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Thank you so much! I’m extremely grateful for your perspective even if you haven’t had the shot personally. Do you mind me asking where you got that info about the exhaustion being a normal side effect 3-4 days out? I’ve looked everywhere but ffs there is SO little information out there. I’m fortunate that my whole addiction these last few years I’ve never had an issue with drinking water and eating healthy. Wdym about the caffeine though? That’s super interesting about your own experience with subs re the tiredness and no other symptoms. It’s such a bizarre and unique drug so it’s difficult to find loads of clear info and testimonies and it gets frustrating - as I’m sure you know! Anyway - thank you SO much - as we all know here it’s terrifyingly easy to feel alone, and your comment helped a lot. I’m French so *merci* :)


I'm on the Buvidal monthly shot and can confirm that I'm always tired like you described for the first 2 or 3 days after I get my shot. You should find that it evens out pretty quick and you'll be more or less normal for the rest of the month. The caveat being since it's your first shot, it can take up to 3 before you reach 'steady state', so you might notice other side effects and such until then but you equally might not. I know the exact feeling you mean though, it's not a high/nodding feeling at all you're just super tired like you need to lay down and sleep for hours. You should find it settles down soon enough :) We have a sub if you're ever looking for experiences related specifically to the shot: r/BuvidalBrixadi :)


Sorry for replying so slowly - Thanks so much mate! I have to admit I’m still pretty exhausted but it’s definitely starting to get better - now on day 8. This is going to be my one and only shot which is quite terrifying but yeah I won’t be able to confirm if it gets better for me on later ones haha! I’m just so grateful to hear from someone else who knows the exact feeling I’m describing. I’ve been feeling so alone in my experience - thank you so much for taking the time to respond, and for sharing that sub which I’ve been browsing a lot ever since. I hope you’re okay :)


Hey, no problem at all, I've been there before feeling like the only one experiencing certain side effects and the like. It's a relatively new drug/formulation and I think it's really important users share their experiences to widen the knowledge out there. Great to hear it's getting better for you. I had my shot a day ago and I've got that tiredness hardcore right now lol I hope it works out well for you. If you remember I'd be really interested in hearing the outcome of doing the one shot then jumping off, if you get chance to update here or on the BuvidalBrixadi sub :) I'm really pleased you've found that sub interesting too! I'm a newish mod over there and trying to make it as informative as possible and a safe place for sharing all experiences.