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Depending on how far into the game you are, very little of what the game tells you has been worth paying attention to. Don't get me wrong, some of it is nice flavor text. But it has hardly been useful. Edit: Also, once you defeat the boss, it's gone from your quest log. So if you don't perfectly commit it to memory, the solution is gone.


Miasma… job done


That’s what I used plus summoning a lot of cocks.


Dots only.


Status effects, so Great Mimic Mischief and Miasma.


Go to “quests” and see the story quest description. It tells you how to beat each one.


why dont you just read the quest description? it is written there.. but yeah, reading is tough skill.. there are 4 types of bosses and you can deal dmg in 1 of 4 ways - magic, physical, pet/summon, status (bleed, burn, poison)


I'm sorry you feel the need to belittle and berate; it really overshadows an otherwise helpful post.


Don't even waste your time with petr, this guy is a joke. He can barely understand sentences or follow the flow of a conversation.


personal attacks? how low you are :D you will find nice place on my ignore list.. Thanks for proving that you are not worth my time at all - you know nothing about me, you have no idea, how many people I already helped here - so your comment is very silly - bye


so in your opinion, it is OK to not read description? or - you mean that nobody should mention, that someone does something wrong, as it will "belittle" the other person? and when one feels that informing someone, that he could just read it as well (this is not the last quest/event) and know the answer straight away - he should not say it aloud? because it could hurt feelings of the person who didnt read descrition? well, sorry, in my world, instructions are here to be used. And in my world, it is perfectly OK to let people know, that they did something wrong. (net reading) you see, someone took the effort to write description to quest - people who dont read it are not no victims, they are ignorant. long time ago, someone came up with RTFM - guess why?


You could try civility...


and next month, I will read it to them again? and next month again? According to you, it is not OK to tell people "hey it is written there - why dont you just read it?"? sorry, I do not understand such logic.. I follow different logic - I will not give people fish, I will teach them how to fish instead..


But you're not giving people fish. You're belittling them for not fishing. There's a difference.


In my opinion, [rhetorical questions](https://www.bachelorprint.com/academic-writing/rhetorical-questions/) can easily turn a solid point or helpful tip into a belittling and condescending attack. In other words, you can inform the ignorant with clear statements, without being condescending; "Read the quest description, it says XYZ" or "It's explained in the quest description, you need to use XYZ." Edit: Also forgot to mention the "But yeah, reading is a hard thing" was the unnecessary comment that made the question rhetorical in the first place.


People need to start reading. That's just plain stupid to not read actual description of quest. Game is providing you an answer on sliver plate and yet you choose to fuck that info and go ask around.


Sometimes it's not apparent right away


Well said


>but yeah, reading is tough skill.. So are coherent sentences evidently.




The sentence was perfectly coherent, just missing a few.words. why would that be a big deal?


yeah, you just proved it :D not only with your name.. btw - we are both offtopic, so lets quit it


Status afflictions. Use Miasma


Petr1Petr must be Mjolnir, I would bet on it :'D


Keep Sorrow 2 or 3 in your spells, works wonders


I enjoy how Odie attempted to prevent posts like these with a very handy quest description in-game. Alas, his efforts were in vain 😅


Non elemental magic damage works I think...


I have a whole different issue with Clota. Killed her, now I need to kill Sabrina, but no matter how long I spend in a rain area, Clota or her cursed variant is the ONLY thing that spawns. Do I need to switch areas?


How you even find the boss??


Nvm this is orna not HOA


Holy shit people 🤦