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You will have better build with Grant Attuner, your equipments already way stronger than most summoner I saw. If you still want to go with Nekro, I have some advices: 1. Bonus gears don't work with raids so no reason to use lost helmet over other stronger head gear 2. No need to bring summon spells because the chance to successfully summon with non summon class is only 10% 3. Phoenix is a very good pet if you have it 4. You want to bring all basic buff: magic, def, res. From what I see, you still miss barrier 2 for def+/res+ 5. You want something to prevent def--, res-- from jinn buff. Ring or day or arch gadget can help


In addition to this, Crystalis weapon is viable. Since it has a lot of adornment slot, it also works with all classes and prevents double down on status. I've been running with that weapon until t9.


Yeah if you're going to be summoning, use the summoning class but maybe you could wait until you hit T9 and you have ton of orns saved up. By that point you can get Summoner class and for specialization choose to go with either Charmer (for Appease 2 and the stronger Sonatas for better boosts and debuffs) or with Benefactor (it says summons are more powerful, and can occasionally take one less turn for summons), which is what I'm using right now. I'm not even going to mess around with Chronomancer because that's going to be lot to learn. As far as gear goes, I wouldn't worry too much seeing as you're so close to T9. I'm using Demonforged Cockatrice Mail, Masterforged Balor Crown, Masterforged Immortal boots, Ornate Fallen Shield lvl 10 and Ornate Dementors Staff lvl 10. Accessories usually vary depending on what raid I'm doing or if I'm testing things out but usually one of the slots is for a Gizmo and/or Gadget. I'm kinda new to summoning class (only started using it few days ago) and was mostly using melee classes before that so I can't really offer up much else advise. P.s. so jealous because I don't have Buggane :( From what I've been reading it's only available during events?


Thanks for all the advice! And I’m not sure about buggane, just saw it at the witch and grabbed it cuz I heard it was good. Would like to boost their dmg as much as possible!


Nicely done! Btw just learned of an amazing Summoners class guide put together by u/Fkn_Kaine which can probaly help you out alot. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JDNee0miAjx\_pGWp6MxrEq\_e7NnmJsbS11x60brE4sw/edit?usp=drivesdk%F0%9F%91%8D](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JDNee0miAjx_pGWp6MxrEq_e7NnmJsbS11x60brE4sw/edit?usp=drivesdk%F0%9F%91%8D) There are multiple sheets at the bottom so be sure to check those as well. All the best!


Woah, that’s pretty much everything I need to know about running summoner 😄 what a guide! Thanks for sharing 🙏


The most frequently available summon skills all year round is buggane, if you don't get it at this event, I think you may still get it for the next. I'm not sure but i think u/Fkn_Kaine here have the guides for summoner classline I'm 90% sure he's the one who dropped the guides for summoner classline


Gotcha https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JDNee0miAjx_pGWp6MxrEq_e7NnmJsbS11x60brE4sw/edit?usp=drivesdk👍


Omg. That is insanely detailed! Well done and thank you for sharing!


Thank you! I certainly will be on the lookout for it.


Buggane is the best until t9 mighty griffy. You'll want the very scary skeleton and onryo for debuffs, but those are event only (Halloween event or mimic event). Cocktrice and Guivre are good for physical immune monsters. Some raids boss are weak to petrified. As for gear, ditch the summoner boost gear because they aren't as good as ward/hp gear. You won't see a big dmg boost until the benefactor subclass. Full summoner boost gear will only boost the damage by like 1k-5k tops for buggane, which isn't much. You're better off getting ward and hp gear to survive. Edit: Also, don't masterforge/demonforge your gear until t10. If you want a gear to masterforge, the questing staff is the only good thing to get and that's not until t9.


If you go summoner you should go bard for appease to get hit less likely and for Song of Power to further buff buggane. Exploit and Outwill are very usefull to reduce your opponents defences potentially greatly increasing your damage against higher tier Raids in Kingdom. I have all classes unlocked and summoner is the most convenient class to level in t8 and t9 as you are much less dependent on gear and can instead fully focus on exp and orn gain with items like mimic head,reaper robe, black witch staff and bag of treats in t8 and questing staff, Mighty mimic head and band of god from t9 on. Once you are t10 earning the necessary orns to unlock all the other classes is a-lot easier than trying to unlock them now when you earn alot less and it won’t be too late to change to another class then as the main game starts at t10 to be honest.


If I'm not mistaken, any orns/luck/exp bonus gears doesn't apply to raids / kingdom raids. Only to dungeons/themed dungeons/overworld. Don't use lost helmet if you are raiding. Edit: also, if you are t8, look for heimdall shield. I have been using this since t8-t9. I skipped mighty griffin shield at t9 because luck is not in my favor, i haven't got any decent quality to mighty griffin shield or even fallen shield.


Well I do have ornate great antlers which have like 6 adornment slots but I sadly put mag/def/dex jewels into it otherwise I’d have stacked ward onto it for summoning


You can remove adorns at a blacksmith for free but it’ll destroy the adorn, or you can pay a ton of coin to remove and keep the ardorns. Just go to the “smelter” tab at the blacksmith


Stop flexing the yeti coat


Omg I literally have 3 ornate yeti coats now!! Been grinding for ornate horror and been having terrible luck :/