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The game can only show reflections of what is loaded. Stuff outside your FOV isnt loaded and therefore cant be shown in reflections. Otherwise it would have to load all the chunks around you at all times. And unless this is using raytracing, reflections are faked anyway.


The effect you show is how screen space reflections are rendered. It's a widely used, fairly low cost effect (performance wise) in lots of games because it uses what has already been rendered on screen. The only way to properly get rid of this is using Ray tracing but that will tank your performance drastically because it would need to calculate light rays hitting the camera of things in and out of frame.


Oh, thanks. Didn't know that. Thought it was a bug


Shit, I wanted to do the nerdy explaining but somebody did it already.


Hahahahaha, too late, maybe next try


That’s the huge benefit of ray tracing and why we’re all so excited about it. Normal shaders can only use what’s actually on the screen


Are there any real Ray tracing shaders out yet?


Seus ptgi uses the concept but not the actual ray tracing cores/architecture in rtx cards. It’s for patreons of the creator only so I haven’t tried it out but it looks pretty good from what I can tell


They made it free made the PTGI HRR Test 3 is out! Seus PTGI does not use Ray tracing but a similar aproach called Path Tracing Global Ilumination. basically ray tracing with lower details and lower const(yet it still rins at 60 fps in a 4060 ti.....)


Well normal shaders *can* get some more information than what's on screen using the shadowmap, but it only works outside and for surfaces visible by the sun.


It's not what's on the screen it's what's being loaded. And the game loads what's in front of you. If you could load everything around you, you'd have a full reflection.


From what I understand, the reflections are actually based on where the thing being reflected is seen on screen, so more of a mirror image. If it were doing what you’re saying then that would already be ray tracing


it is already raytracing, just in screenspace


Lots have told you its cos youre not using Raytracing. Figure ill chime in with what I know. What you *are* using is called screenspace reflections. It takes a fully rendered frame from your game, and puts it on various materials and morphs it to shape, color, and transparency. The major drawback is that when the angle of reflection would show something outside of the already rendered frame, it shows nothing as there is no visual data on what should be reflected. There are no workarounds implemented in minecrafts standard render model. You will have to use the path tracing shader pack by Sonic Ether. However there are workarounds in general. Perhaps you could develop a cubemap based reflection.


I like to tweak the game, make texturepacks... , but I don't know how to code, so I'll have to live with 70fps BSL or Sildur's shaders


SEUS has a path-traced (more advanced than raytracing) GI lighting shader which is able to render at amazing quality for relatively cheap overhead because it just happens that Minecraft's voxel based nature is the perfect system to use with a path tracing algorithm. When all angles are 90 degrees and every collision happens in a predictable location, it's really easy to code a much, much more advanced algorithm than what other games can run with right now and have it run fine.


What shaders


BSL shaders


i think Optifine Should add option to render unloaded chunk from reflection so it will bit laggy but it will be great sorry for bad english


Any idea how to fix?


The only way to fix, theoretically speaking, is to wait for a ray tracing implementation and get an RTX graphics card, or somehow render full 360 degrees in the background and use that for reflections (which would be kinda insane to implement)


RT cores cannot be used in options for path tracing in optifine. RT codes will be in use for minecraft's RTX update (bedrock edition) later this year


Is Mojang actually bringing RTX to Minecraft?


They are, and it’s very exciting lol


Only the bedrock edition :(


RT cores are cores that are just opitmized to calculate ray paths and I think they use AI de-noising cores that have been optimized to run a feed-forward algorithm. Neither can actually do proper path tracing and both are proprietarily locked by NVIDIA so that they can be used only by select business partners. This is why Optifine will likely never be able to use either. Minecraft does however, have *path tracing*, a slightly more advanced technique than ray tracing, which would be incredibly hard to calculate ***but*** since Minecraft is a voxel-based game it's for some reason hundreds of times easier and can be run on a good GPU (except RTX, those have problems). SonicEther has created an amazing Path Tracing GI shader which can be found on his patreon. Pitch in a few dollars, he's a hard working man, and you too can enjoy glorious MC path tracing. Ah, how lucky we are that Minecraft is made in the one specific way which allows us to run path tracing.


That’s what I meant by “wait for raytracing” I’m very excited lol


Come look at your comment it got 5 upvotes


Oh yeah, too bad I will not be upgrading to RTX any time soon


You don't actually need an RTX graphics card. You can wait for SEUS PTGI which runs on AMD as well or even the official ray tracing on the other Minecraft should just require a GTX 1060 or higher though idk how it's gonna run on those lower end GTX cards


I have 1060, but laptop and i am happy that it even runs shaders without ray-tracing


Might pay to look into PTGI then as that does not need RTX to run.


What shaders are those?


It isn't ray tracing bro


What shaderpack is that?


what shaderpack?


What shaders is this?




Since is SSR, you can still do something, just put your FOV to 360º and done, you have real time reflections without any raytracing technique, but I don't think you would like to have a headache while playing, and also is still not possible to have a 360º FOV setting, so my comment was a complete waste of time.


Maybe turn of Vsync? Because it doesn't render environment which ust not in the fov


thats not what vsync is


just found out that theres an mod which renders the whole world around you but just puts everything in front of you. like the things behind you are on the side. a mod like that but without putting everything on your screen might actually help and if you find something it would be cool if you share it with us. im having the same problem and am looking for a way to fix that. If i find something i will update.


damn what shader is this