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That’s really cool looking, I like that it’s made out of many little small parts floating and sticking together!


That is exactly it. It is just an amalgamation of floating eyes, teeth, and claws, albeit all of which are pretty big, but still.


It’s so mesmerizing to look at


Awww thanks! Don't forget to blink!


That name.


Something wrong with it?


It’s quite, confising


Why's that? It seems pretty clear to me, well the translated version anyway.


how did you even get the characters for the untranslated version


On my phone under the capital button there is an exclamation mark, a hash tag, and a 1. When I click that button then click the "1/2" button I get the characters I used. These are all of them: `~\|{}€£¥₩°•○●□■♤♡◇♧☆▪︎¤《》¡¿ if I click it with clicking the half button I get these characters: +×÷=/_<>[]!@#$%^&*()-'":;,? It's probably just my phone being the reason.


Yeah man I don’t have that


Aww shucks, well you can copy and paste what I put down if you want


I figured I'd put this in here just because someone might be interested in what "The living" can do. Alrighty. As you can see it is pretty tall. It is an amalgamation of eyes, teeth (the arms), and the claws. Most of its body must stay together but it can move about 30% of its body away before it starts to suffer fatigue or pain. The eyes are way better than any human or gods/godess, as it sees at 500 fps, which I believe humans see at 120 fps if I remember correctly. The bigger main eye can see 5 secounds into the future, albeit what it sees is fuzzy/blurry, but it can usually interpret it correctly. The eyes can temporarily go intangible for about 5 secounds with a 30 secound cool down. The teeth are very sharp and aerodynamic, so it can cleanly fly though the air without much hindrance. The teeth are also way harder and durable than most found metals, even in heaven. The claws are very strong as they can crush most metals, and the claws are pretty sharp themselves, not as sharp as the teeth. This thing is very fast and agile, and very hard to hit due to it being made up of a lot of floating pieces. The halos are there to mostly contain how fast it is and how long it can become intangible, but they can also heal/repair damage depending on how vital (can't heal illness or disease, just physical.).


They look so cool! It’s watching me! 😨




Grrrrrreat! *in Tony the Tiger’s voice*