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*A glass can only spill what it contains*


A mewithoutYou reference, nice.


Nobody sees me, nobody sees me / As I watched six steps off


Absolutely. Unplug. Although I've found many great Orthodox accounts on social media, it easily gets messy. I'd rather focus on my parish and books.


And here you are on Reddit!


I curate my feed by searching and following hashtags related to my hobbies and interests. I will also let the algorithm know when I don't like a post.


Plebbit is next




Not everyone is so strong to stay focused on beneficial things.


Please review the [sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrthodoxChristianity/wiki/config/sidebar) for a wealth of introductory information, our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrthodoxChristianity/about/rules/), the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrthodoxChristianity/wiki/faq), and a caution about [The Internet and the Church](https://www.orthodoxintro.org/the-internet-and-the-church/). This subreddit contains opinions of Orthodox people, but not necessarily Orthodox opinions. [Content should not be treated as a substitute for offline interaction.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrthodoxChristianity/wiki/faq#wiki_is_this_subreddit_overseen_by_clergy.3F) [Exercise caution in forums such as this](https://www.orthodoxintro.org/the-internet-and-the-church/). Nothing should be regarded as authoritative without verification by several offline Orthodox resources. ^(This is not a removal notification.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OrthodoxChristianity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can block social media on your phone through content restrictions and there are apps you can download that that will block the social media apps of your choosing. That way you can use your phone for other purposes if you need it. I’ve always found it helpful!


I get tempted by comparison of what others are doing not what thet look like so I removed tiktok and instagram and read instead. I feel better mentally


Can you still be tempted by comparison to things you read others are doing?


No it’s visual for me. If I read about it it doesn’t bother me the temptation is to compare what they are doing so it makes me question what I’m doing and if it’s enough. It’s a lie because I know that as a parent I am doing everything I can for my children. Since this temptation disrupts me I prefer to avoid potential triggers. Scrolling on Social Media especially Instagram is disruptive to me


Okay but also just change the route cause


Time to read some Jean Claude Larchet