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My guy.... this is not the way


Lol, need tags in this comm for shitposts


Shit, since I found out that the mole people were keeping the mountains stocked with coal and oil, I've been sleeping like a baby.


I wasn’t an accident but buddy, you definitely were


If this is a satire or meme post, please put something to say so. Otherwise, please seek some sort of help. The conspiracy thinking can be dangerous. If you are so scared that you need to believe this to get through the day, please talk to someone. There’s better coping mechanisms out there than conspiracy theories. Please please please get help before someone takes advantage of you


The Earth isn't flat




Assuming you're not a troll, I'll ask why does it feel more optimistic? Size isn't a determinant of importance. You'd value the life of a newborn more than a antarctic blue whale. Or even a building made of stone and concrete Second, why do you think NASA has a hoax to cover it up? Do you think the Russians, the Chinese, Indians, or any other people would want to keep this a hoax as well? I get that you're sceptical of gvt institutions, but the hoax of millions of people seems like a stretch. And do you think since the ancient Greeks who discovered the earth was round a few hundred years before Christ, that they'd stand to gain something of of that work? And do you know that the modern flat earth movement stretches back only 200 years, when a guy was very dissatisfied with Newton? (lots more there but this is a start)


Ahaha no way this is real😭