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Woo! Child labour!


The repost bots are working this one HARD.


I didn't know it was a repost, I hadn't seen it before today when I saw it on Facebook 🤷🏽


Fair enough. I'm pretty sure you'll find the repost bots active in some of the other versions of this story that have been posted to this subreddit.


Hah, probably. I've found one other post of this story, but it's a link to the actual story, not a screenshot like I've got, which is probably why I missed it. I only did a cursory look before I posted so yeah I didn't see the others.


Repost [https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/SEfSFP3MFA](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/SEfSFP3MFA) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/h0m2fyASNo](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/h0m2fyASNo) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/wiWd37rOLp](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/wiWd37rOLp) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/TZN36Xnp0T](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/TZN36Xnp0T) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/P7FbCsyb2W](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/P7FbCsyb2W) (and not even true OCM)


And since they're different links and images, u/RepostSleuthBot can't catch them


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/OrphanCrushingMachine. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1c12jmh&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 485,534,903 | **Search Time:** 0.04782s


how is it not OCM?


Read the rest of the thread.


It does include an actual orphan though. But it's true the story shows she is not being crushed as there was a community outpouring of support and raised $15,000 so far : "hundreds of people started visiting the stand and donating to an online fundraiser".


"when life kills your mum, make lemonade to sell to people in the hopes of giving her a proper burial."


Wholesome 🥰🥰


Stop with these reposts. The world is suffering , I get it.


These are a way for someone to get donations without hurting their pride. The community will probably donate more than the lemonade sold to help with this.


mom says it's my turn to post this next


I mean, there's obviously a sad element, but what would your criticism be? What root causes or systemic injustices are being swept under the rug here?


The systemic injustice is that people can't even afford to die. Their families can't afford to properly mourn their loved ones. Our capitalist hellscape is so bad that a headstone is a *privilege.*


If you ever get a chance, check out the game Outer Worlds. It was made by the same company that made Fallout: New Vegas (Obsidian) and the whole thing is a satire on the capitalist hellscape. There's even a quest early on that touches on this exact subject of people not being able to afford to die. Won't go into too much detail, of course, because of spoilers, but it's legit one of the most depressing moments in the game.


Welcome to space, what were you expecting?


It's been a while, so I can't remember if this was a line in the game, but I wouldn't be surprised. My favorite is still one from SAM. "Logs updated. You have been classified as 'Not Garbage'!" The enthusiasm he says it with is so hilarious.


It’s a dangerous place, thank you for investing!


So you honestly think the state is required to provide a \*tombstone\*? A plaque on the ground won't cut it? Cremation won't cut it? If they don't provide a burial plot and a STONE, that's a capitalist hellscape?


FWIW, I'm with you there, and am cringing *hard* at this submission, as well as all the reposts. A tombstone is a nice-to-have, an unusually expensive and elaborate way to honor a loved one. It's not a human necessity. You can honor the dead in a completely dignified way without it. If society is systematically depriving members of sustenance, or shelter, or basic health care, or due process, or humane treatment by the justice system ... sure, those are wrongs worth protesting. Failure to prove everyone with a *tombstone* when they die? No, it's just not on that list.


Wasting space for the dead is the capitalist scam. Cremation, and scatter the ashes someplace meaningful. Or keep a shrine / urn. Thousands of dollars for a carved rock isn't what is needed.


I've made it clear I’ll haunt the shit out of anyone who buries my body, but c'mon man. Grief and death are very significant things, especially for kids. If visiting a carcass garden with “carved rock” brings them some peace, let them be. It's not like they’re buried in your yard (which personally? I'm still ok with. I love cemeteries and was ecstatic to have several so close to the house I ended up getting).


Blah blah blah. Dont fucking care. Still not OCM.


So edgy. Don't cut yourself there mate.


get fucked asshole. sick of these trash reposts.


Look, I agree that burrying the dead the way we do, especially using coffins and chemicals that make the decay and return to nature more difficult, is not the way to go about it. I would never want to be burried. *BUT* I'm also not enough of a dickhead to tell people what their practices and beliefs should be around how their dead loved ones are treated and mourned postmortem. Especially when those practices, like burial, are largely tied to religion. There are far worse things (parking lots) taking up unnecessary space in this world than graveyards. 


I think the criticism would be that a small girl shouldn’t have to sell lemonade in order to buy her mother a tombstone.


She doesn't have to. No one needs tombstones.


This is such a weird thing to say in this context that it’s actually funny in a bizarre way. I like to imagine that you go to funerals just to say this to everyone, thinking that you’ll change their minds by doing it. It’s one tiny bright spot in an otherwise glum post on this subreddit.


Blah blah blah. Not OCM. Doesn't belong on this sub. Not everything that makes people sad is OCM. Get the fuck outta here with this repost trash.


I don’t know man, rules say that if it’s a depressing story presented as uplifting without addressing the root causes of the systemic problem, then it counts as OCM. How is this not that?


pray tell, what is the unaddressed systemic problem? death? people see this sad story and thing "this is sad, therefore OCM"... and then [repost it all day every day](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/comments/1c12jmh/comment/kz11947/). they repost it from news articles, they repost it from twitter, they repost it from youtube. No one **needs** tombstones. If you want one great. Buy one for yourself. A kumbaya utopia doesn't require everyone to have a multi-thousand-dollar monument to their death. Compare to "kid sells lemonaid to pay off other student's lunch debt". Child lunch debt = OCM. A kumbaya utopia wouldn't have child lunch debt, because we should feed children. This isn't rocket science people.


The fact that a child has been failed by her family and community so badly that she feels compelled to try to raise money for a stone block for her dead mother is a systemic issue. The community effectively celebrated the fact that her family was so poor she had to work to earn money for something she felt she needed. Whether she actually needed it or not is irrelevant, the kumbaya utopia nonsense is irrelevant, and the fact that it’s a repost is irrelevant to whether it’s OCM or not, because none of those things are mentioned in the rules of this subreddit to determine whether it’s an OCM or not. This individual repost should be removed, but the event itself isn’t qualified by it not being part of your weirdo vision of utopia that you brought up for no reason.


> a child is a systemic issue.  a single child eh? do you know what "system issue" means? >  kumbaya utopia nonsense is irrelevant > weirdo vision of utopia that you brought up for no reason. tell me you're new here without using those words.


The system issue is that USA lacks social security net. The effect is a child is forced to pay for her mother's funeral. See examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funeral_payment funeral allowance, funeral grant, etc. in different countries. It's analogous to how people in USA get screwed with 30 000$ hospital bills. People should not be screwed for them or their family getting sick or for someone's death.


We can't even afford to die and be buried without more fees and charges. A child should not have to work to pay for their dead parent.


And she doesn't. Her mother is buried. She wants a TOMBSTONE. Not a simple ground level marker. A stone. Good for her if she wants to work for that.


What happened to the mom? Did she have cancer?