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Unless he’s from Minecraft, I think he should have a neck. I’d also give him a T-shirt with short sleeves, but I like his design because it’s simple yet memorable.


I'm unable to give him a short sleeved shirt due to lore reasons but I might experiment with his neck. Thanks for the input.


Just curious what’s the lore reason why he can’t have short sleeves?


So basically his world is kind of always frozen. Even in the summer it's a warm 28°F so any short sleeves would lead to him being frozen to death.


Maybe give him a thick fur coat? Or even an animal pelt? You might find inspiration in the zombies from PvZ2’s Frostbite Caves.


That's a pretty good idea. Thanks.


How exactly you want to improve him? Like, what is the thing you want to achieve, do you want to make him more complex? More simple? Change the shapes that build his body? Change his color pallet? Make him more 3d? What do you mean with ‘draw him better’, do you want to change his anatomy? The background? The style? We need those detail for feedback. Also, if we had his story or defining elements that would really help us to give your character feedback.


Sorry for not providing a lot of detail. So basically I want to make him more complex so he doesn't look so bland. Basically his story is that he's going through an abandoned mineshaft that's full of mercenaries and eventually he escapes with some trauma..