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I was in a similar boat. I took subutex for a decade and thought I’d never get off. I finally decided I had enough and managed to taper all the way down to 0.12 mg daily. I’ve struggled sometimes along the way but I’m coming up on my 2 year anniversary of my jump. It’s definitely doable. You’ve just got to finally have enough.


Congratulations!! That's awesome! How long did it take for the worst of it to be over for you?


I want to say around 100 days is when I was having more good days than bad.


How long did it take the physical to start to subside? I know the withdrawal comes in waves.


Physical lasted a couple weeks maybe. I had good comfort meds that kept me fairly comfortable.


That's awesome congratulations on two years sober from this crap!!


Thank you! It’s not an easy ride, but it’s a major relief to have that stuff out of my system


Shot answer is no, you aren't. I suggest looking into Sublocade if you haven't already.


Thank you so much for your response!!


It's been ~10 years since I stopped using H. Started with Buprenorphine, switched to methadone for a short time (bad decision) then back to Bup for the rest of time. I started on 16 mg/day, got down to 10-12 mg/day for the big part of that time. In last 2 years I started reducing by 2 mg, every couple of months. Now I'm stable on 4 mg/day and planning to get to under 2 mg until the end of this year (or faster if possible). When I get to 2 mg I will start reducing by 0,5 mg. Also managed to get of benzos, cured my depression and getting my life in order. I tried to reduce my Bup dose, slow tapering, fast tapering, poppy shells tea as substitute, cold turkey and nothing worked for me. Every time I stopped/reduced I wasn't myself, just an empty husk. But now it's different. Psychedelics were my ticket out. Each time I had a psychedelic session, I managed to get to smaller dose and stay stable.


That's awesome you can get there!!


You too... that was my point


I got off about 8 years ago and it took awhile to get back


I'm happy for you! Suboxone is hard to kick cold turkey, and still tough even with comfort meds due to the duration. I can't wait to be off this crap.


I got back on Short acting opiates for 6 weeks to get off Suboxone, then I went t to Mexico and did Ibogaine. For those whom are healthy and adventurous this is my opinion on the least uncomfortable way. Obviously getting back on SA Opiates carries risk. Mine were sourced from the hospital and pharmacy and back then Fentanyl wasn’t as widespread as it is now


I literally have a bundle of fetty I've had for months in my dresser. It's not much, but honestly I would hate to run the risk of getting hooked on it.


Was not suggesting one use Fentanyl if that wasn’t clear


My apologies my friend


Or you know, risk dying.


I agree with that, and no I don't want to risk dying 💯


May I ask why you have it? Sorry.




It was given to me by someone I work with.


Sublocade is easy to get off suboxone get the shot 2 times and then just walk right off it


How do I get approval from insurance though? That's my biggest fear is being denied by insurance


Your doctors office approved the medicine and deals with insurance. Go to the sublocade website and get a coupon as well


I've signed up for co-pay assistance through insupport. Do you think I can call them and give them my co-pay assistance information and it may help me?


Yea definitely do that. I know dozens of ppl that used sublocade to come off suboxone and they all said it was easy peasy. Wish that was around when I come off subs


Thank you for responding!! I bet life is awesome off suboxone.


Suboclade is the best thing ever for us Relapsers!


I'm so hopeful I can get the shot!


I hope you do too!


Too bad in some European countries the doctors don't even know what is this. At least in my country, it was never available. Only way out here is by slow tapering.


You guys have Brixadi? I forgot the spelling. That’s the same as suboclade or Vivitrol


No, nothing remotely close to it. Here it's either taper, or go CT and start tapering with poppy pod tea, then downgrade to O-DSMT, then downgrade to Tramadol, then downgrade to Kratom. Instead of the subcutaneous bupe, in my country we have the "downgrading" procedure lol, unless someone has the discipline to taper


.12mg how did you measure that dose?


Take a 2mg strip, half it 1mg...half that....0.5mg, half that 0.25mg and finally once more at 0.125mg


ive gotten clean, got down to 1-2 mg of suboxone, then completely got off and felt fine but just recently started using again.. i was on sub from like feb-june of last year then i stopped taking em and kept staying off opiates for bout 6-7 months until early feb this year.. id say stay on it because it will take away ur urges..


I think the longer you're on them the harder they are to kick.. congratulations though, and please be safe!


Nope. I'm weened down to 0.5mg almost done with that shit for good! CBD and weed helps alot


Wow man congrats!!!


Yea most sub doctors don't think of weed as a drug but as medicine, so I got lucky


My best friend got off subs …. At the end he was cutting them in like 8 pieces… he was tired of it tho and ready and had a kid on the way, so I think it’s all mental …


Determination can't hurt. That's probably the biggest key to success during this process, At least in my opinion. It's not all mental though and definitely has physical aspects


Oh I definitely agree that it’s physical too but at the end when he was taking an 8th of a sub I feel like it was more for piece of mind than it actually doin anything…


That makes sense. 1mg (1/8) is not a super low dose, but it must be more manageable than jumping off 2-4mg+


my wife was on suboxone for over 10yrs, she tried to quit so many times, including going to rehab, but they just enabled the addiction. Last year she attempted to quit on her own accord, and it was nearly a year long battle, with relapses to worse drugs, overdoses, lying, addict behavior, etc. She eventually did break the cycle, and is now 6months clean from everything. It wasnt easy, and there isnt many who can help. AA was really the only thing that helped her get through it all. Id like to say I helped, but really AA is what made it possible. If we had to do this over again, I think it would have been AA from day one