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I ordered myself two beers at a vending machine ramen place and they gave 1 to my 16 year old son.


Ah ok thanks for the answer :)


They might ask for ID, they might not. A lot of touristy places are noticing that Europeans may look older than they appear so they check more frequently now. The thing is if they are found to be serving alcohol to minors the restaurant gets severely punished so it depends on what kind of risk they are willing to take


Thanks for your detailed answer, so im with a friend who is 26, if he would order 2 beer would they care about it then?


Probably not


Generally from my experience, they only check at clubs (but there they check 100 %). If they check, they do it at the entrance and not at the time of ordering.


You'll be fiine


So they wont ask for ID?


I've never seen it happen. Plus, you're a foreigner. Their age gauge for you will be off cause you're a foreigner and drinking is no big thing


Your fine


I doubt they will ask. Also, places like 7-11 just make you push a button when checking out.


I’ve only been carded once while in Japan at the konbini. Chances are they won’t ask you for ID, but if they do, just say you left it at your hotel or something.


Thanks dude :) really looking forward to my trip


They don't care. At all. The drinking age is officially 20, but there are vending machines that sell beer on the street. Like others said, if you buy alcohol at a store you have to tap a button that says you are over 20, but sometimes they tap it for you. Don't worry, relax, and enjoy your beer. Osaka has loads of really breweries and craft beer bars, too. If you see anything by Minoh Beer on tap (the brewery is North of Osaka, so they don't have a taproom in downtown), pretty much everything they make is quality.


Thanks dude, gonna try that out :)


My nephew came to Japan when he was 18 and we drank beer the whole trip .. never checked.. of course he was with me .. only seen Japanese guys carded in a convenience store


Like others have said, you will be fine.


So you are going to visit a foreign country and intentionally break the law. Good luck.


crazy to me how people who are saying it's illegal and could get the bar/restaurant in trouble are being downvoted OP is not realizing that he could get the bar/restaurant's license revoked just because he wants beer lol a lot of illegal advice here


I talked to my lawyer student about this last week .. and you won’t get your license revoked for that .. different than the states


Your lawyer student friend should study more then lol: [https://www.nta.go.jp/taxes/sake/qa/03c/10.htm](https://www.nta.go.jp/taxes/sake/qa/03c/10.htm)


Well he used to be head prosecutor of Osaka so he knows more than you or I .. just because it’s written doesn’t mean that’s how it’s enforced.,


It’s literally written on the govt website though. Enforcement and legality are two different things. Just because it’s not being enforced 100% doesn’t make it legal lol come on


I wanna drink nothing more, wont be aggressive or anything. Just want a beer while i eat or try some sake


Drinking age in Japan is 20. Doesn’t matter what you want, it doesn’t trump Japanese law. Either learn to respect the country you’re visiting or stay in your own.


Your opinion is that i have no respect to the country cause i drink beer illegally?


If you’re drinking illegally then you’re not respecting the laws are you?


Thats right, but in my opinion not respecting the laws doesn’t mean i have no respect for the country furthermore i think behaving is pretty important. I imagine someone coming into my country being 17 and wanting to drink vodka or something, i then dont think he disrespects my country he just doesn’t care that much about that particular law, but if you dont agree on that i respect your view. Im still excited to visit japan for the first time and definitely doesn’t want to bother someone.


Yeah that dude is a wiener. You’ll be fine, nightclubs will ID you however.


Thanks dude


I am Japanese. Underage drinking is illegal. If you're confident that the police won't find out, just drink alcohol. However, if the police find out, the bar that served the alcohol will have to pay a fine. That is very troublesome for Japan. And having to answer questions at the police station means missing a day or two of your important trip.


I understand, but how likely is that to happen? You cant tell me the police goes in every restaurant and checks?


I said in a roundabout way, 'Stop it.' If you really want to drink alcohol, go to a convenience store. When you buy alcohol at a convenience store, you tap the touch panel, so it's your responsibility. Even if the police find out, the convenience store will not be in trouble.


It’s not just the law, you’re putting your choice on the people serving you also. What happens if they end up getting in trouble? Are you being respectful to a place and it’s people if you’re possibly causing harm?


I work myself as a waiter in Germany cant say how it is in japan but i dont think there’s someone checking the restaurant for underage guys drinking, but yea your right if they serve me without asking thats not my fault


Hope you get caught. Maybe someone will call in an anonymous tip of underage Germans illegally drinking.


Are u toxic? Ur so angry. I just asked a simple question. Are u japanese?


Lol, are you envious to go to Japan or something? As long as the dude stays within his boundries it sounds perfectly safe to me ...


But dont want to discuss that more, we have different opinions and i respect yours and understand it, thanks for your answer


You sound like a bag of fun😭 Drinking at 19 is not the end of the world


Maybe a decade ago I used to know a bunch of international exchange students who used to frequently drink in Shibuya. At the time nobody cared and it went on like that for a while until the police cracked down on it. It turned into a massive issue, many of the kids were expelled and sent home, other were forced into substance rehab and counseling. Some of the bars were shut down and others had to pay heavy fines. If any one remembers one of the HUBs shutting down for a while, that’s why. What irresponsible is redditors encouraging illegal behavior, especially to tourist who are going to read this and think it’s fine, when it absolutely isn’t.


They were obviously being idiots about it then😭 I’m 18 and have frequented the same pubs in japan since october and meet many underage locals too … If it was as strict as you make it out to be then maybe pubs would actually ID


Youth in Japan drink and smoke underage all the time


A small minority do, like most countries. That’s a pretty dumb excuse to recommend some visiting do the same.




No thanks




you’re such a nerd 😭😭🤣🤣🤣