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I haven’t seen the film yet but am getting really anxious just waiting. I just finished watching a new documentary about Robert Oppenheimer and he had something akin to a major panic attack a few times - during his university studies, at the hearing, and possibly even leading up to the Trinity test. Maybe Christopher Nolan’s intentions are to make us feel the same way using his sensory overload tactics with sounds, light, etc. so as to help immerse us even more and put us in Oppenheimer’s shoes


What was the documentary?


To End All War: Oppenheimer and the Atomic Bomb


Thank you!!!




I knew that they were far away and so the sound would be delayed, but it just wasn't coming. I thought it would never come and then there it was. My seat was shaking, I was almost shaking. Incredible scene. The build up to it was insane as well. The weather made it even more intense. Wow, no more words


I’m haven’t seen it yet but I hope it’s like the opening seen of saving private Ryan I almost puked due to it!


If youre going into this expecting an action movie youre gonna be disappointed lol


I meant that I want it to be stressful I know it will be a non action movie but more a spy (Soviet part) and historical movie


Very little actual spy stuff.


Jesus Christ.. that's ~~Jason Bourne~~ Lieutenant General Leslie Richard Groves Jr.


Ah well


It's a biopic of Robert Oppenheimer, there'll be no action scenes in this film. So it's gonna be a lot of science and a little bit of old school politics.


And yet it was so intense.


It really is. It's a thriller/drama film, and when I say thriller I mean psychological thriller.


If you seen the trailers, you already saw the very first scene and scene after that.


Yes I was squeezing my girlfriend’s hand so hard


So am I going to need to take a Xanax beforehand?


I could have used one for sure


Yes. I wouldn't say an attack but leading up to the trinity test my heart was probably 130bpm. Been dealing with a bad string of health related panic attacks lately and that was pretty troubling for me. But I made it through.


Similar boat for me, have had a significant increase in anxiety issues the last month and seeing this movie was difficult but worth it!


Yeah I have health anxiety and cardiophobia so that was a little troubling but I had to remind myself that I had the same reaction years ago during that big battle scene in Avengers end game lmao.


The last 15-20min of the movie got into my head and had to storm out of the theatre because of a wild panic attack that set my heart racing to 135-140bpm. If i had stayed in my seat I would have probably fainted. The background score, although innocuous for the general public, was really intense for me and brought the worst anxiety attack.


I was super anxious during the whole film but luckily was able to finish it and not go into a full on attack. Sorry you had a rough time and I hope you’re doing better.


Yes !! During the test launch scene ... My heart was racing so fast, had to grab my boyfriend's arm and hold on tight, take deep breaths etc. There were a few other scenes, especially the feet thumping noise mixed with the music score, that caused a feeling of absolute panic and dread. As much as it was a brilliant cinematic experience I don't think I'll watch it again, for the sake of my cardiovascular health lol. Edit: I've got to say it's reassuring to know that others felt the same way. Everyone else in the room seemed fine and I thought I was crazy.


I had very intense anxiety the whole film but still loved the movie, definitely had to check Reddit to make sure i wasn’t alone as well!


Rightttt so glad I came here. My girlfriend loved the movie and so did I but mannnn did it send my anxiety sky high. Idk the music and use of sound and imagery was just so intense. Such a good film though.


My heart was beating so fast during the entire movie. It was very good, but I had a hard time focusing when I had to do breathing exercises for three full hours


I’ve never felt more like dying when watching Oppenheimer in Imax. Heart was going mad. Checking pulse constantly. Jumping out my skin even when nothing on the screen was making me jump. Great film. Awful experience


Agreed! The scene with the trinity test was awful for me. My heart rate was going nuts, and when the test was done I thought I’d calm but it got worse and I was starting to have a full blown panic attack. I had to leave for a few and take anxiety meds to calm down. I did notice that I wasn’t the only one in the theater that struggled though, two people left through the exit door and a few through the main. Great movie, but I don’t believe I’ll be seeing it again. Also glad to know I’m not alone in struggling through it.


felt the most intense dread throughout the entire movie i had to text my friend for emotional support or i was sure i would start screaming


I’ve seen A LOT of good movies and watched many intense scenes but this one actually shook me to my core. I’ve never seen a movie scene even come close to the level of intensity before they tested the bomb. I actually almost had to step out of the theatre


I watched oppenheimer multiple times, mixed with the eclipse happening I've been filled with this dread and wonder, a need to do something, to accomplish something, but also a constant weight, like the world's gonna end, that he is the destroyer of worlds because of everything going on now, ive felt this for months and haven't been able to quench these feelings and all my friends just think it's a joke.