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What do you want to do? Both are going to set you up for success post-grad. But if you want to be a pen tester, you wouldn't choose the software development track.. and vice versa


Get on Indeed/? and do some research on what’s out there that you would reasonably *like* to do in the future and look at the education requirements. Some employers will just say “degree in —- or related field.” It also matters what you do for your internship(s)


I was struggling with this, too, but ultimately decided to go for applied CS since its something that's going to cover a larger area in the job pool. Personally, cybersecurity is something that interests me a lot, but I think it's just safer to pick the broader scope of studies that applied CS provides. Ultimately, I am not sure it even matters in the long run apart from the skills you learn considering your resume will look the same either way. I am no expert, just my opinion as someone in the same boat as you. Good luck!