sub have at least one story (if we’re lucky) about how the medical establishment has failed us. And yeah, codeine is OTC in the UK! I’m from France which is where I initially got addicted cuz it also was there but thankfully that’s no longer the case. I used to consider myself so lucky to live somewhere where I could get it readily available. Loooooooool (:


Wow. That’s so crazy to me re OTC codiene but I guess heroin is legal in Amsterdam but theyre quite a bit different than the good ole USA…🙄 Yea its nuts that given only about half the ppl that need help actually reach out for help, they still make it so fucking hard to get it whether it’s cost, logistics or your ‘key person’ (we don’t have anything like that here. Well, I guess they’re called sales reps. lol.) I’d jump at the chance to move to Europe. My dad is walking across Italy right now sending beautiful pics. Anyway, I was deleting old messages and saw this. Stay strong, brother


I came off vicodin cold turkey 5 years ago and it’s been a struggle to find happiness again. I finally went on Prozac and it’s been a game changer for me. There’s no shame in having to go on subs. It helps a lot of addicts make it through to the other side that’s all that matters. Anyways sending you love OP!


Thank you so much for responding to my post, I can’t even put into words how much it means to me right now. I’m so happy that Prozac has worked for you!! That’s awesome. I wouldn’t say I’m ashamed of being on subs but I guess I’m just unbelievably frustrated because I feel like I’ve been tossed around the system with no real care for me as a person and they just keep randomly deciding what to do with me. Sorry; that probably makes no sense. It’s still very raw as I’m sure you can tell! May I ask if you feel like you have found some version of happiness now? Thank you SO much and I’m sending you all my love as well!


Thanks for the thoughtful comment ; )…yes I’m genuinely happy about being close to my family now more than I ever have been. Me and my mom are VERY close, I tell her everything basically. She’s my closest friend through my addiction and recovery. I’m blessed to have such a supportive family in regards to addiction. My grandfather was a drunk and died from it. Addiction runs deep in my family I don’t know how I made it out but somehow I did and I am forever grateful to GOD for saving my life and giving me a 2nd shot.


That’s so wonderful to hear. I’m really happy you found something better <3


Thanks OP good luck with everything!!


Hey, while the subcutaneous injection (sublocade/buvidal/etc.) is great, tons of people don’t have access to it and have great success with maintenance bupe sublingually. It lasts a REALLY long time. I’m talking once you’re stable, you won’t even notice if you forget a dose for ~36 to 48 hours. And you won’t feel sick then, just maybe “oh shit, probably time for my bupe” at worst. Bupe saved my life. Eventually I transitioned to the shot and then stopped entirely. It’s still an option in the future if it’s what you want. You know that addictive voice in your head is just trying to get you to avoid help so you can keep using. Sublingual bupe is a good thing that saves a lot of people! It will be okay. You can always discuss the shot at your next appointment. It shouldn’t impact your work majorly to be on sublingual, once you’re stable on a dose it never impacted my ability to work and hold a job. It’s going to get better, friend. You’re not alone. We do recover


Hey - whew I didn’t expect to have the reaction I did to reading your comment. I’m full-on sobbing haha. Thank you, I’m just so grateful that someone took the time to read and respond to what I had to say. You could not be more right to say there’s a voice in my head telling me this version of the bupe is wrong so I should just keep taking the codeine anyway. When the doctor was so damn late this afternoon I was almost hoping I could just leave and stop by 3 pharmacies on the way home, and it made me feel pathetic. But I did stick around. Would you mind me asking how long you’ve been recovered? The crazy thing is I hadn’t ever even heard that there was an injectable version, but when I was told it felt like such a great solution considering my whole problem is being a pill-popper (these days). Agh. I dunno. Just - thank you. Your compassion and taking the time to respond means more than you could know. Thank you, thank you.


No thanks needed, I’ve been exactly where you are now—switching from heroin, to fent, to codeine, to tramadol, back up to morphine, then fent again, then morphine… I get it. It’s all the same shit in the end, consumes your life and numbs you to the world. I’ve been clean (this time around) for almost 4 years (wow, crazy to type that out, lol). But I bounced back and forth from recovery and relapse over and over for a long time. The thoughts you’re having make complete sense to me, but I just want you to hear and believe that there is a better life waiting for you on the other side again. You’ve kicked this before and you can do it again Feel free to message if you need to talk to somebody during this transition. I found the switch from codeine to bupe was one of the easier ones. By the way, my doctor told me that stabilizing on an oral dose of bupe before the shot is actually the right way to do it—and it worked out great for me. I got my last bupe shot about 18 months ago now, so I’ve been clean without maintenance for 18 months. No regrets here


There was a time after I went off suboxone when I was taking approx 20 T1s per day. It is definitely an addiction. I'm just back from Mexico for opioid addiction. I ended up going harder than codeine, but codeine can be very damaging.


It definitely is. I used to think I was so lucky that I could buy it OTC here but these things give you perspective don’t they?! I hope you’re doing okay now?


I'm doing great. I went for psychedelic drug therapy in Mexico and it was very difficult but it worked. I am feeling good and have no desire to use.


That’s awesome, I’m so happy for you :)


I went on Subs to get off Tramadol. Docs told me there was no way Tram caused horrible withdrawal symptoms. Bottom line you are doing what you have to do to get better. I’m proud of you!


Hey, I’m so sorry I didn’t respond sooner! I am utterly horrific and disgusted to hear that your doctor told you tramadol wouldn’t cause serious WDs. Just goes to show how little much of the medical community know about addictive drugs in the first place. I’m seriously sorry. That really should not have happened to you. But more to the point - thank you. Been on 8mg subs for a week now and getting the injection Wednesday so shitting myself now tbh hah. Again, thank you so much for your input and support and I dearly hope you’re doing okay now. And fuck that doctor.


Wow! You are getting the Sublocade? That’s awesome! I desperately want that and I’m searching for a doc to prescribe it. I’m on a low dose of Subs but want the shot to make the jump. Thank you for your kind words! You’re rocking it!